5 CLS:KEY OFF:SCREEN 0,0,0:WIDTH 80:CLEAR:FOR I=1 TO 10:KEY I,"":NEXT:KEY 2,"GOTO 60"+CHR$(13):KEY 10,"RUN"+CHR$(34)+"BLUEMENU"+CHR$(34)+CHR$(13):LIST 10-57 12 '********************* LPT1 AND LPT2 TOGGLE PROGRAM ************************ 16 '?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 18 '? PROGRAM TO DIRECT OUTPUT LPT1: OR LPT2: (PARALLEL) ? 20 '? ? 22 '? When you purchase an expansion board for the IBM with a second ? 24 '? parallel port (LPT2:), the accompanying documentation usually states ? 26 '? that you can "address" the port with appropriate software; however, ? 28 '? the software is hard to find. This program will toggle the computer ? 30 '? output between LPT1: and LPT2:. You can use the routine in an AUTOEXEC ? 32 '? program with a word-processor. If you use it in this fashion, return ? 34 '? to SYSTEM before calling up a .COM or .EXE word processor file. You ? 36 '? may "REM" or DELETE all of the PRINT lines from 220 on to eliminate the ? 38 '? statements which report the state of the appropriate address ports. ? 40 '? Run BLUEBERY.BAS or LABELPRO.BAS for an example of this routine being ? 42 '? worked into an application program. This program may be used in whole ? 44 '? or in part without attribution or license. ? 46 '? (c) G I N A C O -- 1968 Ver 5.2/320/160 ? 50 '?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 55 ' ***** < F2 > to RUN ******* < F10 > For BLUEMENU ***** 57 ' ====== To avoid DOCUMENTATION BOX each time, REM or DELETE line 5 ====== 60 CLS:SCREEN 0,0,0:WIDTH 80:KEY OFF:FOR I=1 TO 10:KEY I,"":NEXT:CLEAR 110 DEF SEG = &H40 120 PRINT PEEK(&H8), PEEK(&H9), PEEK(&HA), PEEK(&HB) 130 PRINT "&H8";" ="; PEEK(&H8),"&H9";" ="; PEEK(&H9),"&HA";" ="; PEEK(&HA),"&HB";" ="; PEEK(&HB) 140 A! = PEEK(&H8) 150 B! = PEEK(&H9) 160 C! = PEEK(&HA) 170 D! = PEEK(&HB) 180 POKE &H8,C! 190 POKE &H9,D! 200 POKE &HA,A! 210 POKE &HB,B! 220 PRINT PEEK(&H8), PEEK(&H9), PEEK(&HA), PEEK(&HB) 230 PRINT "&H8";" ="; PEEK(&H8),"&H9";" ="; PEEK(&H9),"&HA";" ="; PEEK(&HA),"&HB";" ="; PEEK(&HB) 240 IF PEEK(&H9) = 3 THEN LPT$ = "1" ELSE LPT$ = "2" 250 PRINT:PRINT "PRIMARY PRINTER =LPT";LPT$ + ":" 260 PRINT:PRINT;CHR$(34);"R U N";CHR$(34);" again to change primary printer." 270 :REM PRINT"A";A,"B";B,"C";C,"D";D 280 FOR I! = 1 TO 1000 290 NEXT 300 PRINT:PRINT"Change LINE 180 to ";CHR$(34);"SYSTEM";CHR$(34);" when used in an AUTOEXEC.BAT program." 310 END 65000 '*********************** SAVE ROUTINE ******************************* 65100 SAVE"B:LPT12SET.BAS"