Each version of Word, the DOP gets a little bit larger. Shown below are three different versions of the DOP: for nFib values < 103, for nFib values between 103 and 105, and for nFib values > 105.. Winword 97 and later products write files with nFib > 105. Word 6.0 for the Macintosh writes files with nFib == 103 or 104. The compatibility options (copts) section was grown (to add more compatibility options in the Tools/Options/Compatibility dialog) and copied to the end of the DOP, so for files with nFib >= 103, the first copts section should be ignored (and the analogous fields in the new copts section used instead), whereas files with nFib < 103 will have DOP's without the new copts section. See below for the addition.
b10 | b16 | field | type | size | bitfield | default value | comments | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | fFacingPages | short | :1 | 0001 | 0 | 1 when facing pages should be printed | ||||||||||||||||
fWidowControl | short | :1 | 0002 | 1 | 1 when widow control is in effect. 0 when widow control disabled. | ||||||||||||||||||
fPMHMainDoc | short | :1 | 0004 | 0 | 1 when doc is a main doc for Print Merge Helper, 0 when not; default=0 | ||||||||||||||||||
grfSuppression | short | :2 | 0018 | 0 | Default line suppression storage; 0= form letter line suppression; 1= no line suppression; default=0. No longer used. | ||||||||||||||||||
fpc | short | :2 | 0060 | 1 | footnote position code 0 print as endnotes 1 print at bottom of page 2 print immediately beneath text | ||||||||||||||||||
short | :1 | 0080 | 0 | unused | |||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | grpfIhdt | short | :8 | FF00 | 0 | No longer used. | ||||||||||||||||
2 | 2 | rncFtn | short | :2 | 0003 | 0 | restart index for footnotes 0 don't restart note numbering 1 restart for each section 2 restart for each page | ||||||||||||||||
nFtn | short | :14 | FFFC | 1 | initial footnote number for document | ||||||||||||||||||
4 | 4 | fOutlineDirtySave | short | :1 | 0001 | when 1, indicates that information in the hplcpad should be refreshed since outline has been dirtied | |||||||||||||||||
short | :7 | 00FE | reserved | ||||||||||||||||||||
5 | 5 | fOnlyMacPics | short | :1 | 0100 | when 1, Word believes all pictures recorded in the document were created on a Macintosh | |||||||||||||||||
fOnlyWinPics | short | :1 | 0200 | when 1, Word believes all pictures recorded in the document were created in Windows | |||||||||||||||||||
fLabelDoc | short | :1 | 0400 | when 1, document was created as a print merge labels document | |||||||||||||||||||
fHyphCapitals | short | :1 | 0800 | when 1, Word is allowed to hyphenate words that are capitalized. When 0, capitalized may not be hyphenated | |||||||||||||||||||
fAutoHyphen | short | :1 | 1000 | when 1, Word will hyphenate newly typed text as a background task | |||||||||||||||||||
fFormNoFields | short | :1 | 2000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
fLinkStyles | short | :1 | 4000 | when 1, Word will merge styles from its template | |||||||||||||||||||
fRevMarking | short | :1 | 8000 | when 1, Word will mark revisions as the document is edited | |||||||||||||||||||
6 | 6 | fBackup | short | :1 | 0001 | always make backup when document saved when 1. | |||||||||||||||||
fExactCWords | short | :1 | 0002 | when 1, the results of the last Word Count execution (as recorded in several DOP fields) are still exactly correct. | |||||||||||||||||||
fPagHidden | short | :1 | 0004 | when 1, hidden document contents are displayed. | |||||||||||||||||||
fPagResults | short | :1 | 0008 | when 1, field results are displayed, when 0 field codes are displayed. | |||||||||||||||||||
fLockAtn | short | :1 | 0010 | when 1, annotations are locked for editing | |||||||||||||||||||
fMirrorMargins | short | :1 | 0020 | swap margins on left/right pages when 1. | |||||||||||||||||||
short | :1 | reserved | |||||||||||||||||||||
fDfltTrueType | short | :1 | 0080 | when 1, use TrueType fonts by default (flag obeyed only when doc was created by WinWord 2.x) | |||||||||||||||||||
7 | 7 | fPagSuppressTopSpacing | short | :1 | 0100 | when 1, file created with SUPPRESSTOPSPACING=YES in win.ini. (flag obeyed only when doc was created by WinWord 2.x). | |||||||||||||||||
fProtEnabled | short | :1 | 0200 | when 1, document is protected from edit operations | |||||||||||||||||||
fDispFormFldSel | short | :1 | 0400 | when 1, restrict selections to occur only within form fields | |||||||||||||||||||
fRMView | short | :1 | 0800 | when 1, show revision markings on screen | |||||||||||||||||||
fRMPrint | short | :1 | 1000 | when 1, print revision marks when document is printed | |||||||||||||||||||
short | :1 | reserved | |||||||||||||||||||||
fLockRev | short | :1 | 4000 | when 1, the current revision marking state is locked | |||||||||||||||||||
fEmbedFonts | short | :1 | 8000 | when 1, document contains embedded TrueType fonts | |||||||||||||||||||
8 | 8 | copts.fNoTabForInd short | :1 | 0001 | compatibility option: when 1, don't add automatic tab stops for hanging indent | ||||||||||||||||||
copts.fNoSpaceRaiseLower | :1 | 0002 | compatibility option: when 1, don't add extra space for raised or lowered characters | ||||||||||||||||||||
copts.fSuppressSpbfAfterPageBreak: | :1 | 0004 | compatibility option: when 1, suppress the paragraph Space Before and Space After options after a page break | ||||||||||||||||||||
copts.fWrapTrailSpaces | :1 | 0008 | compatibility option: when 1, wrap trailing spaces at the end of a line to the next line | ||||||||||||||||||||
copts.fMapPrintTextColor | :1 | 0010 | compatibility option: when 1, print colors as black on non-color printers | ||||||||||||||||||||
copts.fNoColumnBalance | :1 | 0020 | compatibility option: when 1, don't balance columns for Continuous Section starts | ||||||||||||||||||||
copts.fConvMailMergeEsc | :1 | 0040 | |||||||||||||||||||||
copts.fSupressTopSpacing | :1 | 0080 | compatibility option: when 1, suppress extra line spacing at top of page | ||||||||||||||||||||
copts.fOrigWordTableRules | :1 | 0100 | compatibility option: when 1, combine table borders like Word 5.x for the Macintosh | ||||||||||||||||||||
copts.fTransparentMetafiles | :1 | 0200 | compatibility option: when 1, don't blank area between metafile pictures | ||||||||||||||||||||
copts.fShowBreaksInFrames | :1 | 0400 | compatibility option: when 1, show hard page or column breaks in frames | ||||||||||||||||||||
copts.fSwapBordersFacingPgs | :1 | 0800 | compatibility option: when 1, swap left and right pages on odd facing pages | ||||||||||||||||||||
F000 | reserved | ||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | A | dxaTab | uns short | 720 twips | default tab width | ||||||||||||||||||
12 | C | wSpare | uns short | ||||||||||||||||||||
14 | E | dxaHotZ | uns short | width of hyphenation hot zone measured in twips | |||||||||||||||||||
16 | 10 | cConsecHypLim | uns short | number of lines allowed to have consecutive hyphens | |||||||||||||||||||
18 | 12 | wSpare2 | uns short | reserved | |||||||||||||||||||
20 | 14 | dttmCreated | DTTM | date and time document was created | |||||||||||||||||||
24 | 18 | dttmRevised | DTTM | date and time document was last revised | |||||||||||||||||||
28 | 1C | dttmLastPrint | DTTM | date and time document was last printed | |||||||||||||||||||
32 | 20 | nRevision | int | number of times document has been revised since its creation | |||||||||||||||||||
34 | 22 | tmEdited | long | time document was last edited | |||||||||||||||||||
38 | 26 | cWords | long | count of words tallied by last Word Count execution | |||||||||||||||||||
42 | 2A | cCh | long | count of characters tallied by last Word Count execution | |||||||||||||||||||
46 | 2E | cPg | int | count of pages tallied by last Word Count execution | |||||||||||||||||||
48 | 30 | cParas | long | count of paragraphs tallied by last Word Count execution | |||||||||||||||||||
52 | 34 | rncEdn | short | :2 | 0003 | restart endnote number code 0 | don't restart endnote | numbering 1 | restart for each section 2 | restart for each page | |||||||||||||
nEdn | short | :14 | FFFC | beginning endnote number | |||||||||||||||||||
54 | 36 | epc | short | :2 | 0003 | endnote position code 0 | display endnotes at end of | section 3 | display endnotes at end of | document | |||||||||||||
nfcFtnRef | short | :4 | 003C | number format code for auto footnotes 0 | Arabic 1 | Upper case Roman 2 | Lower case Roman 3 | Upper case Letter 4 | Lower case Letter | ||||||||||||||
nfcEdnRef | short | :4 | 03C0 | number format code for auto endnotes 0 | Arabic 1 | Upper case Roman 2 | Lower case Roman 3 | Upper case Letter 4 | Lower case Letter | ||||||||||||||
fPrintFormData | short | :1 | 0400 | only print data inside of form fields | |||||||||||||||||||
fSaveFormData | short | :1 | 0800 | only save document data that is inside of a form field. | |||||||||||||||||||
fShadeFormData | short | : 1 | 1000 | shade form fields | |||||||||||||||||||
:2 | 6000 | reserved | |||||||||||||||||||||
fWCFtnEdn | short | :1 | 8000 | when 1, include footnotes and endnotes in word count | |||||||||||||||||||
56 | 38 | cLines | long | count of lines tallied by last Word Count operation | |||||||||||||||||||
60 | 3C | cWordsFtnEnd | long | count of words in footnotes and endnotes tallied by last Word Count operation | |||||||||||||||||||
64 | 40 | cChFtnEdn | long | count of characters in footnotes and endnotes tallied by last Word Count operation | |||||||||||||||||||
68 | 44 | cPgFtnEdn | short | count of pages in footnotes and endnotes tallied by last Word Count operation
70 | 46 | cParasFtnEdn | long | count of paragraphs in footnotes and endnotes tallied by last Word Count operation
74 | 4A | cLinesFtnEdn | long | count of paragraphs in footnotes and endnotes tallied by last Word Count operation | |||||||||||
78 | 4E | lKeyProtDoc | long | document protection password key, only valid if dop.fProtEnabled, dop.fLockAtn or dop.fLockRev are 1. | |||||||||||||||||||
82 | 52 | wvkSaved | short | :3 | 0007 | document view kind 0 | Normal view 1 | Outline view 2 | Page View | ||||||||||||||
wScaleSaved | short | :9 | 0FF8 | zoom percentage | |||||||||||||||||||
zkSaved | short | :2 | 3000 | zoom type 0 | None 1 | Full page 2 | Page width | ||||||||||||||||
fRotateFontW6 | short | :1 | 4000 | This is a vertical document (Word 6/95 only) | |||||||||||||||||||
iGutterPos | short | :1 | 8000 | Gutter position for this doc: 0 => side; 1 => top |
In a file with nFib < 103—for example, documents created with Word 6.0 for Windows—the DOP would end here. This DOP would have a cbDOP of 84, and a cwDOP of 42.
Files with nFib >= 103, the compatibility options (copts) section at offset 8 was copied here and expanded. Options marked "(see above)" hold the same value that the same-named field in the old copts section above had in files with nFib < 103.
For this expanded DOP, cbDOP = 88 and cwDOP = 44.
For files with nFib > 105, the DOP has a number of additional fields:
For this expanded DOP, cbDOP = 500 and cwDOP = 250.