OpenTable Method (Professional Edition Only)

See AlsolanOpenTableSee                 ExamplelanOpenTableX>Low


Opens an existing table3N276AP and returns a Table object9DGMAH.


Set tableobject = dbobject.OpenTable(tablename [, options] )


The OpenTable method uses these parts:

Part                 Description


tableobject        An object variableZ3R9Q5 of type Table.

dbobject           An object variable identifying an open Database3GGA17.

tablename         String expression1330R89 that is the name of an existing table in dbobject.

options             A numeric expression indicating one or more option settings.  Values can be combined by adding them together.  See the table below.


You can use the following symbolic constants and values (from DATACONS.TXT):

Constant                         Value          Description


DB_DENYWRITE                1             In a multiuser or multitasking environment, others cannot make changes to any records in the Table while you have it open.  Use for administrative purposes only.

DB_DENYREAD                  2             In a multiuser or multitasking environment, others cannot read any records in the Table while you have it open.  Use for administrative purposes only.

DB_READONLY                  4             You cannot make changes to records in the Table.  This can increase the speed of some operations.


If you want just part of a table, you should use the CreateDynaset method to create a subset of the data.  Although records in tableobject can be ordered only according to its indexes, you can sort a Dynaset on any field.  A Dynaset can also contain fewer records than its underlying Table.  The Seek method on a Table is faster than Find methods on a Dynaset.