===================== COLONIZATION AMER2.MP MAP FILE ===================== FENRISULV, 31/07/2001 ===================== The file consists of a header and three submaps. The header is six bytes long. The submaps are of size map_width * * map_height. Map dimensions are given in the header. Colonization default is 58 * 72 squares. The edge squares are hidden from the player, so playarea is 56 * 70 squares. Of the three submaps, the first seems to be the only one of any importance - it stores all the terrain data. The second submap is filled with zeroes and the third one stores all lakes and islands on the map. Special resource squares are placed randomly. The Indian tribes appear in the same area in every game, but their camps/cities are placed randomly inside this area. Here is the table for terrain values (might prove to be very inaccurate). One nibble = 4 bits (half byte). One byte represents one map square. ------------------------------ First Second Description nibble nibble ------------------------------ 0 x ORIGINAL TERRAIN 0 Tundra 1 Desert 2 Plains 3 Prairie 4 Grassland 5 Savannah 6 Marsh 7 Swamp 8 Boreal Forest (same as 10h) 9 Scrub Forest (same as 11h) A Mixed Forest (same as 12h) B Broadleaf Forest (same as 13h) C Conifer Forest (same as 14h) D Tropical Forest (same as 15h) E Wetland Forest (same as 16h) F Rain Forest (same as 17h) 1 x FOREST, if used with 0 - 7 of Original Terrain 9 Water A Sea Lane (e.g. 11h is forest + desert, i.e. scrub forest, but 19h is water) 2 x HILLS, if used with 0 - 7 of Original Terrain (e.g. 24h is Hills landscape on Grassland texture) 4,5 x MINOR RIVER, if used with 0-F of Original Terrain (e.g. 4Dh is a minor river flowing through a Tropical Forest. A x MOUNTAINS, if used with 0 - 7 of Original Terrain (e.g. 5Ah is Mountains landscape on Savannah texture) C,D x MAJOR RIVER, if used with 0-F of Original Terrain (e.g. CFh is a major river flowing through a Rain Forest. Note: D seems to be used with 9 - C9h would be river + + scrub forest, but D9h is river + ocean, i.e. where the river flows into the ocean. [fenrisulv@hot.ee] [eof] *** *** *** ========================= SETTLERS 2 (GOLD EDITION) MAP FILES, V1.1 ========================= FENRISULV, 21/07/2001 ========================= fenrisulv@hot.ee ========================= [FORMAT DESCRIPTION] ---------------------------------------- OFFSET LEN DT DESC ---------------------------------------- 0 10 $ ID "WORLD_V1.0" 10 18 $ Map name 28 2 ? ??? 30 2 W Map width 32 2 W Map height 34 1 B Always zero ? 35 1 B GFX set 36 20 $ Creator name 56 2296 ? ??? 2352 1040 B Altitudemap 3392 1040 B Terrainmap 1 4432 1040 B Terrainmap 2 5472 1040 B Roadmap 6512 1040 B Landscapemap 7552 1040 B Typemap 8592 1040 B Animalmap 9632 1040 ? ??? (00) 10672 1040 B Buildingmap 11712 1040 ? ??? (07) 12752 1040 B ??? (00) 13792 1040 B Resourcemap 14832 1040 B Shadowmap 15872 1040 B Lakemap All offsets given for 32*32 maps, in decimal. All submaps consist of a 16-byte header chunk and map_width * map_height size data chunk. The editor doesn't use some sub-maps. They might be used by the game during playing (e.g. storing locations of buildings). This document is entirely based on my own research and the some of the data here may prove inaccurate or worse, totally wrong. You've been warned. [APPENDIX A - SUBMAPS] Appendix A gives descriptions of the purpose of different submaps and supplies tables for used values and their interpretation by the game. All values here are hexadecimal. This map stores the altitude of every square. A0 is sea level. If x < A0, ground is below sea level, if x > A0, ground is above sea level. Terrainmaps store values, which show the gfx to use for every triangle. Triangle is half of a map square (see appendix B). The first terrainmap contains data for every triangle-1, the second for every triangle-2. The table lists terraingfx values for greenland. ----------------- Value Description ----------------- 00 Savannah 01 Mountain 02 Snow 03 Swamp 04 Desert 05 Water 08 Meadow 09 Meadow 0A Meadow 0B Mountain 0C Mountain 0D Mountain 0E Steppe 0F Meadow (Flowers) 10 Lava 12 Meadow (Mountain) Roadmap seems to hold the locations of roads. Although, it's never used by the editor. The following table lists values for roads of different types and directions. You can add these to get mixed road types and directions. --------------------- Dir Road Donkey Water --------------------- - 01 02 0C \ 04 08 30 / 10 20 B0 Example: You want a regular west-east road and a NE-SW waterway to begin at the same point. So you take 01 (road) and B0 (waterway) and get B1. This map stores all trees and landscape objects (granite, dead trees, mushrooms, etc.) Corresponding typemap value is C8, unless noted otherwise. Pay attention to 16h - this is the Gateway and it gives a cool effect when added to some special place on the map. ------------------------ Value Description ------------------------ 00-01, 22 Fungi 00-06 Player startpos, only if typemap value is 80 01-06 Granite, only if typemap value is CC or CD 02-04 Stones 05-06 Dead Tree 07-08 Skeletons 0A, 10-12 Bushes 0C-0D Cactus 0E-0F, 13-14 Shrubs 16 Gateway 26-27 Pebbles Typemap stores the type of the landscape object at its location (if any). ------------------------ Value Description ------------------------ 80 Player startpos C4 Trees (1-4) C5 Trees (5-8) C6 Tree 9 C8 Regular landscape object CC Granite CD Granite Animalmap stores all the animals in the map. The given table is probably not final, there are some animals that cannot be added with the original editor. ------------------------ Value Description ------------------------ 01 Duck 02 Fox 03 Stag 04 Deer 05 Duck 06 Sheep ?? Polar bear The buildingmap stores all possible construction locations and their quality. ------------------------ Value Description ------------------------ 01 Flag 02 Hut 03 House 04 Castle 04 Port (I don't know how the game differentiates a castle and a port.) 05 Mine 09 Landing flag 0D Mine 68 Construction possible, but something is in the way (e.g. a tree) 78 No construction This map stores all underground resource locations, except water, which is generated randomly. ------------------------ Value Description ------------------------ 20 Land 21 Land 40-47 Coal (41 = smallest quantity, 47=biggest quantity) 48-4F Iron 50-57 Gold 58-5F Granite 87 Land - water line The shadowmap is used to store shadowed and highlighted areas on map; 40 = normal. This map seems to be used for numbering inland lakes. Every lake has its number and the lake's water squares are all marked with this number. 01 is used for land. Although, if you look at some in-game maps, this submap does not look like that at all and it may be used for other purposes. [APPENDIX B - SETTLERS 2 TERRAIN SYSTEM] (0,0) (1,0) +------------+ <--------+ \ /\ | TRIANGLE 1 \ / \ | \ / \ | A SQUARE \ / \ | \ / \ TRIANGLE 2 | \ / \ | +------------+ <-------+ (0,1) (1,1) [fenrisulv@hot.ee] [eof] -Fenrisulv [EOF]