Winamp Links File (Updated For Version 2) ------------------- Best viewed via Dos ------------------- This file is actually a puny model of creating files but if you couldn't get how its built (and i don't know how you weren't able to), here's it for you: First of all, the file must be named 'winamp.lks' and placed in the winamp dir. Then there are four parts to the file: 1. The header: the header is a scentence announcing which version of links file it is. use only v1.0. e.g.: Winamp Links File v1.0. 2. Folders: every folder is named a _Sub_ and has a name. e.g.: Sub MyFolder. a folder is closed with an _EndSub_ command that has a comment on the folder itself. e.g.: EndSub ; myfolder 3. Items: between _Sub_ and _EndSub_ commands come the items. these are the actual links to the sites. e.g.: Item That place. The _Item_ command openes a new link, the address is the link location and the last part is the text shown on the link. 4. The Footer: the _EndFile_ command is the command that closes the file's input to the links list. e.g.: EndFile. An example of a file: --------------------- Winamp Links File v1.0 Sub My Folder Item Winamp's Site Item EndSub ; myfolder EndFile Will show the following list: ----------------------------- My Folder à Winamp's Site À Omer van Kloeten (c) 1999 The author is not responsible for the stupid file structures. Blame the authors of the programs...