Format: StockChartX (.STX) Version: 3.04 Author: Modulus Financial Engineering, 2002 Origin: 32-bit Windows The StockChartX (.STX) file format for the Windows operating system consists of a 116-byte file header block and a series of 29-byte chart header blocks, followed by security data and chart object data. The description and source code below is released by Modulus Financial Engineering //--------------------------------------------------------------// struct header_block { char fileInfo[20]; char tickerSymbol[50]; int recordCount; int screenHeight; int candleChart; int periodSelection; int showInfoPanel; int borderStyle; long barColor; long candleStickDarkColor; long candleStickLightColor; long foreColor; long backColor; }; //116 bytes struct chart_block { int hWnd; bool baseArea; int height; int top; bool ignoreNullData; long backColor; long foreColor; long gridColor; }; //29 bytes struct horzline_block { double value; int linestyle; long color; int weight; }; //24 bytes struct data_block { char name[50]; int linestyle; int weight; long color; }; //64 bytes struct object_block { int bitmap_res_id; int high_or_low; int period; int x; int y; int width; int height; int periodlink; double ylink; }; //40 bytes struct note_block { int period; char text[500]; }; //504 bytes //--------------------------------------------------------------// ---start StockChartX file format--- Header block (0x0h to 0x74h) (Reserved block 0x75h to 0xABh) reserved long; reserved char[50]; (First chart block offset = 0xACh) chart area count (1 word) chart header (24 bytes) horizontal lines count per chart (1 word) horzline_block horz horzline_block horz horzline_block horz data count per chart (1 word) data_block data data_block data data_block data value count per data (1 word) double value double value double value object count per data (1 word) object_block object object_block object object_block object note object count per data (1 word) note_block note note_block note note_block note begin of next chart segment ---end StockChartX file format---