WAR File Format 00:0000-00:0003 L Id caption number $19000000 00:0004-00:0005 W Number of entries ( max enrty number +1 ) 00:0006-00:0007 W Archive Id ( used for entry determination) 1000=Maindat.war 2000=Snddat.war 3000=Rezdat.war 4000=Strdat.war 5000=Sfxdat.sud 6000=Muddat.cud 00:0008-XX:XXXX L Entry offsets in in file $FFFFFFFF=unavailable (used in demo version) XX:XXXX RXX Entries PseudoEntry=everything shorter than 4 bytes (counted by substracting offsets) UsefulEntry Index : Feature : 00 W Lower Entry Length word =entry datasize-4 02 B Higher Entry Length word 03 B LZSS Compression flag 00=uncompressed 20=compressed LZSS Compression scheme : 4096 Bytes buffering system 00 B Flags bits=bytes in next 8 records Bit set = any duplicity , use the same byte in buffer on current position record = byte Bit clear = duplicity on position in lower byte and lower nibble offset of length in higher byte higher nibble