Access Pack for Microsoft Windows

Microsoft distributes Access Pack for Microsoft Windows, which provides people with movement or hearing disabilities better access to computers running Microsoft Windows.  Access Pack for Microsoft Windows contains several features that do the following:


         Allow single-fingered typing of SHIFT, CTRL and ALT key combinations.

         Ignore accidental keystrokes.

         Adjust the rate at which a character is repeated when you hold down a key, or turn off character repeating entirely.

         Prevent extra characters if you unintentionally press a key more than once.

         Enable you to control the mouse cursor using the keyboard.

         Enable you to control the computer's keyboard and mouse using an alternate input device.

         Provide a visual cue when the computer makes sounds.


Access Pack for Microsoft Windows is included on the Microsoft Windows Driver Library in the file ACCESS.EXE.  If you have a modem, you can download Microsoft Windows Driver Library components from network services, including the following:



         Microsoft OnLine

         Various user-group bulletin boards (such as the bulletin-board services on the Association of PC User Groups network)

         Microsoft Download Service (MSDL), which you can reach by calling (206) 936-MSDL (936-6735) any time except between 1:00 A.M. and 2:30 A.M. Pacific time.  Use the following communications settings:


For this setting         Specify


Baud rate                   1200, 2400, or 9600

Parity                        None

Data bits                    8

Stop bits                    1


People within the United States who do not have a modem can order disks by calling Microsoft Product Support Services at (206) 637-7098 or (206) 635-4948 (text telephone).