Packet Format - PKT Swecoin US, Jonathan Hunt July 98 The packet format used in the TTP 500 Plus editor for Windows is as follows. It contans a three byte header, then binary data PKT Format, Header: ********************************************************************* Byte Number Description 1 Contains the Packet Type 00 - Parameter Data Packet Is Always 41 Bytes 01 - Binary Packet 1 to 64997 bytes. 2 and 3 Size of bytes of this packet, in Reverse order, Low then High. In a 01 type packet this must be 41, or the program will concider it corrupt. The remainder of the file is the binary data as specified above. The NEW St3 Format Revision 3 (C)1998 Swecoin US Designed and written by Jonathan Hunt This is the file format used by TTP 5000 Plus for Windows when saving editor files. Header ********************************************************************** Byte Value Description 1 03h ID Byte.. Idenfies a St3 File Could also be 04.. to represent a compressed st3 file, which is an St4. 2,3 Any Two Bytes that store the size of the rich text data that follows that is placed into the editor window RTF Data ********************************************************************** 4 ? The RTF data for the editor window, as specified above After that data, comes the packet data. Packet Data ********************************************************************** (next 1 The total number of packets in this file. after RTF Data) Packets ******************************************************************** Where a packet is: 1 byte for type 00 for Paramter Data Packet 01 for Binary Packet Any Other value stops the loading of packets( not a valid termination) 2 bytes for length in NORMAL order, High * 256 + Low is total bytes to follow The remainder of the bytes is the binary packet data After that data is read, the read is repeated until all packets are read. The headers are all right next to their binary data. Termination: ******************************************************************** A single &HFF represents the end of the file.