A sprm is an instruction to modify one or more properties within one of the property defining data structures (CHP, PAP, TAP, SEP, or PIC). A sprm is a two-byte opcode at offset 0 which identifies the operation to be performed. If necessary information for the operation can always be expressed with a fixed length parameter, the fixed length parameter is recorded immediately after the opcode beginning at offset 2. The length of a fixed length sprm is always 2 plus the size of the sprm's parameter. If the parameter for the sprm is variable length, the count of bytes of the following parameter is stored in the byte at offset 2, followed by the parameter at offset 3.
Three sprms -- sprmPChgTabs , sprmTDefTable, and sprmTDefTable10 -- can be longer than 256 bytes. The method for calculating the length of sprmPChgTabs is recorded below with the description of the sprm. For sprmTDefTable and sprmTDefTable10, the length of the parameter plus 1 is recorded in the two bytes beginning at offset 2.
For all other variable length sprms, the total length of the sprm is the count recorded at offset 2 plus three (2 for the sprm + 1 for the count byte). The parameter immediately follows the count.
The sprm value encodes information on the size of the operand, the type of sprm (PAP, CHP, etc), and whether the sprm requires special handling (in cases where a property value isn't simply replaced).
sprm bits (0 = low) | Value | Details |
0-8 | ispmd | unique identifier within sgc group |
9 | fSpec | sprm requires special handling |
10-12 | sgc | sprm group; type of sprm (PAP, CHP, etc) |
13-15 | spra | size of sprm argument (see following table for values) |
sgc value | type of sprm |
1 | PAP |
2 | CHP |
3 | PIC |
4 | SEP |
5 | TAP |
spra value | operand size |
0 | 1 byte (operand affects 1 bit) |
1 | 1 byte |
2 | 2 bytes |
3 | 4 bytes |
4 | 2 bytes |
5 | 2 bytes |
6 | variable length -- following byte is size of operand |
7 | 3 bytes |
When parsing a grpprl, you can use the sprm's spra value to determine how many bytes are used by that sprm; it also enables you to skip over sprms you don't handle.
Unless otherwise noted, when a sprm is applied to a property the sprm's parameter changes the old value of the property in question to the value stored in the sprm parameter.
Name | sprm | Property Modified | Parameter | Parameter size | ||||||
sprmPIstd | 0x4600 | pap.istd | istd (style code) | short | ||||||
sprmPIstdPermute | 0xC601 | pap.istd | permutation vector (see below) | variable length | ||||||
sprmPIncLvl | 0x2602 | pap.istd, pap.lvl | difference between istd of base PAP and istd of PAP to be produced (see below) | byte | ||||||
sprmPJc | 0x2403 | pap.jc | jc (justification) | byte | ||||||
sprmPFSideBySide | 0x2404 | pap.fSideBySide | 0 or 1 | byte | ||||||
sprmPFKeep | 0x2405 | pap.fKeep | 0 or 1 | byte | ||||||
sprmPFKeepFollow | 0x2406 | pap.fKeepFollow | 0 or 1 | byte | ||||||
sprmPFPageBreakBefore | 0x2407 | pap.fPageBreakBefore | 0 or 1 | byte | ||||||
sprmPBrcl | 0x2408 | pap.brcl | brcl | byte | ||||||
sprmPBrcp | 0x2409 | pap.brcp | brcp | byte | ||||||
sprmPIlvl | 0x260A | pap.ilvl | ilvl | byte | ||||||
sprmPIlfo | 0x460B | pap.ilfo | ilfo (list index) | short | ||||||
sprmPFNoLineNumb | 0x240C | pap.fNoLnn | 0 or 1 | byte | ||||||
sprmPChgTabsPapx | 0xC60D | pap.itbdMac, pap.rgdxaTab, pap.rgtbd | complex - see below | variable length | ||||||
sprmPDxaRight | 0x840E | pap.dxaRight | dxa | word | ||||||
sprmPDxaLeft | 0x840F | pap.dxaLeft | dxa | word | ||||||
sprmPNest | 0x4610 | pap.dxaLeft | dxa-see below | word | ||||||
sprmPDxaLeft1 | 0x8411 | pap.dxaLeft1 | dxa | word | ||||||
sprmPDyaLine | 0x6412 | pap.lspd | an LSPD, a long word structure consisting of a short of dyaLine followed by a short of fMultLinespace - see below | long | ||||||
sprmPDyaBefore | 0xA413 | pap.dyaBefore | dya | word | ||||||
sprmPDyaAfter | 0xA414 | pap.dyaAfter | dya | word | ||||||
sprmPChgTabs | 0xC615 | pap.itbdMac, pap.rgdxaTab, pap.rgtbd | complex - see below | variable length | ||||||
sprmPFInTable | 0x2416 | pap.fInTable | 0 or 1 | byte | ||||||
sprmPFTtp | 0x2417 | pap.fTtp | 0 or 1 | byte | ||||||
sprmPDxaAbs | 0x8418 | pap.dxaAbs | dxa | word | ||||||
sprmPDyaAbs | 0x8419 | pap.dyaAbs | dya | word | ||||||
sprmPDxaWidth | 0x841A | pap.dxaWidth | dxa | word | ||||||
sprmPPc | 0x261B | pap.pcHorz, pap.pcVert | complex - see below | byte | ||||||
sprmPBrcTop10 | 0x461C | pap.brcTop | BRC10 | word | ||||||
sprmPBrcLeft10 | 0x461D | pap.brcLeft | BRC10 | word | ||||||
sprmPBrcBottom10 | 0x461E | pap.brcBottom | BRC10 | word | ||||||
sprmPBrcRight10 | 0x461F | pap.brcRight | BRC10 | word | ||||||
sprmPBrcBetween10 | 0x4620 | pap.brcBetween | BRC10 | word | ||||||
sprmPBrcBar10 | 0x4621 | pap.brcBar | BRC10 | word | ||||||
sprmPDxaFromText10 | 0x4622 | pap.dxaFromText | dxa | word | ||||||
sprmPWr | 0x2423 | pap.wr | wr (see description of PAP for definition | byte | ||||||
sprmPBrc Top | 0x6424 | pap.brcTop | BRC | long | ||||||
sprmPBrcLeft | 0x6425 | pap.brcLeft | BRC | long | ||||||
sprmPBrcBottom | 0x6426 | pap.brcBottom | BRC | long | ||||||
sprmPBrcRight | 0x6427 | pap.brcRight | BRC | long | ||||||
sprmPBrcBetween | 0x6428 | pap.brcBetween | BRC | long | ||||||
sprmPBrcBar | 0x6629 | pap.brcBar | BRC | long | ||||||
sprmPFNoAutoHyph | 0x242A | pap.fNoAutoHyph | 0 or 1 | byte | ||||||
sprmPWHeightAbs | 0x442B | pap.wHeightAbs | w | word | ||||||
sprmPDcs | 0x442C | pap.dcs | DCS | short | ||||||
sprmPShd | 0x442D | pap.shd | SHD | word | ||||||
sprmPDyaFromText | 0x842E | pap.dyaFromText | dya | word | ||||||
sprmPDxaFromText | 0x842F | pap.dxaFromText | dxa | word | ||||||
sprmPFLocked | 0x2430 | pap.fLocked | 0 or 1 | byte | ||||||
sprmPFWidowControl | 0x2431 | pap.fWidowControl | 0 or 1 | byte | ||||||
sprmPRuler | 0xC632 | variable length | ||||||||
sprmPFKinsoku | 0x2433 | pap.fKinsoku | 0 or 1 | byte | ||||||
sprmPFWordWrap | 0x2434 | pap.fWordWrap | 0 or 1 | byte | ||||||
sprmPFOverflowPunct | 0x2435 | pap.fOverflowPunct | 0 or 1 | byte | ||||||
sprmPFTopLinePunct | 0x2436 | pap.fTopLinePunct | 0 or 1 | byte | ||||||
sprmPFAutoSpaceDE | 0x2437 | pap.fAutoSpaceDE | 0 or 1 | byte | ||||||
sprmPFAutoSpaceDN | 0x2438 | pap.fAutoSpaceDN | 0 or 1 | byte | ||||||
sprmPWAlignFont | 0x4439 | pap.wAlignFont | iFa (see description of PAP for definition) | word | ||||||
sprmPFrameTextFlow | 0x443A | pap.fVertical pap.fBackward pap.fRotateFont | complex (see description of PAP for definition) | word | ||||||
sprmPISnapBaseLine | 0x243B | obsolete: not applicable in Word97 and later versions | byte | |||||||
sprmPAnld | 0xC63E | pap.anld | variable length | |||||||
sprmPPropRMark | 0xC63F | pap.fPropRMark | complex (see below) | variable length | ||||||
sprmPOutLvl | 0x2640 | pap.lvl | has no effect if pap.istd is < 1 or is > 9 | byte | ||||||
sprmPFBiDi | 0x2441 | pap.fBiDi | 0 or 1 | byte | ||||||
sprmPFNumRMIns | 0x2443 | pap.fNumRMIns | 1 or 0 | bit | ||||||
sprmPCrLf | 0x2444 | byte | ||||||||
sprmPNumRM | 0xC645 | pap.numrm | variable length | |||||||
sprmPHugePapx | 0x6645 | see below | fc in the data stream to locate the huge grpprl (see below) | long | ||||||
sprmPFUsePgsuSettings | 0x2447 | pap.fUsePgsuSettings | 1 or 0 | byte | ||||||
sprmPFAdjustRight | 0x2448 | pap.fAdjustRight | 1 or 0 | byte | ||||||
sprmCFRMarkDel | 0x0800 | chp.fRMarkDel | 1 or 0 | bit | ||||||
sprmCFRMark | 0x0801 | chp.fRMark | 1 or 0 | bit | ||||||
sprmCFFldVanish | 0x0802 | chp.fFldVanish | 1 or 0 | bit | ||||||
sprmCPicLocation | 0x6A03 | chp.fcPic and chp.fSpec | see below | variable length, length recorded is always 4 | ||||||
sprmCIbstRMark | 0x4804 | chp.ibstRMark | index into sttbRMark | short | ||||||
sprmCDttmRMark | 0x6805 | chp.dttmRMark | DTTM | long | ||||||
sprmCFData | 0x0806 | chp.fData | 1 or 0 | bit | ||||||
sprmCIdslRMark | 0x4807 | chp.idslRMReason | an index to a table of strings defined in Word 6.0 executables | short | ||||||
sprmCChs | 0xEA08 | chp.fChsDiff and chp.chse | see below | 3 bytes | ||||||
sprmCSymbol | 0x6A09 | chp.fSpec, chp.xchSym and chp.ftcSym | see below | variable length, length recorded is always 4 | ||||||
sprmCFOle2 | 0x080A | chp.fOle2 | 1 or 0 | bit | ||||||
sprmCIdCharType | 0x480B | obsolete: not applicable in Word97 and later versions | ||||||||
sprmCHighlight | 0x2A0C | chp.fHighlight, chp.icoHighlight | ico (fHighlight is set to 1 iff ico is not 0) | byte | ||||||
sprmCObjLocation | 0x680E | chp.fcObj | FC | long | ||||||
sprmCFFtcAsciSymb | 0x2A10 | |||||||||
sprmCIstd | 0x4A30 | chp.istd | istd, see styleshe |