Oct, Oct$ Functions

See Also32WLGX5              Example103HV52>Low

Returns text that represents the octal value of the decimal argument.




Oct returns a Variant8PHEAW3; Oct$ returns a String.

The argument number can be any numeric expression71RISN.  It is rounded to the nearest whole number before being evaluated.  An error occurs if number is a Variant of VarType7A68ZTZ 1 (Null1DDW7C0).

If the argument is an Integer or a Variant of VarType 2 (Integer) or VarType 0 (Empty1L2JEZ4), up to six octal characters are returned; if the argument is any other numeric data type or a Variant of any other type, up to 11 octal characters are returned.

You can represent octal numbers directly by preceding numbers in the proper range with &O.  For example, &O10 is the octal notation for decimal 8.

See Also

Hex, Hex$ FunctionLANHEX

Oct, Oct$ Function Example

The example uses Oct to return the octal representation of a decimal number. To try this example, paste the code into the Declarations section of a form.  Then press F5 and click the form.


Sub Form_Click ()

   Dim Msg, Num                          ' Declare variables.

   Num = InputBox("Enter a number.")     ' Get user input.

   Msg = Num & " decimal is &O"

   Msg = Msg & Oct(Num) & " in octal notation."

   MsgBox Msg                            ' Display results.

End Sub