Created: 10/02/03 Last Update: 07/15/05 Current Versions: MSQIC.exe 1.11 NTBKUP.exe 1.07
Beginning in 2004 the amount of email I recieve on this subject has decreased. I suspect most people who might get burned by these 'great' MS applications have resolved their problems. I am happy to give anyone a couple of free support emails. I have also charged a few people for extracting files from, or 'fixing' corrupted backup files. In general this has worked well, and I include some acknowledgements, however I've also been stiffed for several days work so if you need something like this I now have a money in front policy.
I also spend half my time at the end of a dirt road with a slow telephone link.
Please to not send large attachements without discussing it in advance. Recently
a well intentioned user sent me some *.jpg screen images of his output, this would
have been painful if I had been on the dirt road when I recieved them.
End of Rant
I took a look at Win32 Backup Programs after coming across a FreeDos project. The project page above says there were several incompatible MSDOS versions of BACKUP. Apparently none of these are compatible with the Win32 programs described below, and worse I currently know of three mutually incompatible Win32 backup programs: NT, XP, and Win 2000 use NTBackup while Win95 and Win98 used different versions of MSBackup. By default NTBackup produces a *.BKF file and both versions of MSBackup produce *.QIC files, but the *.QIC internals are sufficiently different that these files can only be used with the program with which they were created. Thanks again guys, that's real helpful in a backup program!
If one does a search for 'QIC Data Recovery' you will find a number of
people have backed up their Win9x data, and installed a newer OS, ie XP
or Win 98, only to find they can't restore the data without going back to the
older OS. My MSQIC attempts to solve this problem.
I found a third party
which discusses Win9x vs WinXP MSBackUp incompatibility.
Note: sorry I believe the URL above is correct, but sometimes it redirects
for some reason. If above doesn' take you to 'Quarter-Inch Cartridge'
go to 'Q' in the index, then pick QIC.
Also a review
which may be of interest and is definately a fun read.
I couldn't resist looking at the more recent NTBackup issues and also created a program that will restore files from these archives. It turns out both my programs are useful for data recovery. Apparently passing one of these backup archives around a network can cause minnor corruption such that even the originating program no longer recognizes the file, yet my more simplistic approaches are perfectly happy recovering the data.
Additional information is available from Microsoft which confirms the NTBackUp incompatibility with Win32 *.QIC formats. It seems odd, but this Microsoft Knowledge Base article seems to say the NT and XP versions of NTBackUp are different. Apparently none of the new NTBackUp programs support QIC tapes as the Win9x versions did. The NTBackUp version that comes with XP (but not NT) can read an uncompressed *.QIC file image. The Microsoft article says NTBackUp uses a different file compression algorithm. So if you compressed your archive or are running NT, Microsoft can't help you. Another third party article about XP Home edition suggests it is not so easy to find or install NTBackUp if you don't have the Professional edition.(Search for NTBackUp on page above to find the relevant section)
The general solution for recovering data from a *.QIC archive seems to be you should take the file to a Win9x machine running the OS the archive was created with and use its standard MSBackUp program if you despreately need to recover the older archive. This is not bad advise, just not very convenient.
I have not been trapped by this problem. I either backup the original files to CDROM, or use a Unix compatible TAR program whose format hasn't change significantly in something like 20 years. However I was curious about the data file format and I did the exploration described below. At this time I understand the general layout of both *.QIC and *.BKF files. I only know how to decompress *.QIC files. As of 2004 I'm making both executable versions and source code available under the GNU Public License. Binary distributions for MSDOS, WIN32, and Linux are now freely available. However I still ask that you give me feedback so I can improve these programs (ie fix bugs!).
I don't imagine there will be a lot of interest in this, but if you have gotten this far and are interested please send me a note. I'd be interested in looking at your sample archive data if these programs do not work properly. In particular I do not have either WinXP nor NT so I can not create my own *.BKF archives. People have sent me several small uncompressed *.BKF archives as samples that I've used to verify this work. Please DO NOT send large files without checking, I don't always have a high speed connection nor a lot of disk space. Its apparently not possible to activate the compression option when backing up to a file, and I only deal with *.BKF files.
Microsoft Backup Version 4.10.1397 Distributed by: Seagate Software, Inc. Copyright 1998 Seagate Software, Inc. All rights reservedNote after about 10 days looking at this WinME format, I find differences between it and my Win95 BackUp programs *.qic files. The major and minor version numbers from the VTBL header from the WinME program in the *.qic files discussed below are 0x5341 and 0x49.
The Win9x version of MSBackUp clearly has some relationship to the QIC format specifications which are available on-line. I'd done some work on this previously as I have some QIC80 tape drives. However I quickly found the MSBackUp *.qic file format is significantly different. I am using the structure definitions below to attempt to describe what I have learned regarding the *.qic file format. See the msqic.h file in the source code archive for the most recent information.
typedef unsigned char BYTE; typedef unsigned short WORD; typedef unsigned long DWORD; // from pp9 of QIC113G, struct qic_vtbl { BYTE tag[4]; // should be 'VTBL' DWORD nseg; // # of logical segments char desc[44]; DWORD date; // date and time created BYTE flag; // bitmap BYTE seq; // multi catridge sequence # WORD rev_major,rev_minor; // revision numberrs BYTE vres[14]; // reserved for vendor extensions DWORD start,end; // physical QFA block numbers, in WIN98 and WINME // these point to start volume data and dir segments BYTE passwd[8]; // if not used, start with a 0 byte DWORD dirSz, // size of file set directory region in bytes dataSz[2]; // total size of data region in bytes BYTE OSver[2]; // major and minor # BYTE sdrv[16]; // source drive volume lable BYTE ldev, // logical dev file set originated from res, // should be 0 comp, // compression bitmap, 0 if not used OStype, res2[2]; // more reserved stuff }; /* If its a compressed volume there will be cseg_head records ahead of each segment (in both catalog and data segments). The first immediately follows the Volume Table area For the sake of argument, lets assume per QIC133 segments are supposed to be < 32K, ie seg_sz high order bit isn't required. Its used as a flag bit, set to indicate raw data. IE do not decompress this segment. Use seg_sz to jump to the next segment header. */ #define SEG_SZ 0x7400 // Segment Size = blocking factor for *.QIC file #define RAW_SEG 0x8000 // flag for a raw data segment struct cseg_head { DWORD cum_sz, // cumlative uncompressed bytes preceeding this segment cum_sz_hi;// normally zero. High order DWORD of above for > 4Gb WORD seg_sz; // physical bytes in this segment, offset to next header // typically 40% -50% of bytes which will be decompressed }; // see section 7.1.3 of QIC 113 Spec for directory info, does not match below // DATA_SIG only if in data region struct ms_dir_fixed { WORD rec_len; // only valid in dir set DWORD ndx[2]; // thought this was quad word pointer to data? apparently not // ndx[0] varies, ndx[1] = 0, was unknow[8] // in data section always seems to be 0xffffffff WORD path_len, // @ 0xA # path chars, exits in catalog and data section // however path chars only present in data section unknww1; // 0xA always? BYTE flag; // flag bytes WORD unknww2; // 0x7 always? DWORD file_len; // @ 0x11 # bytes in original file BYTE unknwb1[20], // was flags[0x18] but attrib at flags[20] attrib, unknwb2[3]; DWORD c_datetime, // created unknwl1, // always 0xFFFFFFFF? a_datetime, // accessed unknwl2, // always 0xFFFFFFFF? m_datetime, // modified, as shown in DOS unknwl3; // so can be expanded? always 0xFFFFFFFF? WORD nm_len; // length of the long variable length name }; // var length name, case sensitive, unicode struct ms_dir_fixed2 { BYTE unkwn1[13]; // was [0x15]; this region fairly constant DWORD var1; // these vars change file to file DWORD var2; WORD nm_len; // length of 2nd, short ie DOS, variable length name }; // var length name, always upper case => DOS, unicode // if in data region path follows, not in directory set // var length path per ms_dir_fixed.path_len, unicode // BOTH ms_dir_fix* structures must be packed! /* Bitmap defines for flags below seem to work with my current ms_dir_fixed.flag don't seem to match QIC113G Note there are a LOT of undefined bits below. Wonder what they might be? */ #define SUBDIR 0x1 // this is a directory entry, not a file #define EMPTYDIR 0x2 // this marks an empty sub-directory #define DIRLAST 0x8 // last entry in this directory #define DIREND 0x30 // last entry in entire volume directory #define DAT_SIG 0x33CC33CCL // signature at start of Data Segment #define EDAT_SIG 0x66996699L // just before start of data file /* EDAT_SIG is immediately followed by a WORD before the actual data stream starts. No idea what this is, in my sample files its been 0x7. I ignore it */ #define BASEYR 1970 // uses unix base year and elapsed seconds in timeStarting from the top, the file begins with a standard QIC113 volume table per struct qic_vtbl. There is at least one VTBL tag entry followed by a second Microsoft specific MDID tag and data block to terminate the volume table. Most of the fields conform to the QIC specification, however bit 5 of the flag byte is not set although the directory set does seem to follow the data region. I'm not clear if the size fields conform or not (can't tell from my reading of the spec). dataSz looks like the number of uncompressed bytes used for the data region. dirSz is the number of bytes from the start of the directory to the end of the file. The volume table header area normally contains 256 bytes, one VTBL region and one MDID region. However if multiple drives are contained in the archive there is one VTBL for each drive. In a compressed volume these records are immediately followed by 10 bytes for the first struct cseg_head.
Note to find the beginning of the data or directory (catalog) segements use the qic_vtbl start and end fields. Subtracting 3 from each of these produces the number of SEG_SZ segments before the start of the data. Ie a value of 3 implies data starts immediately after the MDID region. See also the discussion of how this is done for WIN95 archives. The WIN95 logic works for single volume WIN98 and WINME archives. Following this header region where entries have a 128 byte block size, the remainder of the file is broken up into segments of 0x7400 bytes (SEG_SZ). All Win98/ME archives I've seen do not compress the 1st segment, nor the catalog segment(s), thus these files will always be at least 59648 bytes long. Data compression is discussed in detail later, but is done on a segment by segment basis.
The first data region segment immediately follows the VTBL header region. In a compressed volume the sum of the bytes in the VTBL header region + dataSz generally takes one well past EOF, ie dataSz always represents the uncompressed data length. Without compression, for my sample files, the VTBL header region size + dataSz falls significantly short of the beginning of the directory set because the last segment is rarely full. In Win98/ME the dirSz is the physical size of the segment(s), but in Win95 it is the amount of space used in the segment(s).
The time stamps MSQIC displays for the individual files in the archive look correct. However the time stamp for the VTBL creation time, data, was off by two years into the future. I added a corrective fudge factor, but its odd. In the process of trying to figure out this time stamp issue and address why MSBackUp won't recognize my output files, I looked at the second volume table region with tag = 'MDID'. A sample dump follows:
00080: 4D 44 49 44 4D 65 64 69 75 6D 49 44 34 35 37 33 |MDIDMediumID4573 00090: 38 31 33 31 39 30 30 38 35 30 36 38 37 37 34 B0 |813190085068774. 000A0: 56 52 30 31 30 30 B0 43 53 42 36 44 37 B0 46 4D |VR0100.CSB6D7.FM 000B0: 32 B0 55 4C 64 6F 68 65 6C 70 2D 74 73 74 B0 44 |2.ULdohelp-tst.D 000C0: 54 33 46 37 39 37 32 44 44 B0 FF FD FE F0 B0 00 |T3F7972DD....... 000D0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................ 000E0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................ 000F0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................It appears to be a series of id tags followed by ascii strings, except that the string terminator is 0xB0. My best guess at the id tags is as follows:
Tag used as MDID - vtbl tag MediumID - unique 19 decimal digits for identification VR - version? always 0100 CS - ? followed by 4 hex bytes FM - ? always followed by '2'? format? UL - user label, ascii input string DT - datetime of archive creation as 8 hex bytesThe DT string seems to be in the same format as the file time stamps. It matches the time stamp of the archive file within +/- 10 hours. The difference is still puzzling, but much closer than the VTBL.datetime. Possibly just a timezone issue? The CS tag is a puzzle, it varies without any logic I can determine. Nor can I figure out how the Unique MediumID value is generated. Either of these could be the problem in getting MSBackUp to recognize my files, but I just don't get it.
Each directory entry contains two or more variable length strings. The general format is similar to the QIC113 specification but the internal structure is significantly different as indicated by my ms_dir_fix* structures above. Every field with a name starting with 'unknw' has an unknown function, ie I have a significant amount to learn! But the ones I do understand should be enough to reconstruct a file at its original location. The directory contains repeats of the following:
{ struct ms_dir_fixed, variable length long file name, struct ms_dir_fixed2, variable length short (MSDOS) file name, a path string (may be empty) }The discussion below relates to how this information is arranged in the directory (catalog) region of the file. As mentioned its slightly different in the data region of the file where it is duplicated. The first field, rec_len, in ms_dir_fixed, is the length of the entire variable length block so one can read the entire thing or break the read up into segments. ms_dir_fixed contains most of the key file information and is followed by the long filename. This is in turn followed by ms_dir_fixed2 and the MSDOS 8.3 format sort file name. Both structures contain a nm_len field which is the number of data bytes in the variable length string which immediately follows the structure. This length field may be zero as it seems to be for the root directory. The names appear to be in unicode, in my samples every second byte in the name is zero. They are not NUL terminated. As indicated in the structure definition above, the path string at the end only exists in the data region, not the catalog region. path_len may also be zero representing an empty string.
The key data is in the ms_dir_fixed structure. Its flag field is a bitmap which uses the defines {SUBDIR,LASTDIR,ENDDIR} above. The meaning is consistent with the QIC113 specification, but the bit values are different. As indicated in the structure definition the file length, time stamps {creation, modification, last access}, and file attributes have been identified. The attribute byte matches the standard MSDOS attributes. The names in the directory listing appear to be in alphbetic sorted order (case sensitive) based on the long file name for each subdirectoy containing a file. I have not yet identified the link from the directory to the individual files in the data section. However the order in the directory set seems to match the order in the data region. Ie one can determine the files location in the data region by an appropriate summation of the file and header bytes. Also note that a compressed archive file has struct cseg_head records embedded in its directory region even though the region is not compressed (the RAW_SEG bit is set in the seg_sz field).
The structure of the data region is similar, but each entry additionally contains the DAT_SIG and EDAT_SIG signature fields and if the entry represents a file rather than a directory is followed by the file data. Per the comment following EDAT_SIG above, there is also a WORD value between the EDAT_SIG and file data that I ignore. Note there is more information in the directory set fields than the data set fields for equivant structures. My guess is that additional information is added as the file is opened and read. Then MSBackUp updates the structures and writes them to the directory set (the catalog in MSBackUp terms). In particluar for Win98/ME the first 10 bytes of the ms_fixed_dir are always 0xFF. Therefore if one were to attempt to directly parse the data set regions (ie for emergency recovery per msqic -x) the rec_len and ndx[] fields are not valid. Also as mentioned above, the data region is the only place the data path string occurs, when looking at the directory set region one must generate the path from preceeding subdir entries.
I had someone point out that MSBACKUP *.qic files can span multiple volumes of media. The person I talked to had 3 Zip disks in a single archive. I have duplicated this behavior with floppy disks. I only tried it once, and created an archive that filled the 1st floppy and spilled over onto a 2nd. There as a *.qic file on each that was consistent, ie MSQIC recognized them. The first had the flags set indicating "Volume spans multiple cartidges" and the second did not. The catalog for the first only included the files that were in the archive on that disk. The catalog for the second included all the files in both archive files. It is not apparent to me how one would know which of the files in this catalog were on the prior disk. Again one expects this information to be in some of the fields I don't understand, but I have no idea where!
For that matter, I expect a linkage from the catalog to the data region, but just don't see it. There are a number of fields in the struct ms_dir_fixed that I do not understand, but nothing jumps out at me regarding this linkage.
The major and minor version numbers from the VTBL header from my Win95 program are 0x71 and 0x6. The about box for the Win95 program displays:
Microsoft (R) Backup Windows 95 Developed by Colorado Memory Systems a division of Hewlett-Packard corporationIn General the Win98 structures described above are valid, but they are arranged slightly differently. The data section starts immediately after the first and only 128 byte VTBL record. There is no VTBL record tagged MDID. If there are multiple drives in the backup, they are all in the same VTBL section with different subtrees for the different volumes. The lack of an MDID record is probably sufficient reason for the Win98/ME version to reject the Win95 data, but I found a couple other small differences. The segment compression algorithm seems a little different in that all data segments are compressed and the RAW_SEG flag never occurs in the data section of a Win95 archive (at least it wasn't in the one file I looked at...). The Win95 data section format includes 18 extra bytes (3 pairs of the EDAT_SIG each followed by one WORD) after a subdirectory, and 12 extra bytes (2 of the 3 subdir groups) after a file's data. Although the format of the catalog directory entries is the same, the Win95 program names the root node(s) by volume lable and drive letter while WinME leaves the root name empty and has a different VTBL for each volume.
The value of VTBL.dirSz is also different. For Win95 its seems to be the actual size of the directory data in the directory segment. In the WinME archives dirSz was the offset back into the file from EOF to the start of the directory data. In WIN95 VTBL.end field does not point to the first directory segment and the dirSz field is the number of actual bytes used by the directory rather than the total number of bytes in the directory segments. The following algorithm is used to find the directory data in WIN95 archives, and also works for a later WIN98 and WINME archives which only contains a signle volume (one VTBL entry) and therefore only have one catalog region.
If archive is NOT compressed sz = 29696 = SEG_SZ else sz = 29686 (leave space for a cseg_head) cnt = VTBL.dirSz/sz if(VTBL.dirSZ % sz) cnt = cnt + 1 (increment if there is a remainder) seek back cnt * sz bytes from EOFIe always back up an integer # of segments segment based on the amount of space required for the directory and seg_head records which occur at the start of all segments if its a compressed archive.
Just for fun I decided to back up multiple drives in a single archive. The Win95 program did what makes sense to me, it put all the drives in one archive. WinME conversely makes a new VTBL entry for each drive. It appears to create one VTBL region at the beginning of the file containing a separate entry for each drive. These WinME archives are concatenated together as a data region and catalog, one per drive. In my simple test cases this made for a very large, sparsely populated archive as 6 segments were required (two per drive). WinME fills in the vtbl.sdrv[] and .ldev fields for each drive whereas Win95 leaves them blank as they can be associated with multiple drives which is indicated in the catalog of a Win95 archive.
The biggest difference is that the entire first segment is filled with MDID blocks with no VTBL blocks. File data starts in the 2nd segment. The first 'file' appears to be a detailed ascii description of the backup options. It does not have a valid file name in the definition block and pretty clearly describes the backup. A few typical lines are shown below, I've added line feeds for readability.
<BACKUP_COMPONENTS xmlns="x-schema:#VssComponentMetadata" version="1.0" bootableSystemStateBackup="yes" selectComponents="yes" backupType="full"> <WRITER_COMPONENTS instanceId="02dc7a92-fa7a-42cd-a16c-56b5ebe2b1dc" writerId="a6ad56c2-b509-4e6c-bb19-49d8f43532f0"> <COMPONENT componentName="WMI" componentType="database"/> </WRITER_COMPONENTS> <WRITER_COMPONENTS instanceId="0d56dab1-a14b-43dc-a8cc-70efa3104c18" writerId="f2436e37-09f5-41af-9b2a-4ca2435dbfd5"> <COMPONENT componentName="COM+ Registration Database" .....The "...." above means it continues like this for quite a while. Then a fairly standard *.QIC WinME format file follows. This was a compressed file, but we had to parse the blocks for cseg_headers to be sure since there were no apparent VTBL records. The 2nd segment, the first after the last MDID region, was not compressed. Most of the remainding segments in the file appear to be compressed although we haven't looked at all of them. However the cseg_head.seg_sz was 0x73F2 for full segments rather than the 0x73F6 value I've seen in the past. After some review it turns out that there is a 4 byte long word at the end of each compressed segment in this file. No idea what this is. It doesn't occur in the other *.QIC files I've looked at. However the current decompression algorithm seems to work fine. We have yet to find a catalog region, but this is larger than I thought *.QIC files could be, and the current versions of MSQIC don't handle this case. An alternate compilation is available and included in the source code distribution as Avik.c, but it seems rare enough I haven't bothered with a binary distribution. As described below I've added 64 bit long integer support to NTBKUP, and the same logic could easily be added to Avik.c if someone finds another backup archive of this nature.
The owner of this file says he believes it was created "as the output of a disaster recovery as oppopsed to a straight files only backup". The system on which it was created is long gone. I don't find this option in my version of MSBackUp, but haven't explored it in detail. I'm putting this note here in case someone else has this experience. More information about how to such a file is created would be interesting.
As proof of concept, I've written a stand alone program, Nseg.c, that will construct a single decompressed file by successively appending the data regions of successive volumes. On the last volume in the set you tell it to finalize the file by appending the catalog from this last volume to the end of the new archive. This produces a single uncompressed file that works with MSQIC. It assumes you have enough space to write everything to your hard disk. I have not bothered to document this carefully, nor put the code on this web site as I have had very little interest in MSQIC over the last year. However if anyone needs this get in touch with me and we'll work something out. The only person I've actually discussed this with had one floppy in their set which was corrupted, and this can complicate things...
For the record I can't reproduce the example in QIC122B, I fear there may be some typos. I have now decompressed a couple sample archives and have feedback from others who have used my alorithm successfully, so I'm pretty sure its correct. Interestingly enough the first segment( roughtly 30Kb) in Win98 is not compressed, but the other segments are. Conversely Win95 MSBackup seems to compress all the segments in a volume.
A compressed archive is broken up into a series of segments. I'm not sure why it was done this way as files often cross the segment boundries. This allows one to decompress subsections on a segment by segment basis in large archives. Each segment is preceeded by the 10 byte cseg_head record shown above. These only occur in compressed files. The first cseg_head record immediately follows the Volume table normally at file byte offset 256 for Win98 backups (assuming there is only one volume) and byte offset 128 for Win96 backups. The cseg_head records form a linked list of the segments as there are often some unused bytes at the end of a segment which must be skipped.
In a compressed archive there will be a cseg_head record at the start of each segment, at increments of SEG_SZ (0x7400) following the end of the volume table. As mentioned above, the RAW_SEG flag in the cseg_head.seg_sz field indicates if the data has been compressed. The first segment of a data region and the catalog segments are not compressed. One obtains the physical size of the segment data by masking the high order RAW_SEG bit in the seg_sz field. In the data region, the size will be 0x73F6 if the entire segment is used (10 bytes are used by the cseg_head). There is always a terminating cseg_head in the data region with seg_sz = 0. The preceeding cseg_head.seg_sz will be @#60 0x73ED as the terminating header is always inserted inside a segment and does not occur at the 0x7400 block boundry. In small archive the first data region cseg_head may point to this terminating header. If and apparently only if ther terminator occurs in the first uncompressed segment the first word of the cseg_head.cum_sz field contains the byte offset from the end of this word to the next cseg_head. One only needs to know this because normally the terminating cseg_head.cum_sz is zero, but not when it occurs in the first data segment.
When you find the terminating header, you are done with the data section of the file. If you were decompressing the segments as they were traversed, you should have decompressed the number of bytes indicated in the VTBL.dataSz field.
Note in a compressed file the catalog segments also have cseg_head records at the start of each segment, however there is not a terminating record for the catalog section. All catalog records seem to have a seg_sz = 0xF7F6. The actual data length is determined by the flags in the catalog data.
I am able to decode each segment independantly using a slightly modified QIC122B algorithm. With my sample text files its about a 2:1 compression factor, not bad for a fairly simple algorithm. I've found one major difference between the publish specification and practical application. When copying a string of bytes from the history buffer, the example in QIC122B uses an offset to the start of the region to copy which is an absolute index into the history buffer. MSBackUp apparently uses a relative offset from the current position in the history buffer to the start of the data to copy. Care must be taken to wrap this relative offset back to the end of the history buffer when required (basically a modulo operation to prevent a negative index). With this system an offset of zero is still the termination marker for the algorithm. As with many compression algorithms, this depends on the nearby data so you have to decode segments as a unified block, you can't jump in and start in the middle of a segment. One can get a handle on which segments contain which files by comparing the file set directory with the cseg_head records as records in the directory and data regions occur in the same order. The point is that if one has a large archive and were desperate you could unpack portions of it rather than the entire archive. However I suggest you just get a large spare drive and decompress the hole thing if you need to play around with the data.
When one ventures into NTBackUp *.BKF files one quickly runs into the 4GB boundry. My MSDOS binary for NTBKUP is limited to 4GB files, but the WIN32 and Linux versions use long longs for 64 bit file offsets. The part that becomes a little ugly is displaying such an offset. Although GNU's gcc supports long long format specifications for printf() its not portable (at least not to MSVC 5.0). For simplicity long longs are only displayed in hex in these programs.
I'm working on a FAT32 system so I can't test these large file options. If you have a *.BKF file > 4GB and are interested in this project, please test it with my code. This code is known to work with smaller archives on FAT32 systems. Please do NOT send me a sample archive, I have no place to put it!
Once I knew the appropriate name I also found a brief summary article by Microsoft that confirms NTBackUp files are MTF compatible. However no links are provided to the supporting MTF documentation. More recently, 1/27/2004, a JAVA MTF Reader was released by Michael Bauer. I have not looked at this yet, but it seems like a nice cross platform solution to the problem.
My structures and trial program only dealt with a semi-functional subset of this MTF specification. The portions of the MTF document I've reviewed so far appear to be VERY similar to the *.bkf archive samples I've seen. Its not exactly light reading but seems to cover everything. A few high points below:
MTF_DB_HDR - section 5.1 describes a common header for the main file blocks. This maps to my tag_head, although I didn't know what a lot of it was about. See the block ID table, for blocks that conform to the common header block checksum rule. MTF_STREAM_HDR - section 6.1 and Type 1 Media Based Catalog - section 7.3 describe the TFDD catalog region. Note I treat this like the other common blocks, but apparently it is technically a data stream. In the *.bkf files I've seen its position is padded to an 0x400 byte boundry, but there seems to be nothing in the specification to require this. Format Logical Block - section 3.4. The logical block has been 0x400 for the *.bkf I've seen. The specification says 0x200 is also a valid size and it is defined in the tape header, MTF_TAPE.format. MTF_TAPE.major version = 1 in *.bkf files I've looked at. MTF_SSET.minnor version = 0 These match the version numbers for this document. MTF_DIRB - section 5.2.4 There is one of these for each directory backed up on the media. All MTF_FILE blocks following an MTF_DIRB are located in this directory. They are often LARGE! MTF_FILE - section 5.2.5, maps to my xp_file MTF_TAPE_ADDRESS - section 4.2 clarifys how to locate the variable length data sections. I had identified the length field, but not the offset as its the same in all my *.bkf examples. OS specific data is covered in Appendix A. Most MTF_DB_HDRs contain a pointer to some sort of OS specific data. This spec talks about NT specific data for OS ID = 14 and OS Versions 0 and 1. The *.bkf files I've seen are OS ID 14 with OS Version 2 which is not covered. However the attribute and short name fields seem to be in the same locations (I have not tried to figure out what is different in Version 2).After releasing this, the author of JMTF and I have both discovered that some regions beginning with the FILE tag do not contain the STAN stream record. In July of 2004 Geoff Nordli emailed me a sample *.bkf file that explains this behavior. It appears that empty files are stored without a STAN stream, so as of version 1.06, if no STAN stream is detected the file is created with no data which matches the normal behavior of NTBackUp.
Given the MTF information I now see how the entire file can be represented as a linked list of data elements. Each main block common header has a 'next event' offset. This either points to the next main block header, or the start of a chain of stream headers which are linked together in a similar mannor. The last stream header in a chain points to the next main block header. I added some of this to my proof of concept program which enhanced its ability to traverse *.bkf files. In particular finding the start of each individual file's data is now totally generic and I see there is normally a checksum after the file data which can be used for validation.
The original section titled "Obsolete Structure Analysis" describing my reverse engineering has been deleted as the document above is much better. The only point worth making is that the *.QIC concept of 30Kb segments seems to have been dropped making the files a little more compact.
I believe it decompresses my Win9x MSBackup compressed archives correctly, ie the data recovered looks like the original. My original goal was do this decompression and then let the NTBackUp that comes with WinXP to manipulate entire archives decompressed with this program. However my WinME MSBackUp doesn't recognize the decompressed file MSQIC produces so I doubt NTBackup will either. It must be a very subtle difference as I have done byte comparisons between MSQIC's output and what MSBackUp produces without compression and do not see the difference! Its close BUT being off by 1% is the same as being off by a mile. Sigh.
However MSQIC stands alone and can extract individual files or groups of files from a sub-directory from either compressed or uncompressed archives. It can also decompress the entire archive, and will recognize it afterwards. Its useful for recovering files you desperately need, or as a testing tool for examining an archives internals. Or if you are a brave soul, try the -p or @ options to restore large blocks of the directory tree stored in the archive. The command line options are shown below:
MSQIC Ver 1.11 compiled for OS_STR Copyright 2003 William T. Kranz ... msqic <file> [@An archive file name must be supplied or you get the display above.] -p [-x ] [-t] [-v] [-s{c|d}#] [-f{d|e|s}] [-d] [-r] @<cmd> to extract directories based on command file -p<path> extract all FILES from ONE path in directory tree -x to extract file, nm, using paths in tree structure -t[ds] to display catalog as tree, d => directory only, s => with segment info -v just display VTBL and exit -fd find file id 0x33cc33cc in data -fe find file id 0x66996699 in data -fs find & display compressed file segments -sc# force start catalog (directory set) at hex offset -sd# force start data region at hex offset -D to decompress archive and write output to dcomp.out -d##[:#] to decompress a segment(s) starting at hex offset ## in file use optional hex :cnt to decompress cnt contiguous segments -r[filter] attempt raw file data recovery, use -sd to set data region start use optional filter string, ie *.txt, to limit hits
By default when run with just a file name argument the catalog is displayed with each of the files attributes and the file names truncated to 18 characters so they fit on one line. Adding -v or -t changes the display as indicated above.
The first options listed, {@, -p, -x, -t}, all depend on a valid catalog in the *.QIC archive and will fail if it doesn't exist. They parse the catalog dynamically allocating the directory tree in memory. Large archives and systems with limited memory could have problems with these. Alternatively try the -r option that does not depend on the catalog nor directory tree.
The -t option attempts to display the full file name with indentation below the associated sub-directories to indicate the tree structure on the disk when the backup was created. There are two additional options which may follow -t. A 'd' only displays subdirectores (see @ option below) without the files. An 's' appends numbers after the file name which are the segment:offset to help you locate a specific file in a compressed segment.
The -x option allows extracting a single file from the archive to the current directory. It depends on the paths shown via -t, and on all but MSDOS systems the path and file name search is case sensitive. File time stamps and the read/write permission attribute are preserved as of version 1.08.
The -s options allow forcing the file position used for the data and directory regions. This is required if your file has a corrupted VTBL region (which occurs more often than you might think) but other parts of the file are in tact. Typically you use the -f option below to find appropriate values for the -s options.
The -f options search the archive file, display hits, and then exit. A compressed file is a series of compressed segments, each preceeded by a struct cseg_head. These segment locations are listed via the -fs option. -fs accepts an optional start address for the search, and its only a best guess which doesn't work well unless there are several segments in the chain. Look at the output to be sure it makes sense. After finding the beginning of one or more compressed segments, they can be individually decompressed with the -d### option (note use a hex offset as displayed by -fs, prior to version 1.09 this was decimal and you had to add 10 bytes to skip the cseg_head).
The -D option attempts to decompress an entire compressed file, or for Win98 and WinME multi-volume archives, one of the volumes. Using the -s option in conjunction can help when the VTBL is corrupted. The -x option will do a case sensitive search for a path specification and extract the file if found.
The bulk of the code was written before I discovered that WinME (but not Win95) produces a separate VTBL entry for each drive. If decompressing an archive created by Win98/ME which included multiple drives with MSQIC, you can currently only access one at a time. At startup you will be prompted to select the drive of interest which will the be labled 'ROOT' in the tree display. Otherwise the operations are the same. If doing data recovery on a file with Multiple VTBL entries for the different drives, you will find its broken up into separate sections as if the data and directory regions from separate archives were concatonated together. MSQIC lets you work with one section at a time, you can use the -v option to see where each of the sections in the file is located.
Since version 1.10 some interactive prompts have been added at startup when a valid VTBL region can't be found. These ask you to use the -s options to set the regions of interest and confirm the archive type as there are differences between Win95 and the latter Win98 and WinME format.
The @ and -p options were introduced with version 1.07. The -p option
is a special case of the more general @ options. A command file path
specification must immediately follow the '@' symbol. This file controls
extraction of files at the directory level and has the following format:
One line for each source directory to be extracted.
The line must contain a source directory specification for the archive followed
by a redirection path to the destination disk
separated from the source by white space. With the -p option only one
source path can be specified, and the destination is always the current directory.
Use the -td option to get a list of directories in the archive. I recommend
redirecting this output to a file and editing it to be sure you don't have
an upper/lower case error. Use it to create the desired command file or source path.
The current implimentation forces the use of the OS specific path
delimiter, DOS and Windows use '\' and Unix uses '/'.
If the source directory path ends with a delimiter ('\' or '/')
only the files in this directory will be extracted. If the path ends
with '*' all sub-directory contents below this directory will also
be extracted to corresponding
directories below the destination directory. If the source path ends with
'+' the program will attempt to create subdirectories before doing
the extraction. To be parsed the source path must end with the appropriate OS
specific delimitor, '*' or '+'.
With the @ option, a redirection path must also be added on the same line.
Be sure to add some spaces to separate it from the source specification and to
add quotes around any paths containing white space. The redirection
path will be subsituted for the source path when the file(s) and optional
sub-directories are extracted.
If you have spaces in a path specification you must enclose the complete path in quotes. Note I do special processing for the OS specific destination path ".\" and "./", these map to the system's current drive and directory. Further more there are some odd side effects with the -p option when processing a quoted path that ends in '\' as required by MSDOS and WIN32. See the examples and discussion page.
The following sample Windows file would extract all files from \temp in the archive to the same directory on the current source drive. The second line says extract all files and sub-directories in or below \dos in the archive to "d:\old dos". The last line extracts all files from \test in the archive to the current directory.
ROOT\temp\ \temp\ ROOT\dos* "d:\old dos\" ROOT\test\ .\In the example above I've assumed these files were generated on Win98 systems and that the path separators are '\'. When used on a linux system you should use the redirect path with appropriate '/' separators. The default is to write to the current drive, but the redirect path is free format and should support MSDOS style drive specifiers as well as mounted linux drives. File time stamps and ownership are not preserved on extraction. Destination directories WILL NOT be created, they must exist for the extraction to work.
Possibly the most confusing thing is the Win95 versus Win98 format issue. In Win95 the root node has a name preceeding the separator, while in Win98 its embedded in the MDID and does not occur in the archive tree display. I force the top level name 'ROOT' for for the Win98 systems. Again the -t option will show this and you should use the same format when generating your command file.
I've also added a command line option, -p
A word of caution about using the @ option with compressed files. Its not a very efficient algorithm. If you are doing a lot of small files you would be well advised to decompress the entire archive and then do the extraction. When extracting from a compressed archive the segment(s) containing EACH file are decompressed to extract the file. If there are 10 files in a given segment, it will be decompressed 10 times during the extraction process! One could do this more efficiently, but at this point that isn't the way its being done.
I only own and have looked at two OS specific versions of *.qic archives and both were slightly different, just enough so the data had to be handled differently during extraction. Several other people have used this code successfully, but that's not to say there isn't a 3rd or 4th variation out there somewhere. Another limitation of the original proof of concept code was that it used 32 bit signed longs for file lengths and seeks within the backup archive file. The data structures appear to be designed for 64 bit values, but for simplicity I have ignored the four high order bytes. See the large file issues discussion above. In Version 1.03, I fixed the logic for archives where the dirSz is greater than 29696 (aproximately 250 files).
The time stamps my program displays for the individual files in the archive look correct. However for some reason the time stamp for the VTBL creation time was off by two years into the future. A corrective fudge factor has been added, but don't put complete faith in this value.
In discussions with people who have tried this program for data recovery I came across some whose VTBL section were corrupted (all zeros). The command line options -sd# and -sc# were added to override the VTBL and work in this case. For Win95 use -sd128 and for Win98 use -sd256 for the start of the data region. For both, the catalog normally starts at the beginning of the last segment and is not compressed, see the details above. The changes in MSQIC 1.11 were prompted by Darryl Hunt from Austrialia wrote regarding a data recovery problem. His archive was mostly in tact, but since VTBL region was corrupt MSQIC did not know it was compressed. I added some interactive prompts allow the user to set some of the VTBL fields to correct the problem. See the end of the MSQIC sample output for more detail on this. If your archive is not corrupted in this mannor the changes should be transparent.
The -r option was added to recover data from damaged files. If your archive is not damaged the -x or @ options maybe the method of choice, but you are welcome to try -r. It only works with a decompressed file, or sections of one produced with either the -D or -d options. However it does not use the catalog, it directly parses the information in the data region and is intended for people whose catalog has been corrupted/destroyed. This is a bit tricky as the file length is not included in the data region headers (the field is always 0xFFFFFFFF). For each file found the program searches ahead for what looks like a another file header block and estimates the length. This seems to work, but is chancey. Use the -sd option to control where the search starts. If you have a damaged or non-existant VTBL header you will also need to use the -sc option to set the end of the data region. For a group of decompressed segments extracted from a file use -sd0 to start at the beginning and -sc### where the numbers represent the length of the datafile. Note that there is no next header for the last file in an archive or archive segment. Appropriate use of the -sc parameter can limit garbage appended to the end of a file, however in an intact archive the 'garbage' is typically NUL bytes inserted to pad to the end of the segment. The optional filter selects files by case insensitive matches with the MSDOS (short) file names. Note that during extraction all files are written to the current directory.
When using the -r option there are a couple interactive prompts. In particular it asks for the data format (Win95 versus Win98), whether you want to display or extract files, and if extracting whether you want to interactively select the files to be extracted. It needs to know which OS version created the archive to estimate the file lengths (Win95 has 12 extra bytes after the file's data) but the default of Win98 will display files from either type of archive correctly. If it thinks you have choosen unwisely it will tell you as a warning.
Another 'feature' introduced in Version 1.03 is -sv. This is not documented in the standard usage display as its a fairly dangerous option. It allows the use of a data file to create or overwrite the VTBL region. Sample data files and instruction available on request, but this is only recommended in an emergency. Its the only operation preformed by this program that writes to the archive.
Ralf Westram from Germany has been a consistent gadfly, friend, and great tester. He has so far discovered some signed/unsigned errors in my 4 GB file access implementation and bugs in my parsing of the catalog for compressed files when they exceeded one segment (Ver < 1.03), and the directory tree generation (Ver < 1.04) which affects file extraction via the -x option. He also introduced me to the CYGWIN Linux environment under windows. Thanks for the tips Ralf.
NTBKUP Ver 1.07 compiled for OS_STR Copyright 2003 William T. Kranz ... usage: ntbkup <file name> [-x[filter]] [-l] [-p] [@<cmd>] [-c] [-d] [-f] [-j#] [-s#] [-t] [-v] -x to unconditionally extract all files matching filter -l<path> where full case sensitive path limits extract -p<path> recursive path based directory extract @<cmd> use path based extract and redirection command file all extracts use [filter] from -x, default filter is *.* -c to display catalog regions for TAG == TFDD -d display directory tree from raw data region -f<tag>[:start:[len]] to find 4 char tag with optional start pos and length -j#[:#] jump to start position in file for data recovery (modulo 0x400) optionally follow start offset with :# for an end offset -s# to limit options above to a particular SET by # -t[:start[:end]] display tags only from start to end offset -v to set verbose modeThe <file name> argument is required, without it you get the display above.
Currently NTBKUP will by default display all the tags in the source archive file.
The -c option lists the files in the archive by parsing the catalog region(s).
The rest of the options ignore the catalog and parse (or control parsing in) the data
region directly which can be useful for data recovery.
The -d option only lists the directories (DIRB tags)
and can be useful to determine the paths to be used with the -l, -p, or @ commands.
As indicated below the -x has an optional filter argument.
When -x is used without -p or -l it ignores the directories and extracts all files
in the archive matching the filter. You can use -l with a path description
to limit file extraction to a single directory (this path description should not
include a drive specification, to select a drive use the -s option).
The -p option is similar but also extracts and optionally creates subdirectories
below the specified archive directory.
The -l and -p options are mutually exclusive.
In both cases the extraction starts in the current directory. You can additionally
define a filter to be used in these directories with -x. This filter specification
is also used with the @<cmd> file. The default filter is *.* for all files.
Since version 1.02 the time stamp and attribute (READ/WRITE status) is preserved
when the files are extracted. A command file can also be used to specify
a series of paths for the extraction with the @ command, its format is discussed below.
Under MSDOS the short, 8.3, filename is used when the file is extracted.
Under WIN32 and Linux the full file name is used.
The -s# option may be used in multi-set volumes to restrict the operations
above to a single set. Run NTBKUP with no options to see the set numbers.
If -s is not used, operations are performed on all sets in the archive.
Although its not indicated in the program output above because there isn't space on the console screen, the options -f, -j, and -t may all be followed by the letter 'h'. By default the arguments are treated as unsigned integers (ie decimal). Appending either an 'h' or an 'H' ahead of the numeric value interpruts the value as hexidecimal. Ie -jA would fail and be ignored, but -jhA would jump to hex offset 0xA before starting to process the file.
The -p and @ options are new with version 1.02 (and relatively untested so use
prudence). They mimic logic developed in MSQIC. A preliminary pass is made through
the data file and the names and location of all the directoires (DIRB regions) in
the archive are stored in a dynamically allocated tree structure. Then this tree is
searched for the user supplied directory strings. Unlike -l, a drive specification
is required, ie "C:". The source path is the name stored in the archive, these paths
may be viewed with the -d option. A source path
description is valid if it has one of 3 terminators. 1) the OS specific directory
terminator, '/' in unix and '\' in an MSDOS or WIN32 environment. This denotes only
this directory should be extracted. 2) A '*' which denotes that this directory and
all those below it in the directory tree should be extracted if, and only if, the
matching directory exists on the target system. 3) A '+' is similar to '*', but
will attempt to create sub directories as required.
With the -p option you just specify the source path and extraction starts at the
current directory. With option 2 or 3 above the archive subdirectories below the
source directory will be copied to corresponding location below the current directory
on the target system.
With the @<cmd> option, the <cmd> represents a command file name. This
ascii text file will be opened and read line by line. Each line should contain
an archive source path as described above, one or more spaces, ' ', and a
redirection path. Rather than starting in the current directory, the redirection
path is used for the starting directory. For proper parsing the redirection path
must end with the OS specific delimitor, '\' or '/'.
Note that if any of the directory names in a path include spaces, ' ', then the entire path must be quoted. Further more there are some odd side effects with the -p option when processing a quoted path that ends in '\' as required by MSDOS and WIN32. See the examples and discussion page.
CAUTION: Due to the way this program evolved, files are extracted by changing the current directory on the target machine to a desired directory and then doing the extraction in this directory. This has a couple implications. First, your current directory is likely to change after using the @ command. Second, this has not been extensively tested. I've tried to trap errors, but if it gets out of sync during extraction from a large archive you could have a real mess. Be cautious with use of the '+' terminator enabling directory creation. Try some small sub paths to be sure you know how it works before attempting to extract the entire archive as indicated in my example. I've done this successfully, but you might not be so fortunate.
Potential file command lines are shown in quotes below followed by a comment which should NOT be in the file:
"c:+ \croot\" create & extact all archive files & directories at or below C:\ in the archive to \croot and below on the current drive "c:\temp\ d:\temp\" extract files from archive c:\temp to d:\temp "c:\csource* \csource" extact files and directories from archive at pr below c:\csource to matching directorys on current drive if the directory exists, otherwise skip over it.
I've now talked to a couple people with corrupted *.BKF files. I was surprised, but apparently NTBackUp isn't always happy with archive files after they have been created. Especially if they have been passed around networks. Still exploring this, but added a few more command line options. The -j and -f options should not be used together. The program terminates after -f. You can force it to start at a particular offset with -j. -f will search for identifiers at ALL file offsets rather than just block boundries. You must enter 4 ascii characters for the desired tag, you may optionally enter a ':' delimited start offset and byte length for the search area. Use -fh if hex offsets are to be used for these qualifiers. Note I was sloppy about this, the maximum value you can enter here is a 32 bit unsigned integer. If you have a file that requires 64 bit offsets you won't be able to specify start or end points beyond 4GB.
It appears that the lack of file compression and the advent of large disks causes people to make what I concider very large backup archives, see large file issues. Dan and I worked together in March of 2004 to debug my -p and @ logic. Ultimately he was above to extract 4GB from the directory tree in a 20GB *.bkf file with a single -p command line option.
Note that although this is 'free' software I'm very willing to accept job offers, cash contributions, or sexual favors if this does something useful for you. To date exactly one person has given me a $50 Ebay gift certificate (I would have preferred something at the local liquor store). Three people have paid me for a few hours actively consulting on issues related to corrupted archives, and one person (Thanks Jack) has failed to send me their promised compensation. This works out to about $0.15 per hour for my effort. I guess freeware isn't very cost effective...
Version history:
02/07/04 Initial source release was MSQIC 1.09 and NTBKUP 1.02
02/08/04 MSQIC 1.09a, correct minnor error preserving file attributes with -r option
03/19/04 MSQIC 1.10 and NTBKUP 1.03,
In MSQIC correct error in file attribute preservation with -r option
and add interactive option to continue if the VTBL is corrupt by
using the -sc and -sd options
In NTBKUP correct some errors in -p and @ options so it correctly
creates the directory tree with the '+' terminator.
In both versions change get_paths() logic so correctly handles a
quoted destination path when the @ option is used.
Todo: Add Unix code supplied by Berend de Boer to auto configure make file
04/29/04 MSQIC 1.11
Add more interactive logic for the case where the VTBL is not
found to recreate enough of this information that an entire volume
may be decompressed via -D.
05/17/04 NTBKUP 1.04,
Allow volume name to be a network share. Previously assumed it was
a drive letter. Also change filter parsing to allow more than one
period in file names per user requests.
06/03/04 NTBKUP 1.05, minnor change to display logic, removes display
of directory parsing during -d, -p options in the hope that error
messages will be noticed.
07/08/04 NTBKUP 1.06, create empty files when there is no file data
associated with a FILE region (ie STAN stream is not found). Remove
'do_file' error message which was displayed in this case.
04/06/2005 NTBKUP 1.07, fix some bugs in parsing of command line arguments
for -s and -f arguments which had stopped working. Add
optional end specification for the -j command line argument.
Allow specification of 64 bit long integer file offsets on the command
line for those OS which support files larger than 4Gb. Warning
it appears the -p and @ options may not create empty directories when
recreating a sub-tree. I doubt I have the energy to chase this, but
be careful, empty nodes may be missing in re-created trees.
I think I'll give it a rest for a while, but if you find a bug or want to contribute some information please contact me. I'll attempt to fix bugs, and look at enhancements, but I want to move on to something else. I'd rather provide a link to your enhancement and let you support it yourself.
Ralf Westram for significant testing and bug detection on MSQIC Alan Stewart for making the MTF_100a specification available Wolfgang Keller for showing me where to find MTF_100a, and for providing sample *.bkf test files Phillip Luebke for sending me my first set of *.bkf test files Berend de Boer for the Unix auto configuration logic Dan Boyne for identifing bugs in NTBKUP and testing my fixes Darryl Hunt for sample output and motivation for MSQIC 1.11 enhancements Peter Feldman for sample NTBackup archives containing network shares per NTBKUP 1.04 enhancement Geoff Nordli for clarification of the empty file issue per NTBKUP 1.06Also a couple people who followed through after offering to pay me to help recover data. Thanks to a nice gentalman from Canada who wishes to remain annoymous and Gregg Paquette who is starting a computer consulting business .