10 '---------------------------------------------------------------
12 '
14 ' Survival: by Stewart F. Rush (Enhancements by G. M. Bright)
16 '
18 ' variable definitions: P  = current position
20 '                       T1 = current elapsed time
22 '                       T2 = oxygen remaining
24 '                       C  = no. of items carried
28 '                       F1 = flag: shed open
30 '                       F2 = flag: meteor shower occurred
32 '                       F3 = flag: laser beam deflected
34 '                       F4 = flag: ventillator shaft illuminated
36 '                       F5 = flag: deactivator exposed
38 '                       F7 = flag: spacecraft repair status
40 '                       F9 = flag: power in use
42 '                       P1 = power unit power remaining
44 '                       P2 = power pack power remaining
45 '                       V  = number of reads of computer message
46 '
60 '---------------------------------------------------------------
100 SCREEN 0: WIDTH 80
170 CLEAR: DIM T$(64): DIM M(43,8): DIM O(15)
176 '***************************************
178 '** initialize text and move matrices **
180 '***************************************
184 DEF SEG=0:X=PEEK(&H417) AND &H40:IF X=64 THEN POKE &H417,PEEK(&H417) AND &H0:'   toggle lowercase
186 PRINT ": Would you like instructions (y/n)?"
220 D$=INKEY$:IF D$="" THEN 220 ELSE IF D$="y" THEN GOSUB 5040
221 PRINT: PRINT "initialization in process - please wait"
222 FOR I=1 TO 15
224   READ O(I)
226 NEXT I
230 FOR I= 1 TO 64
240   READ T$(I)
250 NEXT I
260 FOR I= 1 TO 43
270   FOR J = 1 TO 8
280     READ M(I,J)
290   NEXT J
300 NEXT I
320 P=1: C=2: T1=0: T2=185: P1=230: P2=50: V=0
390 F1=0: F2=0: F3=0: F4=0: F5=0: F7=0: F9=0
400 M(2,8)=6
410 M(14,8)=30
620 REM *****************************************************
630 REM ** display current status and location information **
640 REM *****************************************************
650 CLS
653 COLOR 0,7:PRINT "*****************************************":COLOR 7,0
655 COLOR 0,7:PRINT "*****************************************":COLOR 7,0
690 IF O(11)=99 AND P1>0 THEN P1=P1-5
700 IF O(14)=99 AND P2>0 THEN P2=P2-5
710 IF O(3)=99 AND T2>0 THEN T2=T2-5
720 IF (P>21) AND (F9=0) THEN 760
730 IF (O(11)<>99) AND (O(14)<>99) THEN 2870
740 IF (O(11)=99) AND (P1=0) THEN 2870
750 IF (O(14)=99) AND (P2=0) THEN 2870
760 IF (P>17) AND (P<22) THEN 790
770 IF (P>21) AND (P<>38) AND (F9=0) THEN 790
775 IF (P=38) AND (R=39) AND (F9=0) THEN 790
780 IF (O(3)<>99) OR (T2=0) THEN 2900
830 IF T1>400 THEN 2960
840 IF T1>350 THEN 3840
850 IF T1>200 THEN 3740
855 T1=T1+5
860 PRINT: PRINT "LOCATION: You are ";
870 FOR I=M(P,7) TO M(P,8)
880 PRINT T$(I)
890 NEXT I
900 PRINT "##"
910 REM *********************************
920 REM ** display any objects present **
930 REM *********************************
940 IF P=14 THEN 1920
950 FOR I = 1 TO 15
960 IF O(I)<>P THEN 990
970 GOSUB 4410
980 PRINT "There is ";B$;" here."
990 NEXT I
1000 GOTO 2000
1010 REM ****************************************
1020 REM ** read and process keyboard response **
1030 REM ****************************************
1040 INPUT B$: IF LEN(B$)<>1 GOTO 1320
1050 I=INSTR(1,"nsewudq",B$)
1060 IF I=0 GOTO 1570 ELSE IF I=7 GOTO 9999
1150 IF M(P,I)=0 THEN PRINT "You cannot go in that direction!": GOTO 1040
1160 IF M(P,I)=99 THEN 2940
1170 Q=M(P,I)
1180 IF P=12 THEN 3060
1190 IF P=13 THEN 3180
1200 IF P=22 THEN 3310
1210 IF P=23 THEN 3420
1220 IF P=29 THEN 3470
1230 R=P
1240 P=Q
1260 GOTO 650
1290 REM ********************************************
1300 REM ** process two or more character commands **
1310 REM ********************************************
1320 C$=LEFT$(B$,3)
1330 IF C$="loo" THEN 650
1340 IF C$="des" THEN 650
1345 IF C$="sta" THEN 650
1350 IF C$="get" THEN 2190
1360 IF C$="tak" THEN 2190
1370 IF C$="kee" THEN 2190
1380 IF C$="dro" THEN 2580
1390 IF C$="lea" THEN 2580
1400 IF C$="put" THEN 2580
1410 IF C$="inv" THEN 2780
1420 IF C$="qui" THEN 9999
1430 IF C$="end" THEN 9999
1440 IF C$="tra" THEN 1750
1450 IF C$="dig" THEN 1860
1470 IF C$="fue" THEN 4030
1480 IF C$="rea" THEN 4250
1490 IF C$="dea" THEN 3890
1500 IF C$="bla" THEN 4110
1505 IF C$="fir" THEN 4110
1510 IF C$="up" THEN 1640
1520 IF C$="dow" THEN 1640
1530 IF C$="nor" THEN 1640
1540 IF C$="sou" THEN 1640
1550 IF C$="eas" THEN 1640
1560 IF C$="wes" THEN 1640
1562 IF C$="hel" THEN 1581
1564 IF C$="wha" THEN 1581
1566 IF C$="deb" THEN 1610
1567 IF C$="ent" THEN 1670
1570 PRINT "Invalid Command"
1575 IF IC<5 THEN PRINT "You may enter `help' for some suggestions."
1580 GOTO 1040
1581 PRINT "Valid direction commands are: North, South, East, West, Up & Down."
1582 PRINT "You can also just enter the first letter, i.e. n,s,w,e,u,d."
1583 PRINT "Other commands include: INVentory, FUEL, DIG, TRAnsport, etc."
1584 PRINT "The latter can be abbreviated by using only 3 letters. The"
1585 PRINT "commands TRY or USE are useful only when you confront a situation."
1586 PRINT "Commands other than directives may require an object. Good luck!"
1587 GOTO 1040
1590 PRINT "I cannot process your request!"
1600 GOTO 1040
1610 PRINT "enter location"
1620 INPUT P
1630 GOTO 650
1640 D$=LEFT$(B$,1)
1650 B$=D$
1660 GOTO 1050
1670 '
1674 '
1680 IF P<>13 AND P<>15 THEN 1590
1690 IF P=13 THEN I=4: GOTO 3180
1700 I=2: GOTO 1170
1720 REM *******************************
1730 REM ** process transport command **
1740 REM *******************************
1750 IF P<>36 THEN 1800
1760 IF O(8)=99 THEN 1590
1770 P=O(8)
1780 PRINT "Beaming in process "
1782 FOR I = 1 TO 60: PRINT "~";: SOUND 300,1: NEXT
1790 GOTO 650
1800 IF P<>O(8) THEN 1590 ELSE P=36: GOTO 1780
1830 REM *************************
1840 REM ** process dig command **
1850 REM *************************
1860 IF O(15)<>99 THEN GOTO 3940
1865 IF P<>10 THEN PRINT "The ground is too hard here.": GOTO 1040
1870 O(9)=10
1880 GOTO 940
1890 REM *************************************
1900 REM ** drop illuminator if at overlook **
1910 REM *************************************
1920 IF O(4)<>99 THEN 950
1930 O(4)=100
1940 PRINT "You dropped your illuminator!!!  You cannot retrieve it."
1950 GOTO 950
1970 REM *******************
1980 REM ** process robot **
1990 REM *******************
2000 IF O(5)=28 THEN O(5)=35
2010 IF O(5)=42 THEN O(5)=28
2020 IF O(5)=41 THEN O(5)=42
2030 IF O(5)=27 THEN O(5)=41
2040 IF O(5)=25 THEN O(5)=27
2050 IF O(5)<>35 THEN 2090
2060 IF P<>28 THEN 1010
2070 M(28,1)=35
2080 GOTO 1010
2090 IF O(5)<>32 THEN 1010
2100 IF P<>32 THEN 1010
2110 O(5)=25
2120 IF O(13)=99 THEN 1010
2130 PRINT "Robot fails to recognize you.  It fires a phasor weapon at you!!!"
2135 FOR I=1 TO 1800:  NEXT
2140 FOR I=1 TO 3: FOR IS=1 TO 12: IT=(25*IS): SOUND 2600-IT,1: NEXT: NEXT
2145 FOR I=1 TO 1800:  NEXT
2150 GOTO 2980
2160 REM *********************************
2170 REM ** process get or take command **
2180 REM *********************************
2190 GOSUB 4590
2200 IF I>0 THEN 2260
2210 IF I<0 THEN 2240
2220 PRINT "I don't recognize ";RIGHT$(B$,LEN(B$)-J);"."
2230 GOTO 1040
2240 PRINT "What item?"
2250 GOTO 1040
2260 IF O(I)<>P THEN 2370
2270 IF C>3 THEN PRINT "You can't carry anymore!": GOTO 1040
2280 IF I=5 THEN PRINT "You can't carry a Robot!": GOTO 1040
2285 IF I=7 THEN PRINT "The bomb is way too heavy!": GOTO 1040
2290 IF I=10 THEN 2430
2300 IF I=11 THEN 2460
2310 IF I=14 THEN 2490
2320 C=C+1
2330 O(I)=99
2340 IF I=3 THEN F0=1
2350 PRINT "Okay"
2360 GOTO 1040
2370 IF O(I)=99 THEN 2542
2375 PRINT "There is no ";RIGHT$(B$,LEN(B$)-J);" here!!!"
2380 GOTO 1040
2430 PRINT "You can't get the message.  It's on the terminal screen."
2450 GOTO 1040
2460 IF O(14)=99 THEN 2520
2470 O(11)=99
2480 GOTO 2320
2490 IF O(11)=99 THEN 2520
2500 O(14)=99
2510 GOTO 2320
2520 PRINT "You can't have more than one power device at a time!"
2540 GOTO 1040
2542 PRINT "You already have ";RIGHT$(B$,LEN(B$)-J);"!"
2544 GOTO 1040
2550 REM ***********************************
2560 REM ** process drop or leave command **
2570 REM ***********************************
2580 GOSUB 4590
2590 IF I>0 THEN 2620
2600 IF I<0 THEN 2240
2610 GOTO 2220
2620 IF O(I)<>99 THEN 2690
2630 C=C-1
2640 O(I)=P
2680 GOTO 2350
2690 PRINT "You don't have "RIGHT$(B$,LEN(B$)-J);"!"
2700 GOTO 1040
2750 REM *******************************
2760 REM ** process inventory command **
2770 REM *******************************
2780 FOR I=1 TO 15
2790 IF O(I)<>99 THEN 2820
2800 GOSUB 4410
2810 PRINT "You have ";B$;"."
2820 NEXT I
2830 GOTO 1040
2840 REM ************************************
2850 REM ** program termination processing **
2860 REM ************************************
2870 PRINT "You have no power left, or you have no power source."
2880 PRINT "You have frozen to death."
2890 GOTO 2980
2900 PRINT "Oxygen required here, none available."
2910 GOTO 2980
2920 PRINT "A nuclear detonation has just occurred."
2930 GOTO 2980
2940 PRINT "You have fallen to your death."
2950 GOTO 2980
2952 PRINT "You have been zapped by the laser."
2954 GOTO 2980
2960 PRINT "The moon base has just been destroyed by a large asteroid."
2980 PRINT "You have failed to survive."
2990 INPUT "Do you wish to try again";D$
3010 IF LEFT$(D$,1)="y" THEN 221
3020 GOTO 9999
3030 REM ***************************
3040 REM ** process meteor shower **
3050 REM ***************************
3060 IF M(P,I)<>13 THEN 1230
3070 IF F2=1 THEN 1230
3080 PRINT "There is a meteor shower.  Your space suit has developed a leak!!"
3100 GOSUB 4890
3110 IF I<>2 THEN 2980
3120 PRINT "Proceeding to seal suit.......":FOR CX=1 TO 1500: NEXT CX
3130 F2=1
3140 GOTO 1230
3150 REM *************************
3160 REM ** process locked shed **
3170 REM *************************
3180 IF M(P,I)<>22 THEN 1230
3190 IF F1=1 THEN 1230
3200 PRINT "The shed is locked"
3210 GOSUB 4890
3220 IF I<>1 THEN 3260
3230 PRINT "Proceeding to try key.......":FOR CX=1 TO 1500: NEXT CX
3240 F1=1
3250 GOTO 1230
3260 PRINT "Your attempt fails."
3270 GOTO 1040
3280 REM ***********************************
3290 REM ** process dark ventilator shaft **
3300 REM ***********************************
3310 IF M(P,I)<>23 THEN 1230
3320 IF F4=1 THEN 1230
3330 PRINT "It is dangerous to proceed in the dark!"
3340 GOSUB 4890
3350 IF I<>4 THEN 2940
3360 PRINT "The shaft is now illuminated.  You may proceed.......":FOR CX=1 TO 2500: NEXT CX
3370 F4=1
3380 GOTO 1230
3390 REM ************************************
3400 REM ** process shaft with no illuminator
3410 REM ***************************************
3420 IF O(4)<>99 THEN IF O(4)<>23 THEN 2940
3430 GOTO 1230
3440 REM ************************
3450 REM ** process laser beam **
3460 REM ************************
3470 IF M(P,I)<>37 THEN 1230
3480 IF F3=1 THEN 1230
3490 PRINT "There is a laser beam here. Passage not possible with beam present."
3510 GOSUB 4890
3520 IF I<>12 THEN 2952
3530 PRINT "Proceeding to deflect beam.......":FOR CX=1 TO 2500: NEXT CX
3540 F3=1
3550 GOTO 1230
3560 REM *****************************************
3570 REM ** process blown seal in space station **
3580 REM *****************************************
3590 IF R<>29 THEN 850
3600 IF F9=1 THEN 850
3610 F9=1
3620 PRINT "You have just blown the air seal in space station."
3640 GOTO 850
3710 REM ************************
3720 REM ** expose deactivator **
3730 REM ************************
3740 IF F5=1 THEN 855
3750 O(6)=14
3760 M(2,8)=5
3770 M(14,8)=29
3780 M(14,4)=2
3790 F5=1
3800 GOTO 855
3810 REM *******************
3820 REM ** detonate bomb **
3830 REM *******************
3840 IF F7=0 THEN 2920
3850 GOTO 850
3860 REM *********************
3870 REM ** deactivate bomb **
3880 REM *********************
3890 IF O(6)<>99 THEN 3940
3900 IF P<>38 THEN 3980
3910 F7=1
3915 T$(31)="at crash site of a space craft.  Repairs are now complete."
3920 PRINT "Bomb is now deactivated."
3930 GOTO 1040
3940 PRINT "You have nothing to do it with!"
3950 GOTO 1040
3960 PRINT "There is nothing to do it to!"
3970 GOTO 1040
3980 PRINT "You can't do it from here!"
3990 GOTO 1040
4000 REM *****************
4010 REM ** fuel rocket **
4020 REM *****************
4030 IF P<>19 THEN 3980
4040 IF O(9)<>99 THEN 3940
4050 O(9)=98
4060 PRINT "Fuel is now loaded."
4070 GOTO 1040
4080 REM *************************
4090 REM ** blastoff processing **
4100 REM *************************
4110 IF P<>21 THEN 3980
4120 IF O(9)<>98 THEN 4200
4130 IF F7=1 THEN 4160
4140 PRINT "Repairs not yet complete."
4150 GOTO 1040
4160 FOR IS=1 TO 150: IJ=IS*10: SOUND IJ+1000,1: NEXT IS
4165 PRINT "Congratulations, you have just blasted off and are on your way to               earth.  Your escape time was ";T1;" minutes."
4190 GOTO 2990
4200 PRINT "Your space craft has no fuel!!"
4210 GOTO 1040
4220 REM *********************************
4230 REM ** computer readout processing **
4240 REM *********************************
4250 IF P<>35 THEN 3980
4260 GOSUB 4590
4270 IF I<>10 THEN 3960
4280 IF V<>0 THEN 4320
4290 PRINT "Bomb de-activator located somewhere east of Mare Serenitatis on moon's surface."
4310 GOTO 4360
4320 IF V<>1 THEN 4350
4330 PRINT "Local fuel source: Dilithium Crystal."
4340 GOTO 4360
4350 PRINT "Dilithium found in soft surfaces."
4360 IF F7=1 THEN PRINT "Spacecraft repairs complete."
4365 V=V+1
4370 GOTO 1040
4380 REM **********************************************
4390 REM ** subroutine to describe items at location **
4400 REM **********************************************
4450 IF I=5 THEN B$="a ROBOT"
4510 IF I=11 THEN B$="a POWER UNIT"
4520 IF I=12 THEN B$="a MIRROR"
4530 IF I=13 THEN B$="a CODED BADGE"
4540 IF I=14 THEN B$="a POWER PACK"
4545 IF I=15 THEN B$="a SHOVEL"
4560 REM ***********************************************
4570 REM ** subroutine to convert an item to a number **
4580 REM ***********************************************
4590 FOR J=1 TO LEN(B$)
4600 IF MID$(B$,J,1)=" " THEN 4640
4610 NEXT J
4620 I=-1
4640 C$=MID$(B$,J+1,3)
4650 I=0
4660 IF C$="ele" THEN I=1
4670 IF C$="key" THEN I=1
4680 IF C$="sea" THEN I=2
4690 IF C$="oxy" THEN I=3
4700 IF C$="mod" THEN I=3
4710 IF C$="ill" THEN I=4
4720 IF C$="rob" THEN I=5
4730 IF C$="dea" THEN I=6
4740 IF C$="nuc" THEN I=7
4750 IF C$="bom" THEN I=7
4760 IF C$="tra" THEN I=8
4770 IF C$="dil" THEN I=9
4780 IF C$="cry" THEN I=9
4790 IF C$="com" THEN I=10
4800 IF C$="mes" THEN I=10
4810 IF C$="uni" THEN I=11
4820 IF C$="mir" THEN I=12
4830 IF C$="bad" THEN I=13
4840 IF C$="pac" THEN I=14
4845 IF C$="sho" THEN I=15
4860 REM ***************************************
4870 REM ** subroutine to process try command **
4880 REM ***************************************
4890 INPUT B$
4900 C$=LEFT$(B$,3)
4910 IF C$="try" THEN 4950
4920 IF C$="use" THEN 4950
4930 I=-1
4950 GOSUB 4590
4960 IF I<1 THEN 5012
4980 PRINT"You don't have ";RIGHT$(B$,LEN(B$)-J);"!"
4990 GOTO 4930
5000 PRINT "Your attempt fails!"
5010 GOTO 4930
5012 PRINT "With what?": GOTO 4930
5020 REM ************************
5030 REM ** print instructions **
5040 REM ************************
5045 CLS
5050 PRINT "You have crash landed on the earth's moon.  You have limited supplies and time  in which to survive.  You will encounter various items and situations during    your travels."
5055 PRINT
5060 PRINT "To travel, you may enter directions such as north or n, as well as s, e, w, and u or d (up or down)."
5065 PRINT
5090 PRINT "To communicate, enter commands (verbs), followed by object names, if applicable.For example: get xxx, leave xxx, use xxx, etc."
5110 PRINT "Unless instructed otherwise, be sure to press the ENTER key after each input.   The enter key is on the right of the keyboard and has this symbol on it: "+CHR$( 17)+CHR$(196)+CHR$(217)
5115 PRINT
5120 PRINT "Once you have survived, the object then is to achieve the optimum survival time.May the force be with you!!!"
5122 PRINT
5124 COLOR 16,7:PRINT"Press any key to continue":COLOR 7,0
5126 A$=INKEY$: IF A$="" THEN 5126
6000 '****************************************
6001 '** object locations                   **
6002 '****************************************
6010 DATA 21,19,99,06,32,00,38
6020 DATA 35,00,35,99,33,34,37,43
7500 '********************************
7501 '** text location descriptions **
7502 '********************************
8001 DATA "at Mare Serenitatis. Long eerie"
8002 DATA "shadows from distant mountains and craters cast"
8003 DATA "themselves across the barren landscape."
8004 DATA "on a promontary point on the rim of the"
8005 DATA "crater Posidonius, only half visible when seen from below."
8006 DATA "There is total darkness to the East."
8007 DATA "between the craters of Dawes and Plinius."
8008 DATA "at a narrow pass in the mountains of Haemus."
8009 DATA "at a steep base of the crater of Manilus."
8010 DATA "at Mare Vaporum. The Apennines Mountains"
8011 DATA "rise ominously to the North and West."
8012 DATA "at the base of the awesome Mt. Eudoxus."
8013 DATA "inside the crater of Aristoteles. The"
8014 DATA "crater floor is littered with rocks."
8015 DATA "in Lacus Somnorium, North of Posidonius"
8016 DATA "and North East of Mare Serenitatus."
8017 DATA "at the base of the Burg crater in Lacus"
8018 DATA "Mortis. The surface is very soft here."
8019 DATA "at the East side of the vast Mare of"
8020 DATA "Imbrium. To the North the low angle of"
8021 DATA "the sun casts eerie shadows on the soft lunar surface"
8022 DATA "and the distant mountains to the East. To the West, the"
8023 DATA "Mare stretches out of sight to the horizon. To the South"
8024 DATA "the Apennine Mountains seem to rise out of nowhere."
8025 DATA "at the base of the crater of Plato. A"
8026 DATA "shiney object is seen to the West."
8027 DATA "standing before a small metal shed. A"
8028 DATA "sign reads ventillator shaft number 2."
8029 DATA "somewhere East of Mare Serenitatus."
8030 DATA "There is total darkness."
8031 DATA "at the crash site of a space craft."
8032 DATA "The entrance to the space craft is before you."
8033 DATA "at the center of vast Mare of Imbrium."
8034 DATA "in the air lock chamber of the space craft."
8035 DATA "in the aft cargo and fuel storage compartment."
8036 DATA "in the engine room of the space craft."
8037 DATA "in the control room, the ships console"
8038 DATA "is before you."
8039 DATA "inside a dark shed. A ladder leads down"
8040 DATA "into a large metal shaft below."
8041 DATA "in a ventillator passage."
8042 DATA "at a ventillator opening. Through the"
8043 DATA "opening a lit passageway can be seen."
8044 DATA "in a lighted space station corridor."
8045 DATA "in the space station infirmary."
8046 DATA "in the recreation room and library."
8047 DATA "in the mess hall. Abandoned food trays"
8048 DATA "are still on the tables."
8049 DATA "in the storage room and supply area."
8050 DATA "in the sleeping quarters of the space station."
8051 DATA "in an elevator at the subsurface level."
8052 DATA "in an elevator at the surface level."
8053 DATA "in the space station's control center."
8054 DATA "in the transporter room."
8055 DATA "in the space station research laboratory."
8056 DATA "in the hangar area. The launch area"
8057 DATA "is located to the South of here."
8058 DATA "in an air lock chamber between the space suit"
8059 DATA "changing area and the hangar."
8060 DATA "in a space suit changing area."
8061 DATA "at the top of a rocky arete on Burg crater. To"
8062 DATA "the North the center of the crater is thousands of feet below you."
8063 DATA "To the West, the huge crater of Eudoxus can be seen between crags"
8064 DATA "on a ridge bordering Lacus Mortis."
8500 REM **************************************
8501 REM ** movement and text pointer matrix **
8502 REM **************************************
9001 DATA 07,04,02,15,00,00,01,03
9002 DATA 09,03,14,01,00,00,04,06
9003 DATA 02,05,14,04,00,00,07,07
9004 DATA 01,05,03,00,00,00,08,08
9005 DATA 04,00,03,06,00,00,09,09
9006 DATA 00,00,05,00,00,00,10,11
9007 DATA 08,01,09,11,00,00,12,12
9008 DATA 00,07,10,00,00,00,13,14
9009 DATA 10,02,14,07,00,00,15,16
9010 DATA 00,09,14,08,43,00,17,18
9011 DATA 12,15,07,16,00,00,19,24
9012 DATA 00,11,00,13,00,00,25,26
9013 DATA 00,16,12,22,00,00,27,28
9014 DATA 99,99,99,99,00,00,29,30
9015 DATA 11,18,01,00,00,00,31,32
9016 DATA 17,16,17,16,00,00,33,33
9017 DATA 16,17,11,17,00,00,33,33
9018 DATA 15,19,00,00,00,00,34,34
9019 DATA 18,00,20,00,00,00,35,35
9020 DATA 00,00,00,19,21,00,36,36
9021 DATA 00,00,00,00,00,20,37,38
9022 DATA 00,00,13,00,00,23,39,40
9023 DATA 24,00,00,00,22,00,41,41
9024 DATA 25,23,00,00,00,00,42,43
9025 DATA 27,26,33,32,24,00,44,44
9026 DATA 25,00,30,31,00,00,44,44
9027 DATA 34,25,41,00,00,00,44,44
9028 DATA 00,29,42,36,00,00,44,44
9029 DATA 28,38,40,37,00,00,44,44
9030 DATA 00,00,00,26,00,00,45,45
9031 DATA 00,00,26,00,00,00,46,46
9032 DATA 00,00,25,00,00,00,47,48
9033 DATA 00,00,00,25,00,00,50,50
9034 DATA 00,27,00,00,00,00,49,49
9035 DATA 00,28,00,00,24,00,53,53
9036 DATA 00,00,28,00,00,00,54,54
9037 DATA 00,00,29,00,00,00,55,55
9038 DATA 29,00,39,00,00,00,56,57
9039 DATA 40,00,00,38,00,00,58,59
9040 DATA 00,39,00,29,00,00,60,60
9041 DATA 00,00,00,27,42,00,51,51
9042 DATA 00,00,00,28,00,41,52,52
9043 DATA 00,00,00,00,00,10,61,64
9999 END