Attributes Property

See AlsovbproAttributesSee

Applies To

Field objectKU5EEE, TableDef objectK497U.


Indicates one or more characteristics of a Field or TableDef.  Not available at design time; read-only when the object is a member of a collection.  Read/write only in the Professional Edition with a new object not yet appended to a collection.


field | tabledef }.Attributes [ = numericexpression ]


For a Field object, the Attributes property setting can be any combination of the following:

Constant                         Value   Description


DB_FIXEDFIELD                 1      (Default for numeric) Value in the Field is fixed-length.


DB_AUTOINCRFIELD          16     Value for new records is automatically incremented by the database.  Valid only on fields of Long data type.

DB_UPDATABLEFIELD       32     Value in the Field can be changed.



For a TableDef object, the Attributes property setting can be any combination of the following:

Constant                         Value (Hex)     Description


DB_ATTACHEXCLUSIVE &H00010000    For Microsoft Access databases, indicates the table is an attached table opened for exclusive use.

DB_ATTACHSAVEPWD   &H00020000    For Microsoft Access databases, indicates the user ID and password for the source table should be saved with the linking information.

DB_SYSTEMOBJECT      &H80000002    Indicates the table is a system table.

DB_ATTACHEDTABLE    &H40000000    Indicates the table is an attached table1NY58NP from a non-ODBC database, such as Microsoft Access or Paradox.

DB_ATTACHEDODBC     &H20000000    Indicates the table is an attached table from an ODBC database, such as SQL Server or Oracle.





The field part can be a member of a Fields collection of the Recordset property of a data control, and the tabledef part can be a member of the TableDefs collection of the Database property of a data control.  In the Professional Edition, they can also be object variablesZ3R9Q5 identifying Field or TableDef objects, respectively.

When reading this property, use the And operator to test for a specific Attribute.  For example, to determine whether a Field is fixed-length, you could use this code:

If Data1.Recordset.Fields("PubID").Attributes And DB_FIELDFIXED Then...


In the Professional Edition, you can set this property only on a New TableDef object, and you can use only DB_ATTACHEXCLUSIVE and DB_ATTACHSAVEPWD.  To set both values, you can combine them by adding the values together.  Any other values are ignored without error.

Data Type
