Hornet Packer format Created by Hornet / Alcatraz Analysed by Asle / ReDoX (asle@mygale.org) Source : - ProWizard Hex-dump exemple - 2 Hornet files sent by Gryzor (Thx !) Offset size (byte) Comment ------ ----------- ------- 0 14h Title *************************************** * the following is repeated 31 times * * with 30 bytes description for 1 smp * ****************************************************** * 14h 12h Sample Name * 26h 4 Sample adress (memory) * 2Ah 2 Sample Size / 2 * 2Ch 1 Finetune (0 -> F) * 2Dh 1 Volume (0 - 40h) * 2Eh 2 Loop Start / 2 * 30h 2 Loop Size / 2 * * ****************************************************** 3B6h 1 Number of pattern to play 3B7h 1 7Fh (set that way for some OLD NoiseTracker replayers ) 3B8h 80h pattern table 438h 3 "HNT!" ID string 43Ch ? Pattern datas. each pattern takes 400h bytes row 00 | channel 1 | channel 2 | channel 3 | channel 4 | row 01 | channel 1 | channel 2 | channel 3 | channel 4 | ... row 63 | channel 1 | channel 2 | channel 3 | channel 4 | each channel is coded that way : 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 \ / \ / | \ / \ / sample relative | effect effect number note unused value *2 ! number relative note number (PTK): C-1 to B-1 : 856,808,762,720,678,640,604,570,538,508,480,453 C-2 to B-2 : 428,404,381,360,339,320,302,285,269,254,240,226 C-3 to B-3 : 214,202,190,180,170,160,151,143,135,127,120,113 becomes (HNT): C-1 to B-1 : 02,04,06,08,0a,0c,0e,10,12,14,16,18 C-2 to B-2 : 1a,1c,1e,20,22,24,26,28,2a,2c,2e,30 C-3 to B-3 : 32,34,36,38,3a,3c,3e,40,42,44,46,48 Follows Sample datas stored like ProTracker. Nothing is packed..