Incorporating the AIHW National Injury Surveillance Unit |
11/11/2010 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Specification for Injury Surveillance Data Exchange
OverviewThe purpose of this specification is to provide a standard file format for the exchange of injury surveillance data which conforms to the NDSIS. It does not advise on the format for coding within individual software applications, nor does it provide the means to map coding internal to particular implementations to that of the standard format. Such issues are the responsibility of individual users.Data File FormatTo enable compatibility with the many operating systems and applications used for collection of data, NDSIS data sets for exchange should consist of items in Delimited ASCII format, in which each field is enclosed in double quotes (eg. "8109"), fields are separated by a comma (eg. "8109","6") and each record is separated by a Carriage Return and Line Feed. (ie. ASCII 0D Hex, 0A Hex)Delimited ASCII has been chosen in preference to fixed format ASCII, mainly because of case to case variation in the length of the narrative text field. Data Item Formats and SequenceData items should be exported in the format and sequence as specified in Table A3.1. To ensure commonality between files, fields 1 to 31 must be included regardless of whether or not the item has been collected.Null values (ie fields that are empty, because they are not in use, because data have been lost, or because data were not collected) should be indicated with a single period (ie "."; ASCII 2E Hex.) Optional Supplementary Items and ClassificationsThe injury surveillance data set allows for the optional collection of supplementary data items. To accommodate the various categories and combinations of items which may be collected, supplementary items should be included as pairs of fields at the end of each record. In each pair, the first field contains the name of the data item (eg "Type of task", "Make of vehicle") and the second contains data (eg "17", "VN Commodore").Example: An injury surveillance group using NDS-IS might decide to collect data on the injured person's seating position within a vehicle (coded as in the Injury Surveillance Information System), and the model of that vehicle (recorded as text), in addition to standard NDS-IS items. These items could be added to the NDS-IS data exchange file as follows:
Table A3.1 Data Exchange File Format
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