10 REM prog.
20 REM Ryan Curtis
30 REM conversation with the computer
40 INPUT "What is you name"; NAM$
50 PRINT "Hello "; NAM$ " nice to meet you!"
60 INPUT "How old are you"; A
70 IF A >= 20 GOTO 110
80 PRINT "You look very mature for your age"
90 GOTO 120
91 GOTO 120
100 GOTO 120
110 PRINT"You look younger than your age"
120 INPUT"What city do you live in"; CIT$
130 PRINT"I think ";CIT$" is a nice place"
140 INPUT"Do you have any friends #1=yes #2=no"; B
150 IF B = 1 GOTO 155 :ELSE 165
155 PRINT"That's good but I'll be your friend too!"
156 GOTO 170
160 IF B = 2 GOTO 165
165 PRINT"That's too bad-hey I'll be your friend!"
166 GOTO 170
170 PRINT"Well see ya later!"
180 PRINT "your computer"
190 END