To determine the table properties for a table row in a complex file, scan paragraph-by-paragraph toward the end of the table row, until a paragraph is found that has pap.fTtp set to 1. This paragraph consists of a single row end character. This row end character is linked to the table properties of the row. To create the TAP for the table row, clear a local TAP to zeros. Then the PAPX for the row end character must be fetched from an FKP, and the table sprms that are stored in this PAPX must be applied to the local TAP. The process thus far has created a TAP that describes what the table properties of the table row were at the last full save. Now apply any table sprms that were linked to the piece that contains the table row's row end character. If pcd.prm.fComplex is 0, pcd.prm contains 1 sprm which should be applied to the local TAP if it is a table sprm. If pcd.prm.fComplex is 1, pcd.prm.igrpprl is the index of a grpprl in the CLX. If that grpprl contains any table sprms, apply them to the local TAP. After all of the sprms for the piece are applied, the local TAP contains the correct table property values for the table row.