<.M8 file format> BYTES NAME DESCRIPTION ============================================== 4 Version version 2 is Heretic2 32 File Name byte string of directory and file name 4[16] Width width of images 4[16] Height height of images 4[16] Offset file image offsets for image data 32 Animation Name name of next frame in animation chain 768 Palette bpp RGB (palette format is the same as pcx ver 5) 4 Flags texture flags 4 Contents I don't know :O 4 Value I don't know :P Image data starts at offset 1040 I'm not sure but I think it may be possible to create animated skins for Heretic2 skins. Just make the "Animation Name" equal the next skins name. At the end of the animation just make the "Animation Name" equal the first skin name of the animation. Then again maybe not. I know that Quake textures are treated like that. Just a thought. :)