20 DIM G(5),D(5),B$(8),A$(9),T$(5)
30 FOR J=1 TO 5
40 READ G(J),D(J)
60 DATA 9.8,1.2756E+07,1.67,3.477E+06,3.92,6.86E+06,8.82,1.262E+07,26.46,1.436E+08
70 FOR J=1 TO 5
80 READ B$(J)
100 DATA Earth,The Moon,Mars,Venus,Jupiter
110 PRINT"Do you wish to land on..."
120 PRINT"                             <1> Earth"
130 PRINT"                             <2> The Moon"
140 PRINT"                             <3> Mars"
150 PRINT"                             <4> Venus"
160 PRINT"                             <5> Jupiter"
170 B$=INPUT$(1)
180 B=VAL(B$)
190 IF B<1 OR B>5 THEN SOUND 37,2:GOTO 170
200 B$=B$(B)
210 G=G(B)
220 D=D(B)
230 PRINT"Do you need an explanation?"
240 A$=INPUT$(1)
250 IF A$="n" OR A$="N" GOTO 360
260 PRINT"You are attemping a soft landing on "B$" by firing your"
270 PRINT"rockets or retro-rockets in 1 second blasts to thrust towards"
280 PRINT B$" or away from "B$", or by letting your spacecraft"
290 PRINT"drift for one second intervals.  Your aim is to land with a zero"
300 PRINT"impact velocity in the shortest possible time.  You may choose"
310 PRINT"(A) the constant thrust per kilogram of your Lander, Your initial"
320 PRINT"position (S) meters from "B$", and your initial"
330 PRINT"velocity (V) meters/second according to restrictions which are "
340 PRINT"stated below.  (Note that a positive velocity leads away from "
350 PRINT B$" and that a negative velocity leads towards "B$".)"
360 PRINT:PRINT "Input Thrust/Weight Ratio - (Must be between"G"and "10*INT(G+1)")";,
380 IF A<=G THEN 360
390 IF A<=10*INT(G+1) THEN 420
400 PRINT"Do you want to land or smash your way through "B$"?"
410 GOTO 360
420 PRINT"Input initial height - (Must be between"A*34"and 0 ) ",;
440 B=S/19
450 IF S<=0 OR S>34*A THEN 420
460 PRINT"Input initial velocity - (Must be greater than"(-1*SQR(2*S*(A-G)))") ",
480 Y=SQR(2*A*(A-G)*(V*V+2*A*S+2*G*S))
490 M=(V+Y/(2*A))/(A+G)
500 F=2*INT(M+Y/(2*A*(A-G)))+2
510 PRINT"The Federal Energy Administrator allows you"F"seconds worth of fuel."
520 PRINT"Upon the command 'Fire !!', fire your rockets (Print '+') or your retro-"
530 PRINT"rockets (Print '-'), or neither (Print '=').  After each blast, the"
540 PRINT"computer will print out the flight data and plot your position."
550 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT TAB(27)"Hit any key to continue"
560 N=0
570 P=0
580 A$="<={<={}=>"
590 X=S/B
600 IF X>36 THEN 1190
610 PRINT TAB(37) CHR$(221) TAB(38+X);MID$(A$,4+3*SGN(V),6+3*SGN(V)) CHR$(13);
620 PRINT USING "Dist=####.#  Speed=####.#  Fuel=### &";S;V;F-N;CHR$(221)
630 IF N=F THEN 1040
640 C$=INPUT$(1)
650 IF C$="+" THEN J=1:GOTO 700
660 IF C$="=" THEN J=2:GOTO 700
670 IF C$="-" THEN J=3:GOTO 700
680 SOUND 37,2
690 GOTO 640
700 U=(J-2)*A
710 IF J=3 THEN 740
720 Z=(V+SQR(V*V-2*S*(U-G)))/(G-U)
730 GOTO 760
740 IF V<0 AND V*V>=2*S*(U-G) THEN 720
750 Z=1000
760 IF Z<=1 THEN 820
770 S=.5*(U-G)+V+S
780 V=U-G+V
790 N=N+ABS(J-2)
800 P=P+1
810 GOTO 590
820 W=ABS(V+(U-G)*Z)
830 T=P+Z
840 IF W<.01 THEN 970
850 CLS:ON INT(W/10)+1 GOTO 880,900,900,930
860 PRINT"Is there life after death?  You crashed with an impact velocity of"
870 GOTO 950
880 PRINT" Bumpy landing!  You hit the ground with an impact velocity of "
890 GOTO 950
900 PRINT"Blue Cross-Blue Shield will pay 80% towards your X-Ray "
910 PRINT"expenses.  You crashed with an impact velocity of "
920 GOTO 950
930 PRINT"You should have not have sat backwards in your rocket!  Your teeth"
940 PRINT"just left throuhg the back of your skull with a velocity of "
950 PRINT W"meters per second after having maneuvered for"T"seconds."
960 GOTO 1140
970 IF ABS(M+Y/(2*A*(A-G))-T)<.01 THEN 1010
980 PRINT"You did manage to land softly after maneuvering for"T"seconds, but"
990 PRINT"not in the minimum time!"
1000 GOTO 1140
1010 PRINT"You have landed softly in the shortest possible time of "
1020 PRINT M+Y/(2*A*(A-G))"seconds.  Congratulations!!"
1030 GOTO 1310
1040 PRINT TAB(35) CHR$(221) " You are out of fuel!!"
1050 T=V/G+SQR(V*V+2*G*S)/G
1060 W=SQR(V*V+2*G*S)
1070 IF V