Date: Fri, 29 Nov 1996 15:33:13 +0100 From: Henk Jonas To: Subject: AMFF-FileFormat AmigaMetaFile-Format AMFF This Format is a IFF graphics subformat: CHUNK DATA Length in Bytes -------------------------------------------- FORM AMFF 4 VERS version.reversion 8 BODY list of amf-functions: any * function-number 4 * lenght of arguments 4 in longwords * arguments length*4 Example: F O R M x x x x A M F F CHUNK lenght DATA V E R S 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 CHUNK lenght version reversion B O D Y x x x x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 F F F 7 F F F ... CHUNK lenght function length xstart ystart xend yend The following functions are defined: if you found unsupported functions in AMFF files, please skip it virtual coordinates are: 0------> x=32767 | | | V y=32767 .90 all angles are in degree and start is left and go anticlockwise 180 * ..0 all values are LONG 270 AmfFunctions: FUNCTION DESCRIPTION ARGUMENTS DrawFunctions: 0 CLEAR_REGION Fill a rectangle with xstart leftedge the BackgroundColor ystart topedge xend rightedge yend bottomedge 3 LINE Draw line xstart ystart xend yend 5 TEXT Write text x x-position y y-position alpha angle CHARS 0-terminated 6 ELLIPSE Draw ellipse x x-position of center y y-position of center xsize radius in x ysize radius in y 7 BOX Draw rectangle xstart leftedge ystart topedge xend rightedge yend bottomedge 8 FILL_ELLIPSE Draw a filled ellipse see ELLIPSE 9 FILL_BOX Draw a filled rectangle see BOX 11 POLYGON Draw a polygon x,y - pars make move to first x,y then draw to the next x,y's 12 BITMAP_PIC Paint a bitmappicture not supported yet 13 ARC Draw a elliptical arc x x-position of center y y-position of center xsize radius in x ysize radius in y alpha start angle beta end angle 14 MARK Draw marker x y 15 CURVE Draw beziercurve like x1,y1 startposition postscript-operator x2,y2 first and 'curve to' x3,y3 second holdpos x4,y4 endposition 16 FILL_POLY Draw a filled polygon see POLYGON but it closed the polygon 17 ROUNDED Draw a rounded rectangle xstart leftedge ystart topedge xend rightedge yend bottomedge 18 PIE Draw a pie. x x-position of center y y-position of center xsize radius in x ysize radius in y alpha start angle beta end angle 19 FILL_ROUNDED Draw a filled rounded xstart leftedge rectangle ystart topedge xend rightedge yend bottomedge 20 FILL_PIE Draw a filled pie. x x-position of center y y-position of center xsize radius in x ysize radius in y alpha start angle beta end angle SetFunctions: 100 FONT Like 106 but fontheight see SETFONT in metacoordinates, in metafile will SETFONT to FONT 101 SETFGPEN Set the forgroundpen r red-value |Byte repeated g green-value |in every Byte b blue-value |from ULONG 102 SETBGPEN Set the backgroundpen see forgroundpen 103 SETDRMODE Set drawmode mode 0 w/o background 1 with background 2 complement 3 invert 104 SETLINEPAT Set linepattern patnr 0 solid 1 - - - 2 -- -- 3 ..... 4 -.-.- 5 --.-- 105 SETLINEWIDTH Set linewidth size width of line 107 SETFILLPAT Set fillpattern patnr 0 solid 1 //// 2 \\\\ 3 |||| 4 ==== 5 XXXX 6 ++++ 108 SETMARKSIZE Set the size of marker size height of marker 109 SETMARKTYPE Set type of marker type 0 x 1 filled square 2 outline dreieck 3 outline square 4 o 5 + 6 outline karo 110 SETDPI Set the resolution of xdpi resolution in x output-device, only for ydpi resolution in y for channel=1 or 4 both in points per inch The initial resolution for channel1 and 4 are 72 dpi, change only if you know what you do!