10 REM*************************************************************************
20 REM******--  Multiple Linear Regression                             --******
30 REM*****--                                                          --******
40 REM******--  From:                                                  --******
50 REM*****--     Alonso,J.R.F.                                        --******
60 REM******--    BASIC Programs for Business Applications             --******
70 REM*****--     Prentice-Hall, Inc.                                  --******
80 REM*****--                                                          --******
90 REM******--  Programmed by:                                         --******
100 REM******--   David Hopper                                          --*****
110 REM*****--    SENES Consultants Limited                             --*****
120 REM*****--    499 McNicoll Avenue                                   --*****
130 REM*****--    Willowdale, Ontario                                   --*****
140 REM*****--    M2H 2C9                                               --*****
150 REM*****--    (416) 499 5030                                        --*****
160 REM************************************************************************
170 REM******-- This program calculates multiple linear regression      --*****
180 REM*****-- coefficients, Bj, that fit the equation "                --*****
190 REM*****--  Y=B0 + B1*X1 + B2*X2 + ... + BJ*XJ + ... + BP*XP        --*****
200 REM*****--   to a set of N values of a dependent variable Y         --*****
210 REM*****-- each of the N values corresponding to P known values of  --*****
220 REM*****-- the P independent variables Xj, where 150 THEN PRINT " Maximum number of Y values allowed is 50"
710 PRINT " Press any key to return to the start"
720 C$=INKEY$:IF C$="" THEN 720 ELSE 400
730 INPUT " Enter the number of independent variables";P
740 IF P<=10 GOTO 780
750 IF P>10 THEN PRINT " Maximum number of X values is exceeded"
760 PRINT " Press any key to return to the start"
770 D$=INKEY$:IF D$="" THEN 770 ELSE 400
780 FOR I=1 TO P
790   FOR J=1 TO P
800     C(I,J)=0#
810   NEXT J
820   D(I)=0#
830 NEXT I
840 FOR I=1 TO N
850   FOR J=1 TO P
860     X(I,J)=0#
870     PRINT "Enter X(";I",";J")=";:INPUT X(I,J)
880   NEXT J
890   PRINT USING "Enter Y(##)     =";I;:
900   INPUT Y(I)
910 NEXT I
920 REM************************************************************************
930 REM******--  Calculate moments                                     --******
940 REM************************************************************************
950 FOR I=1 TO P
960  X1(I)=0#
970  FOR I1=1 TO N
980   X1(I)=X1(I)+X(I1,I)
990  NEXT I1
1000  X1(I)=X1(I)/N
1010 NEXT I
1020 Y1=0
1030 FOR I1=1 TO N
1040  Y1=Y1+Y(I1)
1050 NEXT I1
1060 Y1=Y1/N
1070 REM************************************************************************
1080 REM*****--  Compute coefficients                                   --******
1090 REM***********************************************************************
1100 FOR J=1 TO P
1110 REM*****--  Calculate D(J)  --******
1120   S1=0
1130   FOR I=1 TO N
1140     S1=S1+(Y(I)-Y1)*(X(I,J)-X1(J))
1150   NEXT I
1160   D(J)=S1
1170   S1=0
1180   FOR K=J TO P
1190     IF J>K GOTO 1270
1200     REM*****--  Calculate C(J,K)  --*****
1210     S1=0
1220     FOR I=1 TO N
1230       S1=S1+(X(I,J)-X1(J))*(X(I,K)-X1(K))
1240     NEXT I
1250     C(J,K)=S1
1260     C(K,J)=C(J,K)
1270   NEXT K
1280 NEXT J
1290 CLS:SCREEN 0,0,0
1300 PRINT " Correlation matrices follow, C X B = D, to be solved for vector B"
1310 PRINT " where C is a P X P matrix and B and D are P X 1 vectors "
1320 FOR I= 1 TO P
1330   PRINT " Correlation matrix C(";I;",J) elements "
1340     FOR J =1 TO P
1350     PRINT "C(";I;",";J;")=";C(I,J)
1360     NEXT J
1370 NEXT I
1380 PRINT " Coefficient matrix D(J) vector elements "
1390 FOR I= 1 TO P
1400  PRINT "D(";I;")=";D(I)
1410 NEXT I
1420 FOR I= 1 TO P
1430   D1(I)=D(I)
1440 NEXT I
1450 PRINT "   Press any key to continue "
1460 B$=INKEY$:IF B$ = "" THEN 1460
1470 REM***********************************************************************
1480 REM*****--  Solve system C X B = D for B                           --*****
1490 REM*****--  where C is the correlation matrix and                  --*****
1500 REM*****--  D is the right hand vector                             --*****
1510 REM*****--  Matrix routines are in subroutines                     --*****
1520 REM***********************************************************************
1550 H1 = 0#
1560 FOR I=1 TO P
1570   H1=H1+X5(I)*X1(I)
1580 NEXT I
1590 Q0=Y1-H1
1600 CLS:SCREEN 0,0,0
1620 PRINT "  Calculated multiple linear regression coefficients "
1630 PRINT
1640 PRINT USING " B  0 = #.###^^^^ ";Q0
1650 FOR I=1 TO P
1660   PRINT USING " B ## = #.###^^^^";I, X5(I)
1670 NEXT I
1680 REM*****--  Write ANOVA table
1700 Y9=0
1710 FOR I=1 TO N
1720 Y9=Y9+(Y(I)-Y1)^2
1730 NEXT I
1740 C9=Y9
1750 C1=0
1760 FOR I=1 TO P
1770   C1=C1+X5(I)*D1(I)
1780 NEXT I
1790 C2=C9-C1
1800 L=N-1
1810 K=L-P
1820 C8=C1/P
1830 C7=C2/K
1840 C6=C9/L
1850 PRINT "  |                        |   SUM OF SQ  |DEG OF FR |  MEAN SQ   |
1860 PRINT "  |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~|
1870 PRINT USING "  | Due to regression      |   #.###^^^^  |   ###    | #.###^^^^  |";C1,P,C8
1880 PRINT USING "  | About regression       |   #.###^^^^  |   ###    | #.###^^^^  |";C2,K,C7
1890 PRINT USING "  |  Total                 |   #.###^^^^  |   ###    | #.###^^^^  |";C9,L,C6
1900 PRINT "  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
1910 Z1=SQR(1#-(C2/C9))
1930 PRINT USING "  Coefficient of multiple regression R  = ##.### ";Z1
1940 PRINT USING "                                    R^2 = ##.### ";Z1^2
1950 F=(Z1^2)*(N-P-1)/((1-Z1^2)*P)
1960 PRINT USING " The F-statistic is                   F = ##.### ";F
1970 REM***********************************************************************
1980 REM*****--  Statistical routines directly from:                    --*****
1990 REM*****--          Madron,D.W.                                    --*****
2000 REM***********************************************************************
2010 RP=1#
2020 P2=N-P-1
2030 IF P*P2*F = 0# THEN 2250
2040 IF F<1# THEN 2090
2050 A=P
2060 B=P2
2070 F1=F
2080 GOTO 2120
2090 A=P2
2100 B=P
2110 F1=1#/F
2120 A1=2#/(9#*A)
2130 B1=2#/(9#*B)
2140 X=((1#-B1)*F1^.3333333#-1#+A1)
2150 Y=SQR(B1*F1^.666666667#+A1)
2160 Z=ABS(X/Y)
2170 IF B<4# THEN 2190
2180 GOTO 2200
2190 Z=Z*(1#+.08#*Z^4#/B^3#)
2200 Z1=(.115194#+Z*(.000344#+Z*.019527#))
2210 RP=.5#/(1#+Z*(.196854#+Z*Z1))^4#
2220 IF F<1# THEN 2240
2230 GOTO 2250
2240 RP=1#-RP
2250 RP=RP
2260 PRINT USING " The P statistic is                   P = ##.#### ";RP
2270 PRINT USING " For ## observations of ## independent variables";N,P
2280 KEY ON
2290 END
2300 REM**********************************************************************
2310 REM*****--  Subroutine MATINV                                     --*****
2320 REM*****--   Extracted from :                                     --*****
2330 REM*****--    Madron, Douglas William                             --*****
2340 REM*****--    "Multiple Regression for the TRS-80"                --*****
2350 REM*****--     BYTE ,October 1981, pp. 430-447                    --*****
2360 REM*****--                                                        --*****
2370 REM*****--  Adapted by:                                           --*****
2380 REM*****--   David Hopper                                         --*****
2390 REM*****--                                                       --*****
2400 REM*****--  Note that this inversion routine writes the          --*****
2410 REM*****--  inverted matrix over the original matrix             --*****
2420 REM**********************************************************************
2430 FOR K= 1 TO P:D=-1/C(K,K)
2440 FOR J = 1 TO P:IF J=K THEN 2460
2450 C(K,J)=C(K,J)*D
2460 NEXT J
2470 D=-D
2480 FOR I= 1 TO P:IF I=K THEN 2540
2490 E=C(I,K)
2500 FOR J = 1 TO P:IF J=K THEN 2520
2510 C(I,J)=C(I,J)+C(K,J)*E:GOTO 2530
2520 C(I,K)=C(I,K)*D
2530 NEXT J
2540 NEXT I
2560 REM**********************************************************************
2570 REM*****--  Subroutine MATMUL                                    --******
2580 REM*****--   To multiply a P X P matrix by a P X 1 matrix        --******
2590 REM*****--   and return a P X 1 matrix                           --******
2600 REM*****--   In this case the multiplication is                  --******
2610 REM*****--   C X D = B                                           --******
2620 REM**********************************************************************
2630  B(I)=0#
2640 FOR I = 1 TO P
2650   FOR J= 1 TO P
2660    X5(I)=X5(I)+C(I,J)*D(J)
2670   NEXT J
2680 NEXT I
2700 REM**********************************************************************
2710 REM******--   Error trapping routine                             --******
2720 REM**********************************************************************
2730 IF ERR<> 6 THEN 2760
2740   CLS:BEEP:LOCATE 5,28
2750   PRINT " Overflow error. Data set is not compatible with this program":                  STOP
2760 IF ERR<>11 THEN 2810
2770   CLS:BEEP:LOCATE 5,28
2780   PRINT " Division by zero error. Caused by either an ill-conditioned"
2790   LOCATE 6,28
2800   PRINT " matrix of data or a perfect data set. Check your data":STOP