To determine which section a character belongs to and what its section properties are, it is necessary to use the CP of the character to search the plcfsed for the index i of the largest CP that is less than or equal to the character's CP. plcfsed.rgcp[i] is the CP of the first character of the section and plcfsed.rgcp[i+1] is the CP of the character following the section mark that terminates the section (call it cpLim). Then retrieve plcfsed.rgsed[i]. The FC in this SED gives the location where the SEPX for the section is stored. Then create a local SEP with default section properties. If the sed.fc != 0xFFFFFFFF, then the sprms within the SEPX that is stored at offset sed.fc must be applied to the local SEP. The process thus far has created a SEP that describes what the section properties of the section at the last full save. Now apply any section sprms that were linked to the piece that contains the section's section mark. If pcd.prm.fComplex is 0, pcd.prm contains 1 sprm which should be applied to the local SEP if it is a section sprm. If pcd.prm.fComplex is 1, pcd.prm.igrpprl is the index of a grpprl in the CLX. If that grpprl contains any section sprms, they should be applied to the local SEP. After applying all of the section sprms for the piece , the local SEP contains the correct section properties.