Font Family Name (FFN)

00cbFfnM1uns char  total length of FFN - 1.
11prquns char:203pitch request
  fTrueTypeuns char:104when 1, font is a TrueType font
   uns char:108reserved
  ffuns char:370font family id
   uns char:180reserved
22wWeightshort  base weight of font
44chsuns char  character set identifier
55ixchSzAltuns char  index into ffn.szFfn to the name of the alternate font
4028xszFfnXCHAR[]  zero terminated string that records name of font. Possibly followed by a second xsz which records the name of an alternate font to use if the first named font does not exist on this system. Maximal size of xszFfn is 65 characters.