Having found the index i of the FC in an FKP that marks the character stored in the file immediately after the paragraph's paragraph mark, it is necessary to use the word offset stored in the first byte of the fkp.rgbx[i - 1] to find the PAPX for the paragraph. Using papx.istd to index into the properties stored for the style sheet , the paragraph properties of the style are copied to a local PAP. Then the grpprl stored in the PAPX is applied to the local PAP, and papx.istd along with fkp.rgbx.phe are moved into the local PAP. The process thus far has created a PAP that describes what the paragraph properties of the paragraph were at the last full save. Now it's necessary to apply any paragraph sprms that were linked to the piece that contains the paragraph's paragraph mark. If pcd.prm.fComplex is 0, pcd.prm contains 1 sprm which should only be applied to the local PAP if it is a paragraph sprm. If pcd.prm.fComplex is 1, pcd.prm.igrpprl is the index of a grpprl in the CLX. If that grpprl contains any paragraph sprms, they should be applied to the local PAP. After applying all of the sprms for the piece, the local PAP contains the correct paragraph property values.