MosASCII Graphics Library Format (MGL) 1.0A Written by Robert DeFusco This document contains information about the MosASCII Graphics Library file format. The extension for a MosASCII Graphics Library file is *.MGL OVERVIEW --------- MosASCII Graphics Library files are used by the Graphics Library feature in MosASCII. Early versions of MosASCII had directories full of images which were used for the graphics library. To make the system more efficient, the MGL file was created. An MGL file contains 1 or more images, and information about the image (file name). The file is compressed, and therefore is far superior to the earlier method. MGL FORMAT OVERVIEW ------------------- MGL11 (HEADER ID, 5 BYTE) COMPRESSED DATA (ANY SIZE) HEADER ID --------- MGL file headers start with "MGL", then are followed by the 2 digit version of the format. The header ID must be 5 bytes. MGL11 = Version 1.1 Version information must be stored in the format #.#, minus the decimal. Therefore 1.0 = 10, and 2.5 = 25 COMPRESSED DATA --------------- The compressed data in an MGL file is compressed using the Catalyst File Encoding ActiveX Control, CSFED32.OCX. READING THE FILE ---------------- You must first read the header. If bytes 1,2,3 are not M,G,L the file is invalid. Next you must load the version information, this is used for compatibility with older versions of MosASCII. EXAMPLE CODE (BASIC) Dim sMGLHeader As String * 5 Dim F as Variant F = FreeFile Open sFileName For Binary Access Read As F Get #F, , sMGLHeader Close F sMGLHeader = Trim(sMGLHeader) If Left(sMGLHeader, 3) = "MGL" Then Dim lVersion As Long lVersion = CLng(Right(sMGLHeader, Len(sMGLHeader) - 3)) If lVersion < 10 Then MsgBox "This MGL file contains a 5K image limit!" If lVersion > 11 Then MsgBox "This MGL file contains a 45K image limit!" Else MsgBox "Invalid MGL File!" End If To load the compressed data, simply go from byte 6 to EOF, then write that data to a temporary file. Pass this file location to the CSFED32.OCX ExpandFile function. EXAMPLE CODE (BASIC) Open sFileName For Binary Access Read As F sTheData = Input(LOF(F), #F) Close F sTheNewData = Right(sTheData, Len(sTheData) - 5) Open "temp.000" For Output As F Print #F, sTheNewData Close F Call FileEncoder1.ExpandFile("temp.000", "temp.001") Kill "temp.000" ' first temp file (contained compressed data) is no longer needed Open "temp.001" For Binary Access Read As F sTheData = Input(LOF(F), #F) Close F Kill "temp.001" ' second temp file (contained uncompressed data) is no longer needed For i = 1 To Len(sTheData) ' Count MGL-FS: headers, and new line characters. Used for the data array If Mid(sTheData, i, 2) = vbCrLf Then iNewLine = iNewLine + 1 If Mid(sTheData, i, 7) = "MGL-FS:" Then iMGLFS = iMGLFS + 1 Next i ReDim sDataArray(iNewLine) ReDim sMGLFArray(iMGLFS) sDataArray = Split(sTheData, vbCrLf) On Error Resume Next For i = 0 To iNewLine If Mid(sDataArray(i), 1, 7) = "MGL-FS:" Then sMGLFInfo = Right(sDataArray(i), Len(sDataArray(i)) - 7) sMGLFNArray = Split(sMGLFInfo, "|") iDLen = iDLen + Len(sMGLFInfo) + 7 + 2 sImageData = Mid(sTheData, iDLen + 1, sMGLFNArray(1)) iDLen = iDLen + Len(sBlah) + 2 Open sMGLFNArray(0) For Output As F Print #F, sImageData Close F End If Next i You will now have extracted all image files in the MGL archive. EXAMPLE COMPRESSED MGL FILE MGL11[compressed binary data] EXAMPLE UNCOMPRESSED MGL FILE MGL-FS:File1.bmp|1024 [1024 BYTES OF DATA] MGL-FS:File2.bmp|2054 [2054 BYTES OF DATA] MGL-FS:File3.bmp|4024 [4024 BYTES OF DATA] [NEW LINE] NOTES ----- All the code above was written for this document and may not be the optimal way to read an MGL file. The code may have bugs, or may not function at all, it should only be used as an example to help you write your own loading code. This document should also help you create MGL files, simply create the raw data, then compress it with CSFED32.OCX, and append it a valid MGL header. * IMPORTANT VERSION INFORMATION * MGL 1.0 - FIRST DRAFT MGL 1.1 - 45K IMAGE SIZE LIMIT 1.1 ----------- MOSASCII BETA 5 AND NEWER HAVE 45K IMAGE SIZE LIMIT MosASCII Beta 5 increased the image size limit from the previous (beta 4), 4K limit, to a larger 45K limit. Loading MGL 1.1 files in MosASCII Beta 4 or older may cause problems. Loading MGL 1.0 files in MosASCII Beta 5 or higher should not cause any problems. 1.0 ISSUES ----------- FIRST RELEASE MGL 1.0 (MGL10) is compatible with MosASCII Beta 4 and higher. * Since MosASCII Beta 4 has been phased out, Please upgrade to 1.1 to support the larger image file size limit * The first PUBLIC release of MosASCII to contain MosASCII Graphics Library support is version 1.0.131 DOCUMENTATION BY Robert DeFusco MosASCII is Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Robert DeFusco Questions/Comments can be sent to LAST MODIFIED: 11:31 PM 12/30/2001 #EOF#