10 REM prog. 20 REM Ryan Curtis 30 REM Fortune teller 40 INPUT "What is your name"; NAM$ 50 PRINT "Hello "; NAM$ 60 PRINT "Welcome to your fake fortune teller." 70 INPUT "What is your favorite number"; NU$ 80 INPUT "What is the first girl you think of (press enter if you girl)"; GIR$ 90 INPUT "What is the first boy you think of (press enter if you boy)"; BO$ 100 INPUT"What is your favorite subject"; SUB$ 101 INPUT"What is your favorite state"; STAT$ 102 INPUT"What is your favorite color"; CO$ 103 INPUT"What is your favorite resonable priced car"; CA$ 110 PRINT"OK "; NAM$ 120 PRINT"Lets get on with your fake fortune." 130 PRINT"You like "; GIR$; BO$ 140 PRINT"You will talk to them within "; NU$ " days." 150 PRINT"You will have a job that has to do with "; SUB$ 151 PRINT"You will live in "; STAT$ 152 PRINT"You will have a "; CO$ " vehicle" 153 PRINT"Your vehicle will be a "; CA$ 160 PRINT"Thank you for using this fake fortune teller" 170 PRINT"Play again!" 180 END