5 CLS:SCREEN 0,0,0:WIDTH 80:CLEAR:FOR I=1 TO 10:KEY I,"":NEXT:KEY 2,"GOTO 60"+CHR$(13):KEY 10,"RUN"+CHR$(34)+"BLUEMENU"+CHR$(34)+CHR$(13):LIST 10-57 12 '***************** DEBIT/CREDIT INPUT WORK FORM ************************* 16 '?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 18 '? DEBIT CREDIT WORK SHEET ? 20 '? ? 22 '? This basic form can be used with WORKFILE.BAS as a manual D & C ? 24 '? entry worksheet. When the program is run, you will be queried as to ? 26 '? the number of copies desired. Make certain the printhead is over the ? 28 '? perforation and the printer is on line before responding to the number ? 30 '? question. While the format for the form is for expenditures it may be ? 32 '? modified easily by changing the headings and changing the spacing in ? 34 '? the print lines (LINE 160 -- SPACING) which actually generate the form. ? 36 '? (c) G I N A C O - 1983 Ver 5.2/160/320 ? 50 '?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 55 ' ***** < F2 > to RUN ******* < F10 > For BLUEMENU ***** 57 ' ====== To avoid DOCUMENTATION BOX each time, REM or DELETE line 5 ====== 60 CLS:SCREEN 0,0,0:WIDTH 80:CLEAR:FOR I=1 TO 10:KEY I,"":NEXT 100 KEY OFF 110 CLS:LOCATE 10,30:INPUT"HOW MANY COPIES ",N 120 WIDTH "LPT1:",80 125 FOR NUMBER = 1 TO N 130 LPRINT STRING$(4,10) 140 LPRINT TAB(30)"DEBIT CREDIT WORKSHEET" 150 LPRINT CHR$(27)"U"+CHR$(1); 160 LPRINT STRING$(80,42); 170 LPRINT" REF DATE CHECK# DESCRIPTION TO/FROM D# C# AMOUNT"; 180 LPRINT STRING$(80,45); 190 FOR I = 1 TO 32 200 LPRINT"I I I I I I I I I"; 210 LPRINT"I____I________I___________I_______________I_______________I_____I_____I________I"; 220 NEXT 230 LPRINT CHR$(12); 240 NEXT NUMBER 250 END 65000 '************************* SAVE ROUTINE ******************************** 65100 SAVE"B:D&CFORM.BAS"