1 ' (PC)^3 Software Submission LABELEPS authored on November 8, 1982 by 2 ' 3 ' Michael Csontos, 3228 Livonia Center Road, Lima, New York 14485. 4 ' 10 WIDTH 80:SCREEN 0,0,0:COLOR 7,0,0:CLS 20 PRINT:PRINT " This is an extension of a program from (PC)^3 software 30 PRINT:PRINT "library disk VOL 2.16. The original program was designed 40 PRINT:PRINT "to printing of lables from the screen to a IDS-225 printer. 50 PRINT:PRINT " I have modified it for the EPSON printer, and extended it 60 PRINT:PRINT "so the address can be edited either before or after some 70 PRINT:PRINT "labels have been printed. This may be useful if you want 80 PRINT:PRINT "a large number of labels from only a few addresses or other 90 PRINT:PRINT "information. 100 PRINT:PRINT " By playing with this program you will also learn some of the 110 PRINT:PRINT "strange ways the INPUT command works with the screen RAM! 120 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT "Press any key to continue." 130 X$=INKEY$:IF X$="" THEN 130 140 REM LABEL ROUTINE FOR IDS-225 PRINTER V 7.82 BY NORMAN A. ADAMS 150 CLS:KEY OFF 160 REM Label print routine 170 FOR J = 0 TO 4:READ IN$(J):NEXT J 180 DATA Name,Address,City,State,Zip 190 FOR K = 0 TO 4:PRINT IN$(K)"? ";:LINE INPUT A$(K) 200 NEXT K 210 PRINT:PRINT "The label will appear as follows:" 220 PRINT 230 PRINT STRING$(79," ");:LOCATE ,1:PRINT TAB(2) A$(0) 240 PRINT STRING$(79," ");:LOCATE ,1:PRINT TAB(2) A$(1) 250 PRINT STRING$(79," ");:LOCATE ,1:PRINT TAB(2) A$(2);CHR$(44);SPC(1) A$(3) SPC(2) A$(4) 260 PRINT:PRINT STRING$(79," ");:LOCATE ,1:INPUT "Send label to printer? (enter y or n) ";Z$ 270 IF Z$="y" OR Z$="Y" THEN 280 ELSE LOCATE 25,1:PRINT "You may reenter above inputs by pressingthen .";:LOCATE 1,1:RESTORE:GOTO 170 280 LIN=CSRLIN:LOCATE 25,1:PRINT STRING$(79," ");:LOCATE LIN,1 290 PRINT:PRINT STRING$(79," ");:LOCATE ,1:INPUT "Enter number of labels to be printed: ";N 300 FOR T = 1 TO N 310 LPRINT CHR$(27)"F"; 'emphacized mode off 320 LPRINT CHR$(15); 'compressed on 330 LPRINT CHR$(27)"G"; 'double strike 340 LPRINT CHR$(27)"W"CHR$(1); 'double width 350 LPRINT CHR$(27)"A"CHR$(18); '18/72" lines 360 LPRINT 370 LPRINT A$(0) 380 LPRINT A$(1) 390 LPRINT A$(2)", "A$(3)" "A$(4) 400 LPRINT 410 LPRINT 420 NEXT T 430 PRINT:PRINT STRING$(79," ");:LOCATE ,1:INPUT "More labels";Z$ 440 IF Z$="y" OR Z$="Y" THEN LOCATE CSRLIN-4:GOTO 280 450 PRINT:PRINT STRING$(79," ");:LOCATE ,1:INPUT "Another label";Z$ 460 IF Z$="y" OR Z$="Y" THEN LOCATE 25,1:PRINT "You may reenter above inputs by pressing then .";:LOCATE 1,1:RESTORE:GOTO 170 470 KEY ON:CLS:END 480 ' SAVE"LABELeps.BAS",A er above inputs by pressing then .";:LOCATE 1,1:RESTORE:GOTO 170 470 KEY ON:CLS:END 480 ' SAVE"LABELeps.BA