Microsoft Networks SMB FILE SHARING PROTOCOL EXTENSIONS Version 3.0 Document Version 1.09 November 29, 1989 Microsoft Corporation Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 2 - November 29, 1989 1. INTRODUCTION This document defines extensions to the LANMAN 1.0 Microsoft file sharing protocol as defined in the SMB File Sharing Protocol Extension version 2.0 , document version 3.2, and the OenNet/Microsoft Networks File Sharing Protocol (Intel PN 136329-001) (sometimes referred to as the "core" proto- col). These extensions are primarily to provide support for Operating Systems which use installable file systems. The support for installable file systems require that extended attribute data blocks, of potentially greater size than a negotiated buffer, are supplied with requests that could be transported in a negotiated buffer in the LANMAN 1.0 enviro- ment. The extended file sharing protocol is not intended to be specific to OS/2. It is anticipated that other Operating Systems will have many similar requirements and that they will use the same services and protocols to meet them. This extension, when combined with the LANMAN 1.0 and core protocol, allows all file oriented OS/2 version 1.2 func- tions to be performed on remote files using LANMAN 1.2. The extended protocol defined in this document is selected by the dialect string "LANMAN1.2" in the core protocol nego- tiate request. Acronyms used include: VC - Virtual Circuit. A transport level connection (some- times called a session) between two networked machines (nodes). TID - Tree Identifier. A token representing an instance of authenticated use of a network resource (often a shared subdirectory tree structure). UID - User Identifier. A token representing an authenti- cated user of a network resource. PID - Process Identifier. A number which uniquely identi- fies a process on a node. MID - Multiplex Identifier. A number which uniquely iden- tifies a protocol request and response within a pro- cess. FID - File Identifier. A number which identifies an instance of an open file ( sometimes called file han- dle). T.B.D.- To Be Defined. Further detail will be provided at a later time. Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 3 - November 29, 1989 MBZ - Must Be Zero. All reserved fields must be set to zero by the consumer. Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 4 - November 29, 1989 2. MESSAGE FORMAT All messages sent while using the extended protocol (both the core messages used and the additional messages defined in this document) will have the following format. BYTE smb_idf[4]; /* contains 0xFF,'SMB' */ BYTE smb_com; /* command code */ BYTE smb_rcls; /* error class */ BYTE smb_reh; /* reserved for future */ WORD smb_err; /* error code */ BYTE smb_flg; /* flags */ WORD smb_flg2; /* flags */ WORD smb_res[6]; /* reserved for future */ WORD smb_tid; /* authenticated resource identifier */ WORD smb_pid; /* caller's process id */ WORD smb_uid; /* authenticated user id */ WORD smb_mid; /* multiplex id */ BYTE smb_wct; /* count of 16-bit words that follow */ WORD smb_vwv[]; /* variable number of 16-bit words */ WORD smb_bcc; /* count of bytes that follow */ BYTE smb_buf[]; /* variable number of bytes */ The structure defined from smb_idf through smb_wct is the fixed portion of the SMB structure sometimes referred to as the SMB header. Following the header there is a variable number of words (defined by smb_wct) and following that is smb_bcc which defines an additional variable number of bytes. A BYTE is 8 bits. A WORD is two BYTEs. The BYTEs within a WORD are ordered such that the low BYTE precedes the high BYTE. A DWORD is two WORDs. The WORDs within a DWORD are ordered such that the low WORD precedes the high WORD. smb_com: - command code. smb_rcls: - error class (see below). smb_ret: - error returned (see below). smb_tid: - Used by the server to identify a resource (e.g., a disk sub-tree). (see below) smb_pid: - caller's process id. Generated by the consumer (redirector) to uniquely identify a process within the consumer's system. A response message will always con- tain the same value in smb_pid (and smb_mid) as in the Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 5 - November 29, 1989 corresponding request message. smb_mid: - this field is used for multiplexing multiple mes- sages on a single Virtual Circuit (VC) normally when multiple requests are from the same process. The PID (in smb_pid) and the MID (in smb_mid) uniquely identify a request and are used by the consumer to correlate incoming responses to previously sent requests. Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 6 - November 29, 1989 3. NOTES: 1. smb_flg can have the following values: bit0 - When set (returned) from the server in the Negotiate response protocol, this bit indicates that the server supports the "sub dialect" consisting of the Lockan- dRead and WriteandUnlock protocols defined in the SMB File Sharing Protocol Extension version 2.0 , document version 3.2 bit1 - When on (on a protocol request being sent to the server), the consumer guarantees that there is a receive buffer posted such that a "Send.No.Ack" can be used by the server to respond to the consumer's request. The LANMAN 1.2 Redirector for OS/2 will not set this bit. bit2 - Reserved (must be zero). bit3 - When on, all pathnames in the protocol must be treated as caseless. When off, the pathnames are case sensitive. This allows forwarding of the protocol mes- sage on various extended VCs where caseless may not be the norm. The LANMAN 1.2 Redirector for OS/2 will always have this bit on to indicate caseless pathnames. bit4 - When on (on the Session Setup and X protocol defined later in this document), all paths sent to the server by the consumer are already in the canonicalized format used by OS/2. This means that file/directory names are in upper case, are valid characters and backslashes are used as seperators. bit5 - When on (on core protocols Open, Create and Make New), this indicates that the consumer is requesting that the file be "opportunisticaly" locked if this pro- cess is the only process which has the file open at the time of the open request. If the server "grants" this oplock request, then this bit should remain set in the coresponding response protocol to indicate to the con- sumer that the oplock request was granted. See the dis- cussion of "oplock" in the sections defining the "Open and X" and "Locking and X" protocols later in this document (this bit has the same function as bit 1 of smb_flags of the "Open and X" protocol). Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 7 - November 29, 1989 bit6 - When on (on core protocols Open, Create and Make New), this indicates that the server should notify the consumer on any action which can modify the file (delete, setattrib, rename, etc.). If not set, the server need only notify the consumer on another open request. See the discussion of "oplock" in the sec- tions defining the "Open and X" and "Locking and X" protocols later in this document (this bit has the same function as bit 2 of smb_flags of the "Open and X" pro- tocol). bit7 - When on, this protocol is being sent from the server in response to a consumer request. The smb_com (com- mand) field usually contains the same value in a proto- col request from the consumer to the server as in the matching response from the server to the consumer. This bit unambiguously distinguishes the command request from the command response. On a multiplexed VC on a node where both server and consumer are active, this bit can be used by the node's SMB delivery system to help identify whether this protocol should be routed to a waiting consumer process or to the server. 2. smb_flg2 can have the following values: bit0 - When set by the consumer, the running application understands OS/2 1.2 style file names. bit1 - When set by the consumer, the running application understands extended attributes. bit2 through bit15 - Reserved (MBZ). 3. smb_uid is the user identifier. It is used by the LAN- MAN 1.0 extended protocol when the server is executing in "user level security mode" to validate access on protocols which reference symbolicly named resources (such as file open). Thus differing users accessing the same TID may be granted differing access to the resources defined by the TID based on smb_uid. The UID is returned by the server via the Session Set Up proto- col. This UID must be used in all SMB's following Ses- sion Set Up And X. 4. In the LANMAN 1.2 extended protocol environment the TID represents an instance of an authenticated use. This is the result of a successful NET USE to a server using Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 8 - November 29, 1989 a valid netname and password (if any). If the server is executing in a "share level security mode", the tid is the only thing used to allow access to the shared resource. Thus if the user is able to perform a successful NET USE to the server specifying the appropriate netname and passwd (if any) the resource may be accessed according to the access rights associated with the shared resource (same for all who gained access this way). If however the server is executing in "user level secu- rity mode", access to the resource is based on the UID (validated on the Session Setup protocol) and the TID is NOT associated with access control but rather merely defines the resource (such as the shared directory tree). In most SMB protocols, smb_tid must contain a valid TID. Exceptions include prior to getting a TID esta- blished including NEGOTIATE, TREE CONNECT, SESS_SETUPandX and TREE_CONNandX protocols. Other exceptions include QUERY_SRV_INFO some forms of the TRANSACTION protocol and ECHO. A NULL TID is defined as 0xFFFF. The server is responsible for enforcing use of a valid TID where appropriate. 5. As in the core, smb_pid uniquely identifies a consumer process. Consumers inform servers of the creation of a new process by simply introducing a new smb_pid value into the dialogue (for new processes). In the core protocol however, the "Process Exit" proto- col was used to indicate the catastrophic termination of a process (or session). In the single tasking DOS system, it was possible for hard errors to occur caus- ing the destruction of the process with files remaining open. Thus a Process Exit protocol was used for this occurrence to allow the server to close all files opened by that process. In the LANMAN 1.2 extended protocol, no "Process Exit" protocol will be sent. The operating system will ensure that the "close Protocol" will be sent when the last process referencing the file closes it. From the server's point of view, there is no concept of FIDs "belonging to" processes. A FID returned by the server to one process may be used by any other process using the same VC and TID. There is no "birth announcement" (no "fork" protocol) sent to the server. It is up to the consumer to ensure only valid processes gain access to FIDs (and TIDs). On TREE DISCONNECT (or when the VC environment is terminated) the server may invalidate Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 9 - November 29, 1989 any files opened by any process within the VC environ- ment using that TID. 6. Systems using the LANMAN 1.2 extended protocol will typically be multi-tasked and will allow multiple asyn- chronous input/output requests per task. Therefore a multiplex ID (smb_mid) is used (along with smb_pid) to allow multiplexing the single consumer/server VC among the consumer's multiple processes, threads and requests per thread. The consumer is responsible for ensuring that every request includes a value in the smb_mid field which will allow the response to be associated with the correct request (at least the smb_pid and smb_mid must uniquely identify the request/response relationship system wide). The server is responsible for ensuring that every response contains the same smb_mid value (and smb_pid value) as its request. The consumer may then use the smb_mid value (along with smb_pid value) for associat- ing requests and responses and may have up to the nego- tiated number of requests outstanding at any time on a multiplexed file server VC. 7. The LANMAN 1.2 extended protocol enhances the semantics of the pathname. Two special pathname component values -- "." and ".." -- must be recognized. There may be multiple of these components in a path name. They have the standard meanings -- "." points to its own directory, ".." points to its directory's parent. Note that it is the server's responsibility to ensure that the ".." can not be used to gain access to files/directories above the "virtual root" as defined by the Tree Connect (TID). 8. The new LANMAN 1.2 extended protocol requests and responses are variable length (as was true in "core"). Thus additional words may be added in the smb_vwv[] area in the future as well as additional bytes added within the smb_buf[] area. Servers must be implemented such that additional fields in either of these areas will not cause the command to fail. If additional fields are encountered which are not recognized by the server's level of SMB implementation, they should be ignored. This allows for future upgrade of the protocol and eliminates the need for "reserved fields". Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 10 - November 29, 1989 9. The contents of response parameters is not guaranteed in the case of an error return (any protocol response with an error set in the SMB header may have smb_wct of zero and smb_bcc count of zero). 10. When LANMAN 1.2 extended protocol has been negotiated, the ERRDOS error class has been expanded to include all errors which may be generated by the OS/2 operating system. As such, the error code values defined for error class ERRDOS in this document are a subset of the possible error values. See the OS/2 operating system documentation for the complete set of possible OS/2 (ERRDOS) error codes. These semantic changes apply to all "core" requests used by the extended protocol. Where there are additional changes, they are documented with the new requests. The server hav- ing negotiated LANMAN 1.2 is expected to still support all LANMAN 1.0 and core protocol requests. The following are the core protocol requests which must still be supported in the LANMAN 1.2 extended protocol without change. See "File Sharing Protocol" Intel Part number 136329-001 for detailed explanation of each protocol request/response. Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 11 - November 29, 1989 TREE CONNECT TREE DISCONNECT OPEN FILE CREATE FILE CLOSE FILE FLUSH FILE READ WRITE SEEK CREATE DIRECTORY DELETE DIRECTORY DELETE FILE RENAME FILE GET FILE ATTRIBUTES SET FILE ATTRIBUTES LOCK RECORD UNLOCK RECORD CREATE TEMPORARY FILE (no longer used by LANMAN 1.2 Redirector) PROCESS EXIT (no longer used by LANMAN 1.2 Redirector) MAKE NEW FILE CHECK PATH GET SERVER ATTRIBUTES NEGOTIATE PROTOCOL (additional fields in response if LANMAN 1.2 negotiated) FILE SEARCH CREATE PRINT FILE CLOSE PRINT FILE WRITE PRINT FILE (core Message Commands are also supported) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 12 - November 29, 1989 The following are the LANMAN 1.0 extended protocol requests which must still be supported in the LANMAN 1.2 extended protocol without change. See SMB File Sharing Protocol Extensions Version 2.0, doument version 3.2, for detailed explanation of each protocol request/response. SESS_SETUPandX (X is another valid protocol request e.g. TREE_CONNandX) TREE_CONNandX (X is another valid protocol request e.g. OPEN) OPENandX (X is another valid protocol request e.g. READ) READandX (X is another valid protocol request e.g. CLOSE) WRITEandX (X is another valid protocol request e.g. READ) FIND (matches OS/2 form of FILE SEARCH) FIND_UNIQUE (matches OS/2 form of FILE SEARCH) FIND_CLOSE (matches OS/2 form of FILE SEARCH) READ_BLOCK_RAW (read larger than negotiated buffer size request raw) READ_BLOCK_MPX (read larger than negotiated buffer size request multiplexed) WRITE_BLOCK_RAW (write larger than negotiated buffer size request raw) WRITE_BLOCK_MPX (write larger than negotiated buffer size request multiplexed) GET_E_FILE_ATTR (accommodate new OS/2 system call) SET_E_FILE_ATTR (accommodate new OS/2 system call) LOCKINGandX (accommodate new OS/2 system call) COPY_FILE (used when both source and target are remote) MOVE_FILE (used when both source and target are remote) IOCTL (pass IOCTL request on to server and retrieve results) TRANSACTION (allows bytes in/out associated with name) ECHO (echo sent data back) WRITEandCLOSE (write final bytes then close file) LOCKandREAD (Lock bytes then Read locked bytes) WRITEandUnlock (Write bytes then Unlock bytes) Of the LANMAN 1.0 extended protocols, only the SESS_SETUPandX request and the COPY_FILE SMB have extended features when LANMAN 1.2 protocol has been negotiated. The format of these SMBs, and their functionality when LANMAN 1.0 protocol has been negotiated is compatible with LANMAN 1.0 protocol but will support new features when LANMAN 1.2 protocol is negotiated. The extended features of SESS_SETUPandX and COPY_FILE SMBs are detailed later in this document. Support of all core requests within the LANMAN 1.2 extended protocol is mandatory. However, the following core requests will no longer be generated by the OS/2 implementation of the redirector when LANMAN 1.0 or LANMAN 1.2 extended protocol has been negotiated. PROCESS EXIT CREATE TEMPORARY FILE CREATE PRINT FILE CLOSE PRINT FILE WRITE PRINT FILE Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 13 - November 29, 1989 The only protocol format change to a core protocol service is that the response to the negotiate protocol (NEGOTIATE PROTOCOL) will contain additional fields if the LANMAN1.2 string has been selected by the server thus effectively placing the session into LANMAN 1.2 extended protocol. The additional fields returned will be documented in detail later in this document. All other protocol requests within the LANMAN 1.2 extended protocol have a new command value from that of a similar function in core protocol. Thus the server need not con- stantly test the protocol version negotiated. The consumer is expected to only submit appropriate requests within the dialect negotiated. The following are the new LANMAN 1.2 extended protocol requests, each will be defined in detail later in this docu- ment. TRANSACT2 FIND_CLOSE FIND_NOTIFY_CLOSE (close a notification handle) USER LOGOFF and X (logoff a user id) 4. ARCHITECTURAL MODEL The Network File Access system fundemental architecture for LANMAN 1.2 is unchanged from the LANMAN 1.0 architecure as described in the SMB File Sharing Protocol Extensions Ver- sion 2.0, document version 3.2. 5. LANMAN 1.0 SMB EXTENSIONS This section describes modifications to the LANMAN 1.0 SMB extensions which may be used when the LANMAN 1.2 protocol has been negotiated. Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 14 - November 29, 1989 5.1. SESSION SETUP and X Request Format: BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 10 */ BYTE smb_com2; /* secondary (X) command, 0xFF = none */ BYTE smb_reh2; /* reserved (must be zero) */ WORD smb_off2; /* offset (from SMB hdr start) to next cmd (@smb_wct) */ WORD smb_bufsize; /* the consumers max buffer size */ WORD smb_mpxmax; /* actual maximum multiplexed pending requests */ WORD smb_vc_num; /* 0 = first (only), non zero - additional VC number */ DWORD smb_sesskey; /* Session Key (valid only if smb_vc_num != 0) */ WORD smb_apasslen; /* size of account password (smb_apasswd) */ WORD smb_encryptlen; /* size of encryption key (smb_encrypt) */ WORD smb_encryptoff; /* offset (from SMB hdr start) to smb_encrypt */ WORD smb_bcc; /* minimum value = 0 */ BYTE smb_apasswd[*]; /* account password (* = smb_apasslen value) */ BYTE smb_aname[]; /* account name string */ BYTE smb_encrypt[*]; /* encryption key. (* = smb_encryptlen value) */ Response Format: BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 3 */ BYTE smb_com2; /* secondary (X) command, 0xFF = none */ BYTE smb_res2; /* reserved (pad to word) */ WORD smb_off2; /* offset (from SMB hdr start) to next cmd (@smb_wct) */ WORD smb_action; /* request mode: bit0 = Logged in successfully - BUT as GUEST */ WORD smb_bcc; /* min value = 0 */ BYTE smb_encresp[]; /* server response to request encryption key */ Service definition: This protocol function is unchanged from LANMAN 1.0 except that the station establishing the connection may now verify the validity of the server to which the request was made. The LANMAN 1.2 SESS_SETUPandX request uses a reserved DWORD field from the LANMAN 1.0 request to pass the length and offset of an encryption key contained in the data of the request to the server. The server will use the encryption key to format the smb_encresp field of the response proto- col. The station may then use this response to validate the server session. The LANMAN 1.2 SESS_SETUPandX also returns a UID in the smb_uid field. This is a validated UID which must be sup- plied by the workstation on all subsequent requests to the server. Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 15 - November 29, 1989 5.1.1. COPY Request Format: BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 3 */ WORD smb_tid2; /* second (destination) path tid */ WORD smb_ofun; /* what to do if destination file exists */ WORD smb_flags; /* flags to control copy operations: bit 0 - destination must be a file. bit 1 - destination must be a directory. bit 2 - copy destination mode: 0 = binary, 1 = ASCII. bit 3 - copy source mode: 0 = binary, 1 = ASCII. bit 4 - verify all writes. */ bit 5 - tree copy. Source must be a directory. Copy mode must be binary. When tree copy is selected smb_cct field in the response protocol is undefined. WORD smb_bcc; /* minimum value = 2 */ BYTE smb_path[]; /* pathname of source file */ BYTE smb_new_path[]; /* pathname of destination file */ Response Format: BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 1 */ WORD smb_cct; /* number of files copied */ WORD smb_bcc; /* minimum value = 0 */ BYTE smb_errfile[]; /* pathname of file where error occured - ASCIIZ */ Service: The COPY protocol function for LANMAN 1.2 is unchanged from LANMAN 1.0 except that the request may now be used to specify a tree copy on the remote server. The tree copy mode is selected by setting bit 5 of the smb_flags word in the COPY request. When the tree copy option is selected the destination must not be an existing file and the source mode must be binary. A request with bit 5 of the smb_flags word set and either bit 0 or bit 3 set is therefore an error. When the tree copy mode is selected the smb_cct word of the response protocol is undefined. Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 16 - November 29, 1989 6. EXTENDED PROTOCOL The format of enhanced and new commands is defined commenc- ing at the smb_wct field. All messages will include the standard SMB header defined in section 1.0. When an error is encountered a server may choose to return only the header portion of the response (i.e., smb_wct and smb_bcc both con- tain zero). Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 17 - November 29, 1989 6.0.1. TRANSACT2 Primary Request Format: BYTE smb_wct; /* value = (14 + value of smb_suwcnt) */ WORD smb_tpscnt; /* total number of parameter bytes being sent */ WORD smb_tdscnt; /* total number of data bytes being sent */ WORD smb_mprcnt; /* max number of parameter bytes to return */ WORD smb_mdrcnt; /* max number of data bytes to return */ BYTE smb_msrcnt; /* max number of setup words to return */ BYTE smb_rsvd; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_flags; /* additional information: bit 0 - if set, also disconnect TID in smb_tid bit 1 - if set, transaction is one way (no final response) */ DWORD smb_timeout; /* number of milliseconds to wait for completion */ WORD smb_rsvd1; /* reserved */ WORD smb_pscnt; /* number of parameter bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_psoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to parameter bytes */ WORD smb_dscnt; /* number of data bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_dsoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* set up word count */ BYTE smb_rsvd2; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_setup[*]; /* variable number of set up words (* = smb_suwcnt) */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_name[1]; /* Must be a null byte */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* param bytes (* = value of smb_pscnt) */ BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* data bytes (* = value of smb_dscnt) */ Interim Response Format (if no error - ok send remaining data): BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 0 */ WORD smb_bcc; /* value = 0 */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 18 - November 29, 1989 Secondary Request Format (more data - may be zero or more of these): BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 9 */ WORD smb_tpscnt; /* total number of parameter bytes being sent */ WORD smb_tdscnt; /* total number of data bytes being sent */ WORD smb_pscnt; /* number of parameter bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_psoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to parameter bytes */ WORD smb_psdisp; /* byte displacement for these parameter bytes */ WORD smb_dscnt; /* number of data bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_dsoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ WORD smb_dsdisp; /* byte displacement for these data bytes */ WORD smb_fid; /* file id for handle based requests, else 0xffff */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* param bytes (* = value of smb_pscnt) */ BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* data bytes (* = value of smb_dscnt) */ Response Format (may respond with zero or more of these): BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 10 + value of smb_suwcnt */ WORD smb_tprcnt; /* total number of parameter bytes being returned */ WORD smb_tdrcnt; /* total number of data bytes being returned */ WORD smb_rsvd; /* reserved */ WORD smb_prcnt; /* number of parameter bytes being returned this buf */ WORD smb_proff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to parameter bytes */ WORD smb_prdisp; /* byte displacement for these parameter bytes */ WORD smb_drcnt; /* number of data bytes being returned this buffer */ WORD smb_droff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ WORD smb_drdisp; /* byte displacement for these data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* set up return word count */ BYTE smb_rsvd1; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_setup[*]; /* variable # of set up return words (* = smb_suwcnt) */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* param bytes (* = value of smb_prcnt) */ BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* data bytes (* = value of smb_drcnt) */ Service: The Transaction2 protocol allows transfer of parameter and data blocks greater than a negotiated buffer size between the requester and the server. The Transaction2 command scope includes (but is not limited to) IOCTL device requests and file system requests which require the transfer of an extended attribute list. The Transaction2 protocol is used to transer a request for Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 19 - November 29, 1989 any of a set of supported functions on the server which may require the transfer of large data blocks. The function requested is identified by the first word in the transac- tion2 smb_setup field. Other function specific information may follow the function identifier in the smb_setup file id or in the smb_param filed. The functions supported are not defined by the protocol, but by consumer/server implementa- tions. The protocol simply provides a means of delivering them and retrieving the results. The number of bytes needed in order to perform the TRANSACT2 request may be more than will fit in a single buffer. At the time of the request, the consumer knows the number of parameter and data bytes expected to be sent and passes this information to the server via the primary request (smb_tpscnt and smb_tdscnt). This may be reduced by lowering the total number of bytes expected (smb_tpscnt and/or smbtdscnt) in each (any) secondary request. Thus when the amount of parameter bytes received (total of each smb_pscnt) equals the total amount of parameter bytes expected (smallest smb_tpscnt) received, then the server has received all the parameter bytes. Likewise, when the amount of data bytes received (total of each smb_dscnt) equals the total amount of data bytes expected (smallest smb_tdscnt) received, then the server has received all the data bytes. The parameter bytes should normally be sent first followed by the data bytes. However, the server knows where each begins and ends in each buffer by the offset fields (smb_psoff and smb_dsoff) and the length fields (smb_pscnt and smb_dscnt). The displacement of the bytes (relative to start of each) is also known (smb_psdisp and smb_dsdisp). Thus the server is able to reasemble the parameter and data bytes should the "packets" (buffers) be received out of sequence. If all parameter bytes and data bytes fit into a single buffer, then no interim response is expected (and no secon- dary request is sent). The Consumer knows the maximum amount of data bytes and parameter bytes which the server may return (from smb_mprcnt and smb_mdrcnt of the request). Thus it initializes its bytes expected variables to these values. The Server then informs the consumer of the actual amounts being returned via each "packet" (buffer) of the response (smb_tprcnt and smb_tdrcnt). The server may reduce the expected bytes by lowering the total number of bytes expected (smb_tprcnt and/or Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 20 - November 29, 1989 smb_tdrcnt) in each (any) response. Thus when the amount of parameter bytes received (total of each smb_prcnt) equals the total amount of parameter bytes expected (smallest smb_tprcnt) received, then the consumer has received all the parameter bytes. Likewise, when the amount of data bytes received (total of each smb_drcnt) equals the total amount of data bytes expected (smallest smb_tdrcnt) received, then the consumer has received all the data bytes. The parameter bytes should normally be returned first fol- lowed by the data bytes. However, the consumer knows where each begins and ends in each buffer by the offset fields (smb_proff and smb_droff) and the length fields (smb_prcnt and smb_drcnt). The displacement of the bytes (relative to start of each) is also known (smb_prdisp and smb_drdisp). Thus the consumer is able to reasemble the parameter and data bytes should the "packets" (buffers) be received out of sequence. Thus the flow is: 1 The consumer sends the first (primary) request which identifies the total bytes (both parameters and data) which are expected to be sent and contains the set up words and as many of the parameter and data bytes bytes as will fit in a negotiated size buffer. This request also identifies the maximum number of bytes (setup, parameters and data) the server is to return on TRAN- SACT2 completion. If all the bytes fit in the single buffer, skip to step 4. 2 The server responds with a single interim response meaning "ok, send the remainder of the bytes" or (if error response) terminate the transaction. 3 The consumer then sends another buffer full of bytes to the server. On each iteration of this secondary request, smb_tpscnt and/or smb_tdscnt could be reduced. This step is repeated until all bytes have been delivered to the server (total of all smb_pscnt equals smallest smb_tpscnt and total of all smb_dscnt equals smallest smb_tdscnt). 4 The Server sets up and performs the TRANSACT2 with the information provided. Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 21 - November 29, 1989 5 Upon completion of the TRANSACT2, the server sends back (up to) the number of parameter and data bytes requested (or as many as will fit in the negotiated buffer size). This step is repeated until all result bytes have been returned. On each iteration of this response, smb_tprcnt and/or smb_tdrcnt could be reduced. This step is repeated until all bytes have been delivered to the consumer (total of all smb_prcnt equals smallest smb_tprcnt and total of all smb_drcnt equals smallest smb_tdrcnt). Thus the flow is: 1 The consumer sends the first (primary) request which identifies the total bytes (parameters and data) which are to be sent, contains the set up words and as many of the parameter and data bytes as will fit in a nego- tiated size buffer. This request also identifies the maximum number of bytes (setup, parameters and data) the server is to return on TRANSACT2 completion. The parameter bytes are immediately followed by the data bytes (the length fields identify the break point). If all the bytes fit in the single buffer, skip to step 4. 2 The server responds with a single interim response meaning "ok, send the remainder of the bytes" or (if error response) terminate the transaction. 3 The consumer then sends another buffer full of bytes to the server. This step is repeated until all bytes have been delivered to the server. 4 The Server sets up and performs the TRANSACT2 with the information provided. 5 Upon completion of the TRANSACT2, the server sends back up to the the number of parameter and data bytes requested (or as many as will fit in the negotiated buffer size). This step is repeated until all bytes requested have been returned. On each iteration of this response, smb_rprcnt and smb_rdrcnt are reduced by the number of matching bytes returned in the previous response. The parameter count (smb_rprcnt) is expected to go to zero first because the parameters are sent before the data. The data count (smb_rdrcnt) may then continue to be counted down. Fewer than the requested number of bytes may be returned. Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 22 - November 29, 1989 The flow for the TRANSACT2 protocol when the request parame- ters and data does NOT all fit in a single buffer is: consumer --- > TRANSACT2 request (data) >---- > server consumer - <--< OK send remaining data - <---- server consumer - > TRANSACT2 secondary request 1 (data) > - > server consumer - > TRANSACT2 secondary request 2 (data) > - > server . . . consumer - > TRANSACT2 secondary request n (data) > - > server . . . . (server sets up and performs the TRANSACT2) . . . . consumer - << TRANSACT2 response 1 (data) - <-- server consumer - << TRANSACT2 response 2 (data) - <-- server . . . consumer - << TRANSACT2 response n (data) - <-- server The flow for the Transaction protocol when the request parameters and data does all fit in a single buffer is: consumer --- > TRANSACT2 request (data) >---- > server . . . . (server sets up and performs the TRANSACT2) . . . . consumer - << TRANSACT2 response 1 (data) - <-- server . (only one if all data fit in buffer) . consumer - << TRANSACT2 response 2 (data) - <-- server . . . consumer - << TRANSACT2 response n (data) - <-- server Note that the primary request through the final response make up the complete protocol, thus the TID, PID, UID and MID are expected to remain constant and can be used by both the server and consumer to route the individual messages of the protocol to the correct process. Transaction may generate the following errors: Error Class ERRDOS: ERRnoaccess ERRbadaccess Error Class ERRSRV: ERRerror ERRinvnid ERRaccess ERRmoredata Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 23 - November 29, 1989 Error Class ERRHRD: Defined Transaction2 Protocols This section specifies some of the defined usages of the Transaction2 protocol. Each of the usages here utilize the basic (and flexible) transaction protocol format. This is NOT meant to be an exhaustive list. The following function codes are transferred in smb_setup[0] and are used by the server to identify the specific function required. TRANSACT2_OPEN 0 TRANSACT2_FINDFIRST 1 TRANSACT2_FINDNEXT 2 TRANSACT2_QFSINFO 3 TRANSACT2_SETFSINFO 4 TRANSACT2_QPATHINFO 5 TRANSACT2_SETPATHINFO 6 TRANSACT2_QFILEINFO 7 TRANSACT2_SETFILEINFO 8 TRANSACT2_FSCTL 9 TRANSACT2_IOCTL 10 TRANSACT2_FINDNOTIFYFIRST 11 TRANSACT2_FINDNOTIFYNEXT 12 TRANSACT2_MKDIR 13 Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 24 - November 29, 1989 TRANSACT2_OPEN The function code TRANSACT2_OPEN in smb_setup[0] in the pri- mary TRANSACT2 requests identifies a request to create a file with extended attributes. Primary Request Format: BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 15 */ WORD smb_tpscnt; /* value = total number of param bytes being sent */ WORD smb_tdscnt; /* total size of extended attribute list */ WORD smb_mprcnt; /* value = maximum return parameter length */ WORD smb_mdrcnt; /* value = 0. No data returned */ BYTE smb_msrcnt; /* value = 0. No setup words to return */ BYTE smb_rsvd; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_flags; /* additional information: bit 0 - 0 bit 1 - 0 */ DWORD smb_timeout; /* max milliseconds to wait for resource to open */ WORD smb_rsvd1; /* reserved */ WORD smb_pscnt; /* value = tpscnt, parms must be in primary request */ WORD smb_psoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr to parameter bytes */ WORD smb_dscnt; /* number of data bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_dsoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 1 */ BYTE smb_rsvd2; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_setup1; /* value = 0 :- TRANSACT2_OPEN */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* The parmater block for the the TRANSACT2_OPEN * function is the open specific information in the * following format. */ WORD open_flags2; bit 0 - if set, return additional information bit 1 - if set, set single user total file lock bit 2 - if set, the server should notify the consumer on any action which can modify the file (delete, setattrib, rename, etc.). if not set, the server need only notify the consumer on another open request. */ bit 3 - if set, return total length of EAs for the file WORD open_mode; /* file open mode */ WORD open_sattr; /* search attributes */ WORD open_attr; /* file attributes (for create) */ DWORD open_time; /* create time */ WORD open_ofun; /* open function */ DWORD open_size; /* bytes to reserve on "create" * or "truncate" */ WORD open_rsvd[5]; /* reserved (must be zero) */ BYTE open_pathname[]; /* file pathname */ BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 25 - November 29, 1989 BYTE smb_data[*]; /* FEAList structure for the file to be openned */ Secondary Request Format (more data - may be zero or more of these): BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 9 */ WORD smb_tpscnt; /* total number of parameter bytes being sent */ WORD smb_tdscnt; /* total number of data bytes being sent */ WORD smb_pscnt; /* value = 0. All params in primary request */ WORD smb_psoff; /* value = 0. No parameters in secondary request. */ WORD smb_psdisp; /* value = 0. No parameters in secondary request. */ WORD smb_dscnt; /* number of data bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_dsoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ WORD smb_dsdisp; /* byte displacement for these data bytes */ WORD smb_fid; /* value = 0xffff, no handle on request */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* data bytes (* = value of smb_dscnt) */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 26 - November 29, 1989 Response Format (one only): BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 10 */ WORD smb_tprcnt; /* total parameter length retuned */ WORD smb_tdrcnt; /* value = 0 no data bytes */ WORD smb_rsvd; /* reserved */ WORD smb_prcnt; /* parameter bytes being returned */ WORD smb_proff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to parameter bytes */ WORD smb_prdisp; /* value = 0 byte displacement for these param bytes */ WORD smb_drcnt; /* value = 0 no data bytes */ WORD smb_droff; /* value = 0 no data bytes */ WORD smb_drdisp; /* value = 0 no data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 0 no set up return words */ BYTE smb_rsvd1; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* The parmater block for the the TRANSACT2_OPEN * function response is the open specific return * information in the following format. */ WORD open_fid; /* file handle */ +WORD open_attribute; /* attributes of file or device */ +DWORD open_time; /* last modification time */ +DWORD open_size; /* current file size */ +WORD open_access; /* access permissions actually * allowed */ +WORD open_type; /* file type */ +WORD open_state; /* state of IPC device (e.g. pipe) */ WORD open_action; /* action taken */ DWORD open_fileid; /* server unique file id */ WORD open_offerror; /* offset into FEAList data of first * error which occured while setting * the extended attributes. */ ++DWORD open_EAlength; /* Total EA length for opened file */ +returned only if bit 0 of open_flags2 is set in primary request ++returned only if bit 3 of open_flags2 is set in primary request Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 27 - November 29, 1989 TRANSACT2_FINDFIRST The function code TRANSACT2_FINDFIRST in smb_setup[0] in the primary TRANSACT2 request identifies a request to find the first file that matches the specified file specification. Primary Request Format: BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 15 */ WORD smb_tpscnt; /* value = total number of param bytes being sent */ WORD smb_tdscnt; /* total size of extended attribute list */ WORD smb_mprcnt; /* value = maximum return parameter length */ WORD smb_mdrcnt; /* value = maximum return data length */ BYTE smb_msrcnt; /* value = 0. No setup words to return */ BYTE smb_rsvd; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_flags; /* additional information: bit 0 - 0 bit 1 - 0 DWORD smb_timeout; /* value = 0. Not used for find first */ WORD smb_rsvd1; /* reserved */ WORD smb_pscnt; /* value = tpscnt, parms must be in primary request */ WORD smb_psoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr to parameter bytes */ WORD smb_dscnt; /* number of data bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_dsoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 1 */ BYTE smb_rsvd2; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_setup1; /* value = 1 :- TRANSACT2_FINDFIRST */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* The parmater block for the TRANSACT2_FINDFIRST function is the find first specific information in the following format. */ WORD findfirst_Attribute; /* Search attribute */ WORD findfirst_SearchCount; WORD findfirst_flags; /* find flags */ /* Bit 0: set - close search after * this request. * Bit 1: set - close search if end * of search reached. * Bit 2: set - Requester requires * resume key for each * entry found. */ WORD findfirst_FileInfoLevel; /* Search level */ DWORD findfirst_rsvd; BYTE findfirst_FileName[]; BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* Additional FileInfoLevel dependent match * information. For a search requiring extended * attribute matching the data buffer contains * the FEAList data for the seach. */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 28 - November 29, 1989 Secondary Request Format (more data - may be zero or more of these): BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 9 */ WORD smb_tpscnt; /* totalnumber of parameter bytes being sent */ WORD smb_tdscnt; /* total number of data bytes being sent */ WORD smb_pscnt; /* value = 0. All params in primary request */ WORD smb_psoff; /* value = 0. No parameters in secondary request. */ WORD smb_psdisp; /* value = 0. No parameters in secondary request. */ WORD smb_dscnt; /* number of data bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_dsoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ WORD smb_dsdisp; /* byte displacement for these data bytes */ WORD smb_fid; /* value = 0xffff, no handle on request */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ WORD smb_fid; /* value = 0xffff, no handle on request */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* data bytes (* = value of smb_dscnt) */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 29 - November 29, 1989 First Response Format : BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 10 */ WORD smb_tprcnt; /* value = 10 */ WORD smb_tdrcnt; /* value = total length of return data buffer */ WORD smb_rsvd; /* reserved */ WORD smb_prcnt; /* parameter bytes returned in this buffer */ WORD smb_proff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to param bytes */ WORD smb_prdisp; /* value = 0 byte displacement for param bytes */ WORD smb_drcnt; /* data bytes returned in this buffer */ WORD smb_droff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ WORD smb_drdisp; /* byte displacement for these data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 0 no set up return words */ BYTE smb_rsvd1; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* The parmater block for the * TRANSACT2_FINDFIRST function response is * the find first specific return * information in the following format. */ WORD findfirst_dir_handle; /* Directory search handle */ WORD findfirst_searchcount; /* Number of matching * entries found */ WORD findfirst_eos; /* end of search indicator. */ WORD findfirst_offerror; /* error offset if EA error */ WORD findfirst_lastname; /* 0 - server does not require * findnext_FileName[] in order * to continue search. * else * offset from start of returned * data to filename of last * found entry returned. */ BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* return data bytes (* = value of smb_dscnt) */ /* The data block contains the level dependent * information about the matches found in the search. * * If bit 2 in the findfirst_flags is set, each * returned file descriptor block will be preceeded * by a four byte resume key. */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 30 - November 29, 1989 Subsequent Response Format : BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 10 */ WORD smb_tprcnt; /* value = 8 */ WORD smb_tdrcnt; /* value = total length of return data buffer */ WORD smb_rsvd; /* reserved */ WORD smb_prcnt; /* value = 0 */ WORD smb_proff; /* value = 0 */ WORD smb_prdisp; /* value = 0 */ WORD smb_drcnt; /* data bytes returned in this buffer */ WORD smb_droff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ WORD smb_drdisp; /* byte displacement for these data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 0 no set up return words */ BYTE smb_rsvd1; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* return data bytes (* = value of smb_dscnt) */ /* The data block contains the level dependent * information about the matches found in the search. * * If bit 2 in the findfirst_flags is set, each * returned file descriptor block will be preceeded * by a four byte resume key. */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 31 - November 29, 1989 TRANSACT2_FINDNEXT The function code TRANSACT2_FINDNEXT in smb_setup[0] in the primary TRANSACT2 request identifies a request to continue a file search started by a TRANSACT_FINDFIRST search. Primary Request Format: BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 15 */ WORD smb_tpscnt; /* total param bytes being sent */ WORD smb_tdscnt; /* total number of data bytes being sent */ WORD smb_mprcnt; /* value = maximum return parameter length */ WORD smb_mdrcnt; /* value = maximum return data length */ BYTE smb_msrcnt; /* value = 0. No setup words to return */ BYTE smb_rsvd; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_flags; /* additional information: bit 0 - 0 bit 1 - 0 */ DWORD smb_timeout; /* value = 0. Not used for find next */ WORD smb_rsvd1; /* reserved */ WORD smb_pscnt; /* value = tpscnt, parms must be in primary request */ WORD smb_psoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr to parameter bytes */ WORD smb_dscnt; /* number of data bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_dsoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 1 */ BYTE smb_rsvd2; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_setup1; /* value = 2 :- TRANSACT2_FINDNEXT */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* The parmater block for the TRANSACT2_FINDNEXT * function is the find next specific information * in the following format. */ WORD findnext_DirHandle; /* Directory search handle */ WORD findnext_SearchCount; /* Number of entries to find */ WORD findnext_FileInfoLevel; /* Search level */ DWORD findnext_ResumeKey; /* Server reserved resume key */ WORD findnext_flags; /* find flags */ /* Bit 0: set - close search after * this request. * Bit 1: set - close search if end * of search reached. * Bit 2: set - Requester requires * resume key for each * entry found. * Bit 3: set - Continue search from * last entry returned. * clr - Rewind search. */ BYTE findnext_FileName[]; /* Name of file to resume search from */ BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* Additional FileInfoLevel dependent match * information. For a search requiring extended * attribute matching the data buffer contains * the FEAList data for the seach. Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 32 - November 29, 1989 */ Secondary Request Format (more data - may be zero or more of these): BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 9 */ WORD smb_tpscnt; /* total parmeter bytes sent */ WORD smb_tdscnt; /* total number of data bytes being sent */ WORD smb_pscnt; /* value = 0. All params in primary request */ WORD smb_psoff; /* value = 0. No parameters in secondary request. */ WORD smb_psdisp; /* value = 0. No parameters in secondary request. */ WORD smb_dscnt; /* number of data bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_dsoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ WORD smb_dsdisp; /* byte displacement for these data bytes */ WORD smb_fid; /* search handle returned from find first */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* data bytes (* = value of smb_dscnt) */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 33 - November 29, 1989 First Response Format : BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 10 */ WORD smb_tprcnt; /* value = 6 */ WORD smb_tdrcnt; /* value = total length of return data buffer */ WORD smb_rsvd; /* reserved */ WORD smb_prcnt; /* parameter bytes returned in this buffer */ WORD smb_proff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to param bytes */ WORD smb_prdisp; /* value = 0 byte displacement for param bytes */ WORD smb_drcnt; /* data bytes returned in this buffer */ WORD smb_droff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ WORD smb_drdisp; /* byte displacement for these data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 0 no set up return words */ BYTE smb_rsvd1; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* The parmater block for the TRANSACT2_FINDNEXT * function response is the find next specific return * information in the following format. */ WORD findnext_searchcount; /* Number of matching * entries found */ WORD findnext_eos; /* end of search indicator. */ WORD findnext_offerror; /* error offset if EA error */ WORD findfirst_lastname; /* 0 - server does not require * findnext_FileName[] in order * to continue search. * else * offset from start of returned * data to filename of last * found entry returned. */ BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* return data bytes (* = value of smb_dscnt) */ /* The data block contains the level dependent * information about the matches found in the search. * * If bit 2 in the findfirst_flags is set, each * returned file descriptor block will be preceeded * by a four byte resume key. */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 34 - November 29, 1989 Subsequent Response Format : BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 10 */ WORD smb_tprcnt; /* value = 6 */ WORD smb_tdrcnt; /* value = total length of return data buffer */ WORD smb_rsvd; /* reserved */ WORD smb_prcnt; /* value = 0 */ WORD smb_proff; /* value = 0 */ WORD smb_prdisp; /* value = 0 */ WORD smb_drcnt; /* data bytes returned in this buffer */ WORD smb_droff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ WORD smb_drdisp; /* byte displacement for these data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 0 no set up return words */ BYTE smb_rsvd1; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* return data bytes (* = value of smb_dscnt) */ /* The data block contains the level dependent * information about the matches found in the search. * * If bit 2 in the findfirst_flags is set, each * returned file descriptor block will be preceeded * by a four byte resume key. */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 35 - November 29, 1989 TRANSACT2_QFSINFO The function code TRANSACT2_QFSINFO in smb_setup[0] in the primary TRANSACT2 requests identifies a request to query information about a file system. Primary Request Format: BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 15 */ WORD smb_tpscnt; /* value = 2, total parameter bytes being sent */ WORD smb_tdscnt; /* total number of data bytes being sent */ WORD smb_mprcnt; /* value = maximum return parameter length */ WORD smb_mdrcnt; /* maximum data length to return */ BYTE smb_msrcnt; /* value = 0. No setup words to return */ BYTE smb_rsvd; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_flags; /* additional information: bit 0 - 0 bit 1 - 0 */ DWORD smb_timeout; /* value = 0. Not used for qfsinfo */ WORD smb_rsvd1; /* reserved */ WORD smb_pscnt; /* value = 2, params are in primary request */ WORD smb_psoff; /* offset (from start of SMB Hdr to parameter bytes */ WORD smb_dscnt; /* value = 0, no data sent with qfsinfo */ WORD smb_dsoff; /* value = 0, no data sent with qfsinfo */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 1 */ BYTE smb_rsvd2; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_setup1; /* value = 3 :- TRANSACT2_QFSINFO */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* The parmater block for the * TRANSACT2_QFSINFO function is * the qfsinfo specific information * in the following format. */ WORD qfsinfo_FSInfoLevel; /* Level of information required */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 36 - November 29, 1989 Response Format (One or more of these) : BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 10 */ WORD smb_tprcnt; /* value = 0 */ WORD smb_tdrcnt; /* value = total length of return data buffer */ WORD smb_rsvd; /* reserved */ WORD smb_prcnt; /* value = 0, no return param bytes for QFSINFO */ WORD smb_proff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to param bytes */ WORD smb_prdisp; /* value = 0 byte displacement for param bytes */ WORD smb_drcnt; /* data bytes returned in this buffer */ WORD smb_droff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ WORD smb_drdisp; /* byte displacement for these data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 0 no set up return words */ BYTE smb_rsvd1; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* return data bytes (* = value of smb_dscnt) */ /* The data block contains the level dependent * information about the file system. */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 37 - November 29, 1989 TRANSACT2_SETFSINFO The function code TRANSACT2_SETFSINFO in smb_setup[0] in the primary TRANSACT2 requests identifies a request to set information for a file system device. Primary Request Format: BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 15 */ WORD smb_tpscnt; /* value = 2,total number of param bytes being sent */ WORD smb_tdscnt; /* total number of data bytes being sent */ WORD smb_mprcnt; /* value = maximum return parameter length */ WORD smb_mdrcnt; /* value = 0. No data returned */ BYTE smb_msrcnt; /* value = 0. No setup words to return */ BYTE smb_rsvd; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_flags; /* additional information: bit 0 - 0 bit 1 - 0 */ DWORD smb_timeout; /* value = 0. Not used for setfsinfo */ WORD smb_rsvd1; /* reserved */ WORD smb_pscnt; /* value = 4, all params are in primary request */ WORD smb_psoff; /* offset (from start of SMB Hdr to parameter bytes */ WORD smb_dscnt; /* number of data bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_dsoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 1 */ BYTE smb_rsvd2; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_setup1; /* value = 4 :- TRANSACT2_SETFSINFO */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* The parmater block for the * TRANSACT2_SETFSINFO function is * the setfsinfo specific information * in the following format. */ WORD setfsinfo_FSInfoLevel; /* Level of information * provided */ BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* Level dependent file system information */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 38 - November 29, 1989 Secondary Request Format (more data - may be zero or more of these): BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 9 */ WORD smb_tpscnt; /* totalnumber of parameter bytes being sent */ WORD smb_tdscnt; /* total number of data bytes being sent */ WORD smb_pscnt; /* value = 0. All params in primary request */ WORD smb_psoff; /* value = 0. No parameters in secondary request. */ WORD smb_psdisp; /* value = 0. No parameters in secondary request. */ WORD smb_dscnt; /* number of data bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_dsoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ WORD smb_dsdisp; /* byte displacement for these data bytes */ WORD smb_fid; /* value = 0xffff, no handle on request */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* data bytes (* = value of smb_dscnt) */ Response Format (one only): BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 10 */ WORD smb_tprcnt; /* value = 0 */ WORD smb_tdrcnt; /* value = 0 no data bytes */ WORD smb_rsvd; /* reserved */ WORD smb_prcnt; /* value = 0 no return parameters for setfsinfo */ WORD smb_proff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to param bytes */ WORD smb_prdisp; /* value = 0 byte displacement for param bytes */ WORD smb_drcnt; /* value = 0 no data bytes */ WORD smb_droff; /* value = 0 no data bytes */ WORD smb_drdisp; /* value = 0 no data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 0 no set up return words */ BYTE smb_rsvd1; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_bcc; /* value = 0 */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 39 - November 29, 1989 TRANSACT2_QPATHINFO The function code TRANSACT2_QPATHINFO in smb_setup[0] in the primary TRANSACT2 requests identifies a request to query information about specific file or subdirectory. Primary Request Format: BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 15 */ WORD smb_tpscnt; /* value = total number of param bytes being sent */ WORD smb_tdscnt; /* total number of data bytes being sent */ WORD smb_mprcnt; /* value = maximum return parameter length */ WORD smb_mdrcnt; /* maximum data length to return */ BYTE smb_msrcnt; /* value = 0. No setup words to return */ BYTE smb_rsvd; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_flags; /* additional information: bit 0 - 0 bit 1 - 0 */ DWORD smb_timeout; /* value = 0. Not used for qpathinfo */ WORD smb_rsvd1; /* reserved */ WORD smb_pscnt; /* value = tpscnt, all params are in primary request */ WORD smb_psoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to parameter bytes */ WORD smb_dscnt; /* number of data bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_dsoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 1 */ BYTE smb_rsvd2; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_setup1; /* value = 5 :- TRANSACT2_QPATHINFO */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* The parmater block for the * TRANSACT2_QPATHINFO function is the * qpathinfo specific information * in the following format. */ WORD qpathinfo_PathInfoLevel; /* Info level required. */ DWORD qpathinfo_rsvd; /* Reserved. * Must be zero. */ BYTE qpathinfo_PathName[]; /* File/directory name. */ BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* Additional FileInfoLevel dependent information */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 40 - November 29, 1989 Secondary Request Format (more data - may be zero or more of these): BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 9 */ WORD smb_tpscnt; /* totalnumber of parameter bytes being sent */ WORD smb_tdscnt; /* total number of data bytes being sent */ WORD smb_pscnt; /* value = 0. All params in primary request */ WORD smb_psoff; /* value = 0. No parameters in secondary request. */ WORD smb_psdisp; /* value = 0. No parameters in secondary request. */ WORD smb_dscnt; /* number of data bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_dsoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ WORD smb_dsdisp; /* byte displacement for these data bytes */ WORD smb_fid; /* value = 0xffff, no handle on request */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* data bytes (* = value of smb_dscnt) */ First Response Format : BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 10 */ WORD smb_tprcnt; /* value = 2 */ WORD smb_tdrcnt; /* value = total length of return data buffer */ WORD smb_rsvd; /* reserved */ WORD smb_prcnt; /* value = 2 param bytes returned for QFSINFO */ WORD smb_proff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to param bytes */ WORD smb_prdisp; /* value = 0 byte displacement for param bytes */ WORD smb_drcnt; /* data bytes returned in this buffer */ WORD smb_droff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ WORD smb_drdisp; /* byte displacement for these data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 0 no set up return words */ BYTE smb_rsvd1; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* The parmater block for the * TRANSACT2_QPATHINFO response is * the qpathinfo specific return * information in the following format. */ WORD qpathinfo_offerror; /* error offset if EA error */ BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* return data bytes (* = value of smb_dscnt) */ /* The data block contains the requested level * dependent information about the path. */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 41 - November 29, 1989 Subsequent Response Format : BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 10 */ WORD smb_tprcnt; /* value = 2 */ WORD smb_tdrcnt; /* value = total length of return data buffer */ WORD smb_rsvd; /* reserved */ WORD smb_prcnt; /* value = 0 */ WORD smb_proff; /* value = 0 */ WORD smb_prdisp; /* value = 0 */ WORD smb_drcnt; /* data bytes returned in this buffer */ WORD smb_droff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ WORD smb_drdisp; /* byte displacement for these data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 0 no set up return words */ BYTE smb_rsvd1; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* return data bytes (* = value of smb_dscnt) */ /* The data block contains the requested level * dependent information about the path. */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 42 - November 29, 1989 TRANSACT2_SETPATHINFO The function code TRANSACT2_SETPATHINFO in smb_setup[0] in the primary TRANSACT2 requests identifies a request to set information for a file or directory. Primary Request Format: BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 15 */ WORD smb_tpscnt; /* value = total number of param bytes being sent */ WORD smb_tdscnt; /* total number of data bytes being sent */ WORD smb_mprcnt; /* value = maximum return parameter length */ WORD smb_mdrcnt; /* value = 0. No data returned */ BYTE smb_msrcnt; /* value = 0. No setup words to return */ BYTE smb_rsvd; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_flags; /* additional information: bit 0 - 0 bit 1 - 0 */ DWORD smb_timeout; /* value = 0. Not used for setpathinfo */ WORD smb_rsvd1; /* reserved */ WORD smb_pscnt; /* value = tpscnt, params are in primary request */ WORD smb_psoff; /* offset (from start of SMB Hdr to param bytes */ WORD smb_dscnt; /* number of data bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_dsoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 1 */ BYTE smb_rsvd2; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_setup1; /* value = 6 :- TRANSACT2_SETPATHINFO */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* The parmater block for the * TRANSACT2_SETPATHINFO function is * the setpathinfo specific information * in the following format. */ WORD setpathinfo_PathInfoLevel; /* Info level supplied. */ DWORD setpathinfo_rsvd; /* Reserved. * Must be zero. */ BYTE setpathinfo_pathname[]; /* path name to set * information on */ BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* Additional FileInfoLevel dependent information. */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 43 - November 29, 1989 Secondary Request Format (more data - may be zero or more of these): BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 9 */ WORD smb_tpscnt; /* totalnumber of parameter bytes being sent */ WORD smb_tdscnt; /* total number of data bytes being sent */ WORD smb_pscnt; /* value = 0. All params in primary request */ WORD smb_psoff; /* value = 0. No parameters in secondary request. */ WORD smb_psdisp; /* value = 0. No parameters in secondary request. */ WORD smb_dscnt; /* number of data bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_dsoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ WORD smb_dsdisp; /* byte displacement for these data bytes */ WORD smb_fid; /* value = 0xffff, no handle on request */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* data bytes (* = value of smb_dscnt) */ Response Format (one only): BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 10 */ WORD smb_tprcnt; /* value = 2 */ WORD smb_tdrcnt; /* value = 0 no data bytes */ WORD smb_rsvd; /* reserved */ WORD smb_prcnt; /* value = 2 parameter bytes being returned */ WORD smb_proff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to param bytes */ WORD smb_prdisp; /* value = 0 byte displacement for param bytes */ WORD smb_drcnt; /* value = 0 no data bytes */ WORD smb_droff; /* value = 0 no data bytes */ WORD smb_drdisp; /* value = 0 no data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 0 no set up return words */ BYTE smb_rsvd1; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* The parmater block for the * TRANSACT2_SETPATHINFO function * response is the setpathinfo * specific return information in * the following format. */ WORD setpathinfo_offerror; /* offset into FEAList data * of first error which * occured while setting * the extended attributes. */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 44 - November 29, 1989 TRANSACT2_QFILEINFO The function code TRANSACT2_QFILEINFO in smb_setup[0] in the primary TRANSACT2 requests identifies a request to query information about specific file. Primary Request Format: BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 15 */ WORD smb_tpscnt; /* value = 4,total number of param bytes being sent */ WORD smb_tdscnt; /* total number of data bytes being sent */ WORD smb_mprcnt; /* value = maximum return parameter length */ WORD smb_mdrcnt; /* maximum data length to return */ BYTE smb_msrcnt; /* value = 0. No setup words to return */ BYTE smb_rsvd; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_flags; /* additional information: bit 0 - 0 bit 1 - 0 */ DWORD smb_timeout; /* value = 0. Not used for qfileinfo */ WORD smb_rsvd1; /* reserved */ WORD smb_pscnt; /* value = 4, all params are in primary request */ WORD smb_psoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to param bytes */ WORD smb_dscnt; /* number of data bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_dsoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 1 */ BYTE smb_rsvd2; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_setup1; /* value = 7 :- TRANSACT2_QFILEINFO */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* The parmater block for the * TRANSACT2_QFILEINFO function * is the qfileinfo specific information * in the following format. */ WORD qfileinfo_FileHandle; /* File handle. */ WORD qfileinfo_FileInfoLevel; /* Info level required. */ BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* Additional FileInfoLevel dependent information. */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 45 - November 29, 1989 Secondary Request Format (more data - may be zero or more of these): BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 9 */ WORD smb_tpscnt; /* totalnumber of parameter bytes being sent */ WORD smb_tdscnt; /* total number of data bytes being sent */ WORD smb_pscnt; /* value = 0. All params in primary request */ WORD smb_psoff; /* value = 0. No parameters in secondary request. */ WORD smb_psdisp; /* value = 0. No parameters in secondary request. */ WORD smb_dscnt; /* number of data bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_dsoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ WORD smb_dsdisp; /* byte displacement for these data bytes */ WORD smb_fid; /* file handle */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* data bytes (* = value of smb_dscnt) */ First Response Format : BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 10 */ WORD smb_tprcnt; /* value = 2 */ WORD smb_tdrcnt; /* value = total length of return data buffer */ WORD smb_rsvd; /* reserved */ WORD smb_prcnt; /* value = 2 no param bytes returned for qfileinfo */ WORD smb_proff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to param bytes */ WORD smb_prdisp; /* value = 0 byte displacement for param bytes */ WORD smb_drcnt; /* data bytes returned in this buffer */ WORD smb_droff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ WORD smb_drdisp; /* byte displacement for these data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 0 no set up return words */ BYTE smb_rsvd1; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* The parmater block for the * TRANSACT2_QFILEINFO response is * the qfileinfo specific return * information in the following format. */ WORD qfileinfo_offerror; /* error offset if EA error */ BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* return data bytes (* = value of smb_dscnt) */ /* The data block contains the requested level * dependent information about the file. */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 46 - November 29, 1989 Subsequent Response Format : BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 10 */ WORD smb_tprcnt; /* value = 2 */ WORD smb_tdrcnt; /* value = total length of return data buffer */ WORD smb_rsvd; /* reserved */ WORD smb_prcnt; /* value = 0 */ WORD smb_proff; /* value = 0 */ WORD smb_prdisp; /* value = 0 */ WORD smb_drcnt; /* data bytes returned in this buffer */ WORD smb_droff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ WORD smb_drdisp; /* byte displacement for these data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 0 no set up return words */ BYTE smb_rsvd1; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* return data bytes (* = value of smb_dscnt) */ /* The data block contains the requested level * dependent information about the file. */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 47 - November 29, 1989 TRANSACT2_SETFILEINFO The function code TRANSACT2_SETFILEINFO in smb_setup[0] in the primary TRANSACT2 requests identifies a request to set information for a specific file. Primary Request Format: BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 15 */ WORD smb_tpscnt; /* value = 6, total param bytes being sent */ WORD smb_tdscnt; /* total number of data bytes being sent */ WORD smb_mprcnt; /* value = maximum return parameter length */ WORD smb_mdrcnt; /* value = 0. No data returned */ BYTE smb_msrcnt; /* value = 0. No setup words to return */ BYTE smb_rsvd; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_flags; /* additional information: bit 0 - 0 bit 1 - 0 */ DWORD smb_timeout; /* value = 0. Not used for setfileinfo */ WORD smb_rsvd1; /* reserved */ WORD smb_pscnt; /* value = 6, parms must be in primary request */ WORD smb_psoff; /* offset (from start of SMB Hdr to parameter bytes */ WORD smb_dscnt; /* number of data bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_dsoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 1 */ BYTE smb_rsvd2; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_setup1; /* value = 8 :- TRANSACT2_SETFILEINFO */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* The parmater block for the * TRANSACT2_SETFILEINFO function is * the setfileinfo specific information * in the following format. */ WORD setfileinfo_FileHandle; /* File handle. */ WORD setfileinfo_FileInfoLevel; /* Info level supplied. */ WORD setfileinfo_IOFlag; /* Flag * 0x0010 - Write through * 0x0020 - No cache */ BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* Additional FileInfoLevel dependent information. /* For level = 2, smb_data[] contains the FEAList * structure to set for this file. */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 48 - November 29, 1989 Secondary Request Format (more data - may be zero or more of these): BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 9 */ WORD smb_tpscnt; /* value = 4 */ WORD smb_tdscnt; /* total number of data bytes being sent */ WORD smb_pscnt; /* value = 0. All params in primary request */ WORD smb_psoff; /* value = 0. No parameters in secondary request. */ WORD smb_psdisp; /* value = 0. No parameters in secondary request. */ WORD smb_dscnt; /* number of data bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_dsoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ WORD smb_dsdisp; /* byte displacement for these data bytes */ WORD smb_fid; /* file handle */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* data bytes (* = value of smb_dscnt) */ Response Format (one only): BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 10 */ WORD smb_tprcnt; /* value = 2 */ WORD smb_tdrcnt; /* value = 0 no data bytes */ WORD smb_rsvd; /* reserved */ WORD smb_prcnt; /* value = 2 parameter bytes being returned */ WORD smb_proff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to param bytes */ WORD smb_prdisp; /* value = 0, byte displacement for these params */ WORD smb_drcnt; /* value = 0 no data bytes */ WORD smb_droff; /* value = 0 no data bytes */ WORD smb_drdisp; /* value = 0 no data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 0 no set up return words */ BYTE smb_rsvd1; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* The parmater block for the * TRANSACT2_SETFILEINFO function * response is the setfileinfo specific * return information in the * following format. */ WORD setfileinfo_offerror; /* offset into FEAList * data of first error * which occured while * setting the extended * attributes. */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 49 - November 29, 1989 TRANSACT2_FSCTL The function code TRANSACT2_FSCTL in smb_setup[0] in the primary TRANSACT2 requests identifies a file system control request. Primary Request Format: BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 14 + value of smb_suwcnt */ WORD smb_tpscnt; /* value = total number of param bytes being sent */ WORD smb_tdscnt; /* total number of data bytes being sent */ WORD smb_mprcnt; /* value = maximum return parameter length */ WORD smb_mdrcnt; /* maximum data length to return */ BYTE smb_msrcnt; /* value = 1. Function return code */ BYTE smb_rsvd; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_flags; /* additional information: bit 0 - 0 bit 1 - 0 */ DWORD smb_timeout; /* value = 0. Not used for fsctl */ WORD smb_rsvd1; /* reserved */ WORD smb_pscnt; /* number of param bytes being sent in this buffer */ WORD smb_psoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to parameter bytes */ WORD smb_dscnt; /* number of data bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_dsoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = number of setup words in this buffer */ BYTE smb_rsvd2; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_setup[]; /* The setup word array for the * TRANSACT2_FSINFO function is the * fsctl specific information * in the following format. */ WORD 9 :- TRANSACT2_FSCTL; /* TRANS2 command code. */ WORD fsctl_FileHandle; /* File handle. */ WORD fsctl_Function code; /* FsCtl function code */ WORD fsctl_RouteMethod; /* Method for routing. */ BYTE fsctl_RouteName[]; /* The route name byte * array is zero padded * to an even length. */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* File system specific parameter block. */ BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* File system specific data block. */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 50 - November 29, 1989 Secondary Request Format (more data - may be zero or more of these): BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 9 */ WORD smb_tpscnt; /* totalnumber of parameter bytes being sent */ WORD smb_tdscnt; /* total number of data bytes being sent */ WORD smb_pscnt; /* number of parameter bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_psoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to parameter bytes */ WORD smb_psdisp; /* byte displacement for these parameter bytes */ WORD smb_dscnt; /* number of data bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_dsoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ WORD smb_dsdisp; /* byte displacement for these data bytes */ WORD smb_fid; /* file handle */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* File system specific parameter block. */ BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* data bytes (* = value of smb_dscnt) */ Response Format : BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 10 */ WORD smb_tprcnt; /* value = total length of return parameter buffer */ WORD smb_tdrcnt; /* value = total length of return data buffer */ WORD smb_rsvd; /* reserved */ WORD smb_prcnt; /* parameter bytes returned in this buffer */ WORD smb_proff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to parameter bytes */ WORD smb_prdisp; /* value = 0 byte displacement for these param bytes */ WORD smb_drcnt; /* data bytes returned in this buffer */ WORD smb_droff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ WORD smb_drdisp; /* byte displacement for these data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 0, no set up return words */ BYTE smb_rsvd1; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* File system specific return parameter block */ BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* File system specific return data block. */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 51 - November 29, 1989 TRANSACT2_IOCTL The function code TRANSACT2_IOCTL in smb_setup[0] in the primary TRANSACT2 requests identifies a device control request. Primary Request Format: BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 18 */ WORD smb_tpscnt; /* value = total number of param bytes being sent */ WORD smb_tdscnt; /* total number of data bytes being sent */ WORD smb_mprcnt; /* value = maximum return parameter length */ WORD smb_mdrcnt; /* maximum data length to return */ BYTE smb_msrcnt; /* value = 1. Function return code */ BYTE smb_rsvd; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_flags; /* additional information: bit 0 - 0 bit 1 - 0 */ DWORD smb_timeout; /* value = 0. Not used for fsctl */ WORD smb_rsvd1; /* reserved */ WORD smb_pscnt; /* number of param bytes being sent in this buffer */ WORD smb_psoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to parameter bytes */ WORD smb_dscnt; /* number of data bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_dsoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = number of setup words in this buffer */ BYTE smb_rsvd2; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_setup[]; /* The setup word array for the * TRANSACT2_IOCTL function is the ioctl * functiom specific information * in the following format. */ WORD 10 :- TRANSACT2_IOCTL; /* Function code. */ WORD ioctl_DevHandle; /* Device handle. */ WORD ioctl_Category; /* Device catgory. */ WORD ioctl_Function; /* Device function. */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* Device/function specific parameter block. */ BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* Device/function specific data block. */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 52 - November 29, 1989 Secondary Request Format (more data - may be zero or more of these): BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 9 */ WORD smb_tpscnt; /* totalnumber of parameter bytes being sent */ WORD smb_tdscnt; /* total number of data bytes being sent */ WORD smb_pscnt; /* number of parameter bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_psoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to parameter bytes */ WORD smb_psdisp; /* byte displacement for these parameter bytes */ WORD smb_dscnt; /* number of data bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_dsoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ WORD smb_dsdisp; /* byte displacement for these data bytes */ WORD smb_fid; /* file handle */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* Device/function specific parameter block. */ BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* data bytes (* = value of smb_dscnt) */ Response Format : BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 10 */ WORD smb_tprcnt; /* value = total length of return parameter buffer */ WORD smb_tdrcnt; /* value = total length of return data buffer */ WORD smb_rsvd; /* reserved */ WORD smb_prcnt; /* parameter bytes returned in this buffer */ WORD smb_proff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to parameter bytes */ WORD smb_prdisp; /* value = 0 byte displacement for these param bytes */ WORD smb_drcnt; /* data bytes returned in this buffer */ WORD smb_droff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ WORD smb_drdisp; /* byte displacement for these data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 0, no set up return words */ BYTE smb_rsvd1; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* Device/function specific return parameter block */ BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* Device/function specific return data block. */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 53 - November 29, 1989 TRANSACT2_FINDNOTIFYFIRST The function code TRANSACT2_FINDNOTIFYFIRST in smb_setup[0] in the primary TRANSACT2 request identifies a request to commence monitoring changes to a specific file or directory. Primary Request Format: BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 15 */ WORD smb_tpscnt; /* value = total number of param bytes being sent */ WORD smb_tdscnt; /* total size of extended attribute list */ WORD smb_mprcnt; /* value = maximum return parameter length */ WORD smb_mdrcnt; /* value = maximum return data length */ BYTE smb_msrcnt; /* value = 0. No setup words to return */ BYTE smb_rsvd; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_flags; /* additional information: bit 0 - 0 bit 1 - 0 DWORD smb_timeout; /* Specifies duration to wait for changes */ WORD smb_rsvd1; /* reserved */ WORD smb_pscnt; /* value = tpscnt, parms must be in primary request */ WORD smb_psoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr to parameter bytes */ WORD smb_dscnt; /* number of data bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_dsoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 1 */ BYTE smb_rsvd2; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_setup1; /* value = 11 :- TRANSACT2_FINDNOTIFYFIRST */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* The parmater block for the TRANSACT2_FINDNOTIFYFIRST function is the find first specific information in the following format. */ WORD findnfirst_Attribute; /* Search attribute */ WORD findnfirst_ChangeCount; /* Number of changes * to wait for */ WORD findnfirst_Level; /* Info level required */ DWORD findfirst_rsvd; /* Reserved (must be zero) */ BYTE findnfirst_PathSpec[]; BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* Additional level dependent match data */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 54 - November 29, 1989 Secondary Request Format (more data - may be zero or more of these): BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 9 */ WORD smb_tpscnt; /* totalnumber of parameter bytes being sent */ WORD smb_tdscnt; /* total number of data bytes being sent */ WORD smb_pscnt; /* value = 0. All params in primary request */ WORD smb_psoff; /* value = 0. No parameters in secondary request. */ WORD smb_psdisp; /* value = 0. No parameters in secondary request. */ WORD smb_dscnt; /* number of data bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_dsoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ WORD smb_dsdisp; /* byte displacement for these data bytes */ WORD smb_fid; /* value = 0xffff no handle on request */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* data bytes (* = value of smb_dscnt) */ First Response Format : BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 10 */ WORD smb_tprcnt; /* value = 6 */ WORD smb_tdrcnt; /* value = total length of return data buffer */ WORD smb_rsvd; /* reserved */ WORD smb_prcnt; /* parameter bytes returned in this buffer */ WORD smb_proff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to param bytes */ WORD smb_prdisp; /* value = 0 byte displacement for param bytes */ WORD smb_drcnt; /* data bytes returned in this buffer */ WORD smb_droff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ WORD smb_drdisp; /* byte displacement for these data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 0 no set up return words */ BYTE smb_rsvd1; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* The parmater block for the * TRANSACT2_FINDNOTIFYFIRST function response is * the find first specific return * information in the following format. */ WORD findnfirst_handle; /* Mointor handle */ WORD findnfirst_changecount; /* Number of changes which * occured within timeout */ WORD findnfirst_offerror; /* error offset if EA error */ BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* return data bytes (* = value of smb_dscnt) */ /* The data block contains the level dependent * information about the changes which occurred */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 55 - November 29, 1989 Subsequent Response Format : BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 10 */ WORD smb_tprcnt; /* value = 6 */ WORD smb_tdrcnt; /* value = total length of return data buffer */ WORD smb_rsvd; /* reserved */ WORD smb_prcnt; /* value = 0 */ WORD smb_proff; /* value = 0 */ WORD smb_prdisp; /* value = 0 */ WORD smb_drcnt; /* data bytes returned in this buffer */ WORD smb_droff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ WORD smb_drdisp; /* byte displacement for these data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 0 no set up return words */ BYTE smb_rsvd1; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* return data bytes (* = value of smb_dscnt) */ /* The data block contains the level dependent * information about the changes which occurred */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 56 - November 29, 1989 TRANSACT2_FINDNOTIFYNEXT The function code TRANSACT2_FINDNOTIFYNEXT in smb_setup[0] in the primary TRANSACT2 request identifies a request to continue monitoring changes to a file or directory specified by a TRANSACT_FINDNOTIFYFIRST request. Primary Request Format: BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 15 */ WORD smb_tpscnt; /* value = 4, total param bytes being sent */ WORD smb_tdscnt; /* total number of data bytes being sent */ WORD smb_mprcnt; /* value = maximum return parameter length */ WORD smb_mdrcnt; /* value = maximum return data length */ BYTE smb_msrcnt; /* value = 0. No setup words to return */ BYTE smb_rsvd; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_flags; /* additional information: bit 0 - 0 bit 1 - 0 */ DWORD smb_timeout; /* Duration of monitor period */ WORD smb_rsvd1; /* reserved */ WORD smb_pscnt; /* value = tpscnt, parms must be in primary request */ WORD smb_psoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr to parameter bytes */ WORD smb_dscnt; /* number of data bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_dsoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 1 */ BYTE smb_rsvd2; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_setup1; /* value = 12 :- TRANSACT2_FINDNOTIFYNEXT */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* The parmater block for the * TRANSACT2_FINDNOTIFYNEXT function * is the find next specific information * in the following format. */ WORD findnnext_DirHandle; /* Directory monitor handle */ WORD findnnext_ChangeCount; /* Number of changes to wait for */ BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* Additional level dependent monitor * information. */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 57 - November 29, 1989 Secondary Request Format (more data - may be zero or more of these): BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 9 */ WORD smb_tpscnt; /* value = 4 total parmeter bytes sent */ WORD smb_tdscnt; /* total number of data bytes being sent */ WORD smb_pscnt; /* value = 0. All params in primary request */ WORD smb_psoff; /* value = 0. No parameters in secondary request. */ WORD smb_psdisp; /* value = 0. No parameters in secondary request. */ WORD smb_dscnt; /* number of data bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_dsoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ WORD smb_dsdisp; /* byte displacement for these data bytes */ WORD smb_fid; /* search handle */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* data bytes (* = value of smb_dscnt) */ First Response Format : BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 10 */ WORD smb_tprcnt; /* value = 4 */ WORD smb_tdrcnt; /* value = total length of return data buffer */ WORD smb_rsvd; /* reserved */ WORD smb_prcnt; /* parameter bytes returned in this buffer */ WORD smb_proff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to param bytes */ WORD smb_prdisp; /* value = 0 byte displacement for param bytes */ WORD smb_drcnt; /* data bytes returned in this buffer */ WORD smb_droff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ WORD smb_drdisp; /* byte displacement for these data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 0 no set up return words */ BYTE smb_rsvd1; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* The parmater block for the * TRANSACT2_FINDNOTIFYNEXT function * response is the find notify next specific return * information in the following format. */ WORD findnnext_changecount; /* Number of changes which * during the monitor period. */ WORD findnnext_offerror; BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* return data bytes (* = value of smb_dscnt) */ /* The data block contains the level dependent * information about the changes which occurred. */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 58 - November 29, 1989 Subsequent Response Format : BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 10 */ WORD smb_tprcnt; /* value = 4 */ WORD smb_tdrcnt; /* value = total length of return data buffer */ WORD smb_rsvd; /* reserved */ WORD smb_prcnt; /* value = 0 */ WORD smb_proff; /* value = 0 */ WORD smb_prdisp; /* value = 0 */ WORD smb_drcnt; /* data bytes returned in this buffer */ WORD smb_droff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ WORD smb_drdisp; /* byte displacement for these data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 0 no set up return words */ BYTE smb_rsvd1; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* return data bytes (* = value of smb_dscnt) */ /* The data block contains the level dependent * information about the changes which occurred. */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 59 - November 29, 1989 TRANSACT2_MKDIR The function code TRANSACT2_MKDIR in smb_setup[0] in the primary TRANSACT2 requests identifies a request to create a directory with extended attributes. Primary Request Format: BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 15 */ WORD smb_tpscnt; /* value = total number of param bytes being sent */ WORD smb_tdscnt; /* total number of data bytes being sent */ WORD smb_mprcnt; /* value = maximum return parameter length */ WORD smb_mdrcnt; /* value = 0. No data returned */ BYTE smb_msrcnt; /* value = 0. No setup words to return */ BYTE smb_rsvd; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_flags; /* additional information: * bit 0 - 0 * bit 1 - 0 */ DWORD smb_timeout; /* value = 0. Not used for mkdir */ WORD smb_rsvd1; /* reserved */ WORD smb_pscnt; /* value = tpscnt, parms must be in primary request */ WORD smb_psoff; /* offset (from start of SMB Hdr to parameter bytes */ WORD smb_dscnt; /* number of data bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_dsoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 1 */ BYTE smb_rsvd2; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_setup1; /* value = 13 :- TRANSACT2_MKDIR */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* The parmater block for the * TRANSACT2_MKDIR function is * the mkdir specific information * in the following format. */ DWORD mkdir_rsvd; /* Reserved. Must be zero. */ BYTE mkdir_dirname[]; /* Directory name */ BYTE smb_pad1[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* FEAList structure for the directory * to be created */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 60 - November 29, 1989 Secondary Request Format (more data - may be zero or more of these): BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 9 */ WORD smb_tpscnt; /* totalnumber of parameter bytes being sent */ WORD smb_tdscnt; /* total number of data bytes being sent */ WORD smb_pscnt; /* value = 0. All params in primary request */ WORD smb_psoff; /* value = 0. No parameters in secondary request. */ WORD smb_psdisp; /* value = 0. No parameters in secondary request. */ WORD smb_dscnt; /* number of data bytes being sent this buffer */ WORD smb_dsoff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to data bytes */ WORD smb_dsdisp; /* byte displacement for these data bytes */ WORD smb_fid; /* value = 0xffff, no handle on request */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_data[*]; /* data bytes (* = value of smb_dscnt) */ Response Format (one only): BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 10 */ WORD smb_tprcnt; /* value = 2 */ WORD smb_tdrcnt; /* value = 0 no data bytes */ WORD smb_rsvd; /* reserved */ WORD smb_prcnt; /* value = 2, parameter bytes being returned */ WORD smb_proff; /* offset (from start of SMB hdr) to param bytes */ WORD smb_prdisp; /* value = 0 byte displacement for param bytes */ WORD smb_drcnt; /* value = 0 no data bytes */ WORD smb_droff; /* value = 0 no data bytes */ WORD smb_drdisp; /* value = 0 no data bytes */ BYTE smb_suwcnt; /* value = 0 no set up return words */ BYTE smb_rsvd1; /* reserved (pad above to word) */ WORD smb_bcc; /* total bytes (including pad bytes) following */ BYTE smb_pad[]; /* (optional) to pad to word or dword boundary */ BYTE smb_param[*]; /* The parmater block for the * TRANSACT2_MKDIR function response * is the mkdir specific return * information in the following format. */ WORD mkdir_offerror; /* offset into FEAList data of first * error which occured while setting * the extended attributes. */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 61 - November 29, 1989 6.0.2. FIND NOTIFY CLOSE Request Format: BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 1 */ WORD smb_handle; /* Find notify handle */ WORD smb_bcc; /* value = 0 */ Response Format: BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 0 */ WORD smb_bcc; /* value = 0 */ Service: The Find Notify Close protocol closes the association between a directory handle returned following a resourse monitor established using a TRANSACT2_FINDNOTIFYFIRST request to the server and the resulting system directory monitor. This request allows the server to free any resources held in support of the open handle. The Find Close protocol is used to match the DosFindNotify- Close OS/2 system call. Find Notify Close may generate the following errors. Error Class ERRDOS ERRbadfid Error Class ERRSRV ERRerror ERRinvnid Error Class ERRHRD Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 62 - November 29, 1989 6.0.3. FIND CLOSE Request Format: BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 1 */ WORD smb_handle; /* Find handle */ WORD smb_bcc; /* value = 0 */ Response Format: BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 0 */ WORD smb_bcc; /* value = 0 */ Service: The Find Close protocol closes the association between a search handle returned following a successful FIND FIRST request sent to the server using the TRANSACT2 protocol and the resulting system file search. This request allows the server to free any resources held in support of the open handle. The Find Close protocol is used to match the DosFindFirst2 OS/2 system call. Find Close may generate the following errors. Error Class ERRDOS ERRbadfid Error Class ERRSRV ERRerror ERRinvnid Error Class ERRHRD Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 63 - November 29, 1989 6.0.4. USER LOGOFF and X Request Format: BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 2 */ BYTE smb_com2; /* secondary (X) command, 0xFF = none */ BYTE smb_reh2; /* reserved (must be zero) */ WORD smb_off2; /* offset (from SMB hdr start) to next cmd (@smb_wct) */ WORD smb_bcc; /* value = 0 */ Response Format: BYTE smb_wct; /* value = 2 */ BYTE smb_com2; /* secondary (X) command, 0xFF = none */ BYTE smb_res2; /* reserved (pad to word) */ WORD smb_off2; /* offset (from SMB hdr start) to next cmd (@smb_wct) */ WORD smb_bcc; /* value = 0 */ Service definition: This protocol is used to "Log Off" the user (identified by the UID value in smb_uid) previously "Logged On" via the Session Set Up protocol. The server will remove this UID from its list of valid UIDs for this session. Any subsequent protocol containing this UID (in smb_uid) received (on this session) will be returned with an access error. Another Session Set Up ("User Logon") must be sent in order to reenstate the user on the session. Session Termination also causes the UIDs registered on the session to be invalidated. When the session is reesta- blished, Session Setup request(s) must again be used to validate each user. The following are the only valid protocol request commands for smb_com2 (X) for User Logoff and X: SESSION SET UP and X User Logoff may generate the following errors. Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 64 - November 29, 1989 Error Class ERRDOS Error Class ERRSRV Error Class ERRHRD Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 65 - November 29, 1989 7. DATA DEFINITIONS 7.1. COMMAND CODES The command codes are unchanged for commands that are common with the Core File Sharing Protocol. The following values have been assigned for the "core" pro- tocol commands. #define SMBmkdir 0x00 /* create directory */ #define SMBrmdir 0x01 /* delete directory */ #define SMBopen 0x02 /* open file */ #define SMBcreate 0x03 /* create file */ #define SMBclose 0x04 /* close file */ #define SMBflush 0x05 /* flush file */ #define SMBunlink 0x06 /* delete file */ #define SMBmv 0x07 /* rename file */ #define SMBgetatr 0x08 /* get file attributes */ #define SMBsetatr 0x09 /* set file attributes */ #define SMBread 0x0A /* read from file */ #define SMBwrite 0x0B /* write to file */ #define SMBlock 0x0C /* lock byte range */ #define SMBunlock 0x0D /* unlock byte range */ #define SMBctemp 0x0E /* create temporary file */ #define SMBmknew 0x0F /* make new file */ #define SMBchkpth 0x10 /* check directory path */ #define SMBexit 0x11 /* process exit */ #define SMBlseek 0x12 /* seek */ #define SMBtcon 0x70 /* tree connect */ #define SMBtdis 0x71 /* tree disconnect */ #define SMBnegprot 0x72 /* negotiate protocol */ #define SMBdskattr 0x80 /* get disk attributes */ #define SMBsearch 0x81 /* search directory */ #define SMBsplopen 0xC0 /* open print spool file */ #define SMBsplwr 0xC1 /* write to print spool file */ #define SMBsplclose 0xC2 /* close print spool file */ #define SMBsplretq 0xC3 /* return print queue */ #define SMBsends 0xD0 /* send single block message */ #define SMBsendb 0xD1 /* send broadcast message */ #define SMBfwdname 0xD2 /* forward user name */ #define SMBcancelf 0xD3 /* cancel forward */ #define SMBgetmac 0xD4 /* get machine name */ #define SMBsendstrt 0xD5 /* send start of multi-block message */ #define SMBsendend 0xD6 /* send end of multi-block message */ #define SMBsendtxt 0xD7 /* send text of multi-block message */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 66 - November 29, 1989 The commands added by the LANMAN 1.0 Extended File Sharing Protocol have the following command codes: #define SMBlockread 0x13 /* lock then read data */ #define SMBwriteunlock 0x14 /* write then unlock data */ #define SMBreadBraw 0x1A /* read block raw */ #define SMBreadBmpx 0x1B /* read block multiplexed */ #define SMBreadBs 0x1C /* read block (secondary response) */ #define SMBwriteBraw 0x1D /* write block raw */ #define SMBwriteBmpx 0x1E /* write block multiplexed */ #define SMBwriteBs 0x1F /* write block (secondary request) */ #define SMBwriteC 0x20 /* write complete response */ #define SMBsetattrE 0x22 /* set file attributes expanded */ #define SMBgetattrE 0x23 /* get file attributes expanded */ #define SMBlockingX 0x24 /* lock/unlock byte ranges and X */ #define SMBtrans 0x25 /* transaction - name, bytes in/out */ #define SMBtranss 0x26 /* transaction (secondary request/response) */ #define SMBioctl 0x27 /* IOCTL */ #define SMBioctls 0x28 /* IOCTL (secondary request/response) */ #define SMBcopy 0x29 /* copy */ #define SMBmove 0x2A /* move */ #define SMBecho 0x2B /* echo */ #define SMBwriteclose 0x2C /* Write and Close */ #define SMBopenX 0x2D /* open and X */ #define SMBreadX 0x2E /* read and X */ #define SMBwriteX 0x2F /* write and X */ #define SMBsesssetup 0x73 /* Session Set Up & X (including User Logon) */ #define SMBtconX 0x75 /* tree connect and X */ #define SMBffirst 0x82 /* find first */ #define SMBfunique 0x83 /* find unique */ #define SMBfclose 0x84 /* find close */ #define SMBinvalid 0xFE /* invalid command */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 67 - November 29, 1989 The commands added by the LANMAN 1.2 Extended File Sharing Protocol have the following command codes: #define SMBtrans2 0x32 /* transaction2 - function, byte in/out */ #define SMBtranss2 0x33 /* transaction2 (secondary request/response*/ #define SMBfindclose 0x34 /* find close */ #define SMBfindnclose 0x35 /* find notify close */ #define SMBuloggoffX 0x74 /* User logoff and X */ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 68 - November 29, 1989 7.2. ERROR CLASSES AND CODES The error class and code lists in the section include all classes and codes generated by the Core File Sharing Proto- col. Errors listed here are intended to provide a finer granularity of error conditions. These lists are not com- plete. The following error classes may be returned by the protocol elements defined in this document. SUCCESS 0 The request was successful. ERRDOS 0x01 Error is from the core DOS operating system set. ERRSRV 0x02 Error is generated by the server network file manager. ERRHRD 0x03 Error is an hardware error. ERRXOS 0x04 Reserved for XENIX. ERRRMX1 0xE1 Reserved for iRMX ERRRMX2 0xE2 Reserved for iRMX ERRRMX3 0xE3 Reserved for iRMX ERRCMD 0xFF Command was not in the "SMB" format. The following error codes may be generated with the SUCCESS error class. SUCCESS 0 The request was successful. The following error codes may be generated with the ERRDOS error class. The XENIX errors equivalent to each of these errors are noted at the end of the error description. NOTE - When the extended protocol (LANMAN 1.0) has been nego- tiated, all of the error codes below may be generated plus any of the new error codes defined for OS/2 (see OS/2 operating system documentation for complete list of OS/2 error codes). When only "core" protocol has been nego- tiated, the server must map additional OS/2 (or OS/2 like) errors to the errors listed below. Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 69 - November 29, 1989 The following error codes may be generated with the ERRDOS error class. ERRbadfunc 1 Invalid function. The server OS did not recognize or could not perform a system call generated by the server, e.g., set the DIRECTORY attribute on a data file, invalid seek mode. [EINVAL] ERRbadfile 2 File not found. The last component of a file's pathname could not be found. ERRbadpath 3 Directory invalid. A directory component in a pathname could not be found. [ENOENT] ERRnofids 4 Too many open files. The server has no file handles (FIDs) available. [EMFILE] ERRnoaccess 5 Access denied, the requester's context does not permit the requested function. This includes the following conditions. [EPERM] invalid rename command write to fid open for read only read on fid open for write only Attempt to delete a non-empty directory ERRbadfid 6 Invalid file handle. The file handle specified was not recognized by the server. [EBADF] ERRbadmcb 7 Memory control blocks destroyed. [EREMOTEIO] ERRnomem 8 Insufficient server memory to perform the requested function. [ENOMEM] ERRbadmem 9 Invalid memory block address. [EFAULT] ERRbadenv 10 Invalid environment. [EREMOTEIO] ERRbadformat 11 Invalid format. [EREMOTEIO] ERRbadaccess 12 Invalid open mode. ERRbaddata 13 Invalid data (generated only by IOCTL calls within the server). [E2BIG] ERR 14 reserved ERRbaddrive 15 Invalid drive specified. [ENXIO] ERRremcd 16 A Delete Directory request attempted to remove the server's current directory. [EREMOTEIO] ERRdiffdevice 17 Not same device (e.g., a cross volume rename was attempted) [EXDEV] ERRnofiles 18 A File Search command can find no more files matching the specified cri- teria. ERRbadshare 32 The sharing mode specified for an Open conflicts with existing FIDs on the file. [ETXTBSY] ERRlock 33 A Lock request conflicted with an existing lock or specified an invalid mode, or an Unlock requested attempted to remove a lock held by another process. [EDEADLOCK] ERRfilexists 80 The file named in a Create Directory, Make New File or Link request already exists. The error may also be generated in the Create and Rename transaction. [EEXIST] ERRbadpipe 230 Pipe invalid. ERRpipebusy 231 All instances of the requested pipe are busy. ERRpipeclosing 232 Pipe close in progress. ERRnotconnected 233 No process on other end of pipe. ERRmoredata 234 There is more data to be returned. Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 70 - November 29, 1989 The following error codes may be generated with the ERRSRV error class. ERRerror 1 Non-specific error code. It is returned under the following conditions: resource other than disk space exhausted (e.g. TIDs) first command on VC was not negotiate multiple negotiates attempted internal server error [ENFILE] ERRbadpw 2 Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid. ERRbadtype 3 reserved ERRaccess 4 The requester does not have the necessary access rights within the specified context for the requested function. The context is defined by the TID or the UID. [EACCES] ERRinvnid 5 The tree ID (TID) specified in a command was invalid. ERRinvnetname 6 Invalid network name in tree connect. ERRinvdevice 7 Invalid device - printer request made to non-printer connection or non- printer request made to printer connection. ERRqfull 49 Print queue full (files) -- returned by open print file. ERRqtoobig 50 Print queue full -- no space. ERRqeof 51 EOF on print queue dump. ERRinvpfid 52 Invalid print file FID. ERRsmbcmd 64 The server did not recognize the command received. ERRsrverror 65 The server encountered an internal error, e.g., system file unavailable. ERRfilespecs 67 The file handle (FID) and pathname parameters contained an invalid com- bination of values. ERRreserved 68 reserved. ERRbadpermits 69 The access permissions specified for a file or directory are not a valid combination. The server cannot set the requested attribute. ERRreserved 70 reserved. ERRsetattrmode 71 The attribute mode in the Set File Attribute request is invalid. ERRpaused 81 Server is paused. (reserved for messaging) ERRmsgoff 82 Not receiving messages. (reserved for messaging). ERRnoroom 83 No room to buffer message. (reserved for messaging). ERRrmuns 87 Too many remote user names. (reserved for messaging). ERRtimeout 88 Operation timed out. ERRnoresource 89 No resources currently available for request. ERRtoomanyuids 90 Too many UIDs active on this session. ERRbaduid 91 The UID is not known as a valid ID on this session. ERRusempx 250 Temp unable to support Raw, use MPX mode. ERRusestd 251 Temp unable to support Raw, use standard read/write. ERRcontmpx 252 (reserved) continue in MPX mode. ERRreserved 253 reserved. ERRreserved 254 reserved. ERRnosupport 0xFFFF Function not supported. Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks SMB Protocol Extensions - 71 - November 29, 1989 The following error codes may be generated with the ERRHRD error class. The XENIX errors equivalent to each of these errors are noted at the end of the error description. ERRnowrite 19 Attempt to write on write-protected diskette. [EROFS] ERRbadunit 20 Unknown unit. [ENODEV] ERRnotready 21 Drive not ready. [EUCLEAN] ERRbadcmd 22 Unknown command. ERRdata 23 Data error (CRC). [EIO] ERRbadreq 24 Bad request structure length. [ERANGE] ERRseek 25 Seek error. ERRbadmedia 26 Unknown media type. ERRbadsector 27 Sector not found. ERRnopaper 28 Printer out of paper. ERRwrite 29 Write fault. ERRread 30 Read fault. ERRgeneral 31 General failure. ERRbadshare 32 A open conflicts with an existing open. [ETXTBSY] ERRlock 33 A Lock request conflicted with an existing lock or specified an invalid mode, or an Unlock requested attempted to remove a lock held by another process. [EDEADLOCK] ERRwrongdisk 34 The wrong disk was found in a drive. ERRFCBUnavail 35 No FCBs are available to process request. ERRsharebufexc 36 A sharing buffer has been exceeded. Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988, 1989 Microsoft Networks