10 CLS 20 A$=STRING$(80,205) 30 PRINT A$ 40 PRINT TAB(26)"7013-A.BAS ITALICS PRINTER" 50 COLOR 23,0,0 60 PRINT :PRINT :PRINT TAB(38)"IPCO" 70 COLOR 7,0,0 80 PRINT :PRINT :PRINT TAB(29)"INTERNATIONAL PC OWNERS" 90 PRINT :PRINT :PRINT TAB(17)"p.o. box 10426, pittsburgh, pennsylvania 15234" 100 PRINT A$ 110 PRINT :PRINT :PRINT :PRINT :PRINT 120 PRINT TAB(28)"PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE" 130 A$=INKEY$:IF A$="" THEN 130 140 CLS 1000 ' IPCO Software Exchange Submission PRTITAL2 authored on November 15, 1982 1010 ' 1020 ' by Michael Csontos, 3228 Livonia Center Road, Lima, New York 14485 1030 ' 1040 PRINT "Do you have a 1.) high resolution":PRINT 1050 PRINT " 80 character width":PRINT 1060 PRINT " or a 2.) low resolution":PRINT 1070 PRINT " 40 character width":PRINT 1080 PRINT "display?":PRINT 1090 INPUT "(1 or 2)";DISP 1100 IF DISP<1 OR DISP>2 OR INT(DISP)<>DISP THEN 1090 1110 ON DISP GOTO 1120,1520 1120 WIDTH 80:WIDTH "LPT1:",255:SCREEN 0,0,0:KEY OFF:CLS 1130 PRINT "This little program will print your ASCII text files in italics on an":PRINT 1140 PRINT "EPSON MX-80 printer. It was inspired by the program MORSECOD on the":PRINT 1150 PRINT "CAPITOL PC VOL 2.32 disk from the (PC)^3 library after discovering how":PRINT 1160 PRINT "the correct code was produced for both upper and lower case characters.":PRINT 1170 PRINT "The conversion process {using (CHR$(ASC$(x$) OR 32) or 128 in this case}":PRINT 1180 PRINT "should be very useful for other applications such as generating a graphics":PRINT 1190 PRINT "keyboard.":PRINT 1200 INPUT "Enter the filespec of the file to be typed. (nnnnnnnn.eee) "; FILESPEC$ 1210 CLS:LOCATE 25,1:PRINT "FILESPEC is " FILESPEC$:LOCATE 1,1: 1220 ON ERROR GOTO 1390 1230 PRINT "You have the choice of several print typefaces. They are:":PRINT 1240 PRINT " 1: double width emphasized 40 characters/line 40 lines/page 1250 PRINT " 2: double width compressed 66 characters/line 50 lines/page 1260 PRINT " 3: normal emphasized 80 characters/line 60 lines/page 1270 PRINT " 4: compressed 132 characters/line 80 lines/page 1280 PRINT " 5: tiny (script) 132 characters/line 120 lines/page 1290 PRINT:PRINT "Please select your choice (1-5) or pressto quit."; 1300 TYPEFACE$=INKEY$:IF TYPEFACE$=CHR$(27) THEN KEY ON:END ELSE IF TYPEFACE$="" THEN 1300 ELSE TYPEFACE=VAL(TYPEFACE$):IF TYPEFACE<1 OR TYPEFACE>5 OR INT(TYPEFACE)<>TYPEFACE THEN PRINT "Please press a number from 1 - 5 or press to quit.":GOTO 1290 1310 PRINT TYPEFACE:PRINT 1320 LPRINT CHR$(27)"@" 1330 ON TYPEFACE GOTO 1340,1350,1360,1370,1380 1340 LPRINT CHR$(27)CHR$(69)CHR$(27)CHR$(87)CHR$(1)CHR$(27)CHR$(65)CHR$(18);:GOTO 1430'double width 1350 LPRINT CHR$(15)CHR$(27)CHR$(87)CHR$(1)CHR$(27)CHR$(65)CHR$(14);:GOTO 1430'double width compressed 1360 LPRINT CHR$(27)CHR$(69);:GOTO 1430'normal emphasized 1370 LPRINT CHR$(15)CHR$(27)CHR$(65)CHR$(9);:GOTO 1430' compressed 1380 LPRINT CHR$(15)CHR$(27)"S"CHR$(INT(RND*2))CHR$(27)"A"CHR$(6);:GOTO 1430'TINYPRNT 1390 IF ERR=27 THEN PRINT "Your printer is off or empty. Program will continue when problem is fixed.":RESUME 1400 IF ERR=24 THEN PRINT "Waiting for printer.":RESUME 1410 IF ERR=25 THEN PRINT "Printer off line or something. Waiting!":RESUME 1420 ON ERROR GOTO 0 1430 OPEN FILESPEC$ FOR INPUT AS #1 1440 IF EOF(1) THEN CLOSE:PRINT:PRINT "File finished!":PRINT:KEY ON:END 1450 LINE INPUT #1, TEXT$ 1460 FOR N=1 TO LEN(TEXT$):LTR$=MID$(TEXT$,N,1) 1470 ITL$=CHR$(ASC(LTR$) OR 128) 1480 LPRINT ITL$; 1490 NEXT N 1500 LPRINT 1510 GOTO 1440 1520 WIDTH 40:WIDTH "LPT1:",255:SCREEN 0,0,0:KEY OFF:CLS 1530 PRINT "This little program will print your ASCII text files in italics on an" 1540 PRINT "EPSON MX-80 printer. It was inspired by the program MORSECOD on the" 1550 PRINT "CAPITOL PC VOL 2.32 disk from the (PC)^3 library after discovering how" 1560 PRINT "the correct code was produced for both upper and lower case characters.":PRINT 1570 PRINT "The conversion process {using (CHR$(ASC$(x$) OR 32) or 128 in this case} should be very useful for other applications such as generating a graphics keyboard.":PRINT 1580 PRINT "Enter the filespec of the file to be typed (nnnnnnnn.eee).":PRINT 1590 INPUT "FILESPEC";FILESPEC$ 1600 CLS:LOCATE 25,1:PRINT "FILESPEC is " FILESPEC$:LOCATE 1,1: 1610 ON ERROR GOTO 1780 1620 PRINT "You have the choice of several print typefaces. They are:":PRINT 1630 PRINT "1: double width emphasized 40 characters/line 40 lines/page":PRINT 1640 PRINT "2: double width compressed 66 characters/line 50 lines/page":PRINT 1650 PRINT "3: normal emphasized 80 characters/line 60 lines/page":PRINT 1660 PRINT "4: compressed 132 characters/line 80 lines/page":PRINT 1670 PRINT "5: tiny (script) 132 characters/line 120 lines/page":PRINT 1680 PRINT:PRINT "Please select your choice (1-5) or press to quit."; 1690 TYPEFACE$=INKEY$:IF TYPEFACE$=CHR$(27) THEN KEY ON:END ELSE IF TYPEFACE$="" THEN 1690 ELSE TYPEFACE=VAL(TYPEFACE$):IF TYPEFACE<1 OR TYPEFACE>5 OR INT(TYPEFACE)<>TYPEFACE THEN PRINT "Please press a number from 1 - 5 or press to quit.":GOTO 1680 1700 PRINT TYPEFACE:PRINT 1710 LPRINT CHR$(27)"@" 1720 ON TYPEFACE GOTO 1730,1740,1750,1760,1770 1730 LPRINT CHR$(27)CHR$(69)CHR$(27)CHR$(87)CHR$(1)CHR$(27)CHR$(65)CHR$(18);:GOTO 1820'double width 1740 LPRINT CHR$(15)CHR$(27)CHR$(87)CHR$(1)CHR$(27)CHR$(65)CHR$(14);:GOTO 1820'double width compressed 1750 LPRINT CHR$(27)CHR$(69);:GOTO 1820'normal emphasized 1760 LPRINT CHR$(15)CHR$(27)CHR$(65)CHR$(9);:GOTO 1820' compressed 1770 LPRINT CHR$(15)CHR$(27)"S"CHR$(INT(RND*2))CHR$(27)"A"CHR$(6);:GOTO 1820'TINYPRNT 1780 IF ERR=27 THEN PRINT "Your printer is off or empty. Program will continue when problem is fixed.":RESUME 1790 IF ERR=24 THEN PRINT "Waiting for printer.":RESUME 1800 IF ERR=25 THEN PRINT "Printer off line or something. Waiting!":RESUME 1810 ON ERROR GOTO 0 1820 OPEN FILESPEC$ FOR INPUT AS #1 1830 IF EOF(1) THEN CLOSE:PRINT:PRINT "File finished!":PRINT:KEY ON:END 1840 LINE INPUT #1, TEXT$ 1850 FOR N=1 TO LEN(TEXT$):LTR$=MID$(TEXT$,N,1) 1860 ITL$=CHR$(ASC(LTR$) OR 128) 1870 LPRINT ITL$; 1880 NEXT N 1890 LPRINT 1900 GOTO 1830 1910 ' SAVE"prtital2",a ,N,1) 1860 ITL$=CHR$(A