5 DEFINT A-Z:KEY(10) ON:ON KEY(10) GOSUB 500:KEY(9) ON:ON KEY(9) GOSUB 600 10 CLS:LOCATE 1,34:COLOR 0,15:PRINT" IQ Builder ":COLOR 15,0 20 LOCATE 2,32:PRINT"Number Series 1":COLOR 7,0 30 LOCATE 4,5:PRINT"A number series is a list of numbers that are connected to each other by" 40 LOCATE 5,1:PRINT"a rule. For example, look at this simple number series:" 50 GOSUB 3000:GOSUB 3100:GOSUB 4000 60 GOSUB 6500:PRINT TAB(10) "(";:COLOR 15:PRINT"1";:COLOR 7:PRINT") add 3 to each number to get the next." 70 PRINT TAB(10) "(";:COLOR 15:PRINT"2";:COLOR 7:PRINT") add 2 to each number to get the next.":N=2:GOSUB 6000 80 IF Z>0 THEN LOCATE 11,1:GOTO 60 90 GOSUB 7000:PRINT"Rules for number series can involve addition, subtraction, multiplication, 100 PRINT"and division.":PRINT 110 PRINT"The rule tells you how to change each number in the series into the next number" 120 PRINT"in the series.":PRINT 130 GOSUB 4000:GOSUB 3000 140 GOSUB 6500:GOSUB 3100:PRINT TAB(10) "(";:COLOR 15:PRINT"1";:COLOR 7:PRINT") add 2 (";:COLOR 15:PRINT"2";:COLOR 7:PRINT") subtract 2 (";:COLOR 15:PRINT"3";:COLOR 7:PRINT") multiply by 2" 150 N=3:GOSUB 6000:IF Z>0 THEN 150 160 GOSUB 7000:PRINT"In a number series, the numbers can change by following more than one rule." 170 GOSUB 2000:GOSUB 3100 180 PRINT"Here you add 1, then add 3, then add 1 again, etc.:" 190 PRINT TAB(10) "2 (+1) 3 (+3) 6 (+1) 7 ...":GOSUB 4000 200 GOSUB 3100:GOSUB 5000 205 IF Z>0 THEN 200 210 GOSUB 7000:PRINT"There's one more thing you should know before you try solving some number" 220 PRINT"series.";:GOSUB 4000 230 PRINT"Sometimes a number series actually contains more than one series." 240 PRINT:PRINT"Here's one series: 1 3 5 7" 250 PRINT:PRINT"Here's another: 21 19 17 15" 260 PRINT:PRINT"Here's one series that combines them both:" 270 GOSUB 3000:GOSUB 3100:GOSUB 4000 280 PRINT"We call a series that combines two or more series an `alternating series'" 290 PRINT"because it alternates back and forth between the two series." 300 GOSUB 4000:GOSUB 7000 310 PRINT"The way to solve an alternating series is to find the rule for each series and" 320 PRINT"solve one series at a time. Then put the answers together.":GOSUB 3100:GOSUB 5000 330 IF Z>0 THEN 310 340 GOSUB 7000:PRINT"Remember, the numbers can change by one or more rules. You can also have an" 350 PRINT"alternating series with two or more series combined into one series.":PRINT 370 GOSUB 4000:GOTO 600 500 RUN "iqbuild" 600 RUN "num2" 2000 PRINT:PRINT"Look at this number series." 3000 READ A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J:RETURN 3100 PRINT:PRINT TAB(10) "?" STRING$(35,"?") "?" 3110 PRINT TAB(10) "?";:COLOR 15:PRINT A B C D E F G H;:COLOR 7:PRINT TAB(46) "?" 3120 PRINT TAB(10) "?" STRING$(35,"?") "?":PRINT:RETURN 4000 Y1=CSRLIN:X1=POS(0) 4010 LOCATE 25,1:PRINT"Press any key to continue";:BEEP:GOSUB 59990:LOCATE 25,1:PRINT SPC(79); 4020 LOCATE Y1,X1:RETURN 5000 PRINT"Type in the next two (2) numbers in this series." 5010 BEEP:INPUT "Put a comma between them - ",X,Y 5015 Y1=CSRLIN:X1=POS(0) 5020 IF (X=I)*(Y=J) THEN 6100 5030 Z=Z+1:IF Z=3 THEN LOCATE 25,1:PRINT SPC(79);:PLAY "n50n25":LOCATE 25,1:PRINT"The answer is: " I "," J;:Z=0:TIMEOUT=3:GOSUB 59950:LOCATE 25,1:PRINT SPC(79);:LOCATE Y1,X1:RETURN 5040 LOCATE 25,1:PRINT SPC(79);:PLAY "mbn50n25":LOCATE 25,1:PRINT"No! Try again.";:TIMEOUT=3:GOSUB 59950:LOCATE 25,1:PRINT SPC(79);:LOCATE Y1-2,X1:GOTO 5000 5500 DATA 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20 5510 DATA 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,0,0 5520 DATA 2,3,6,7,10,11,14,15,18,19 5530 DATA 10,12,11,13,12,14,13,15,14,16 5540 DATA 1,21,3,19,5,17,7,15,9,13 6000 Y1=CSRLIN:X1=POS(0):Z=0 6010 LOCATE 25,1:PRINT "Enter the number of your answer"; 6020 BEEP:GOSUB 59990:IF INSTR("123456789",IKEY$)=0 THEN 6020 6030 IF VAL(IKEY$)=N THEN 6100 6040 Z=Z+1:IF Z=3 THEN LOCATE 25,1:PRINT SPC(79);:PLAY "n50n25":LOCATE 25,1:PRINT"The answer is" N;:Z=0:TIMEOUT=3:GOSUB 59950:LOCATE 25,1:PRINT SPC(79);:LOCATE Y1,X1:RETURN 6050 LOCATE 25,1:PRINT SPC(79);:PLAY "mbn50n25":LOCATE 25,1:PRINT"No! Try again.";:TIMEOUT=3:GOSUB 59950:LOCATE 25,1:PRINT SPC(79);:GOTO 6010 6100 LOCATE 25,1:PRINT SPC(79);:PLAY "mbc16c16c16ge8g":LOCATE 25,1:PRINT"Right!";:TIMEOUT=3:GOSUB 59950:LOCATE 25,1:PRINT SPC(79);:LOCATE Y1,X1:Z=0:RETURN 6500 PRINT"What's the rule for this series?":RETURN 7000 FOR Y=4 TO 24:LOCATE Y,1:PRINT SPC(79);:NEXT Y:LOCATE 4,1:RETURN 59950 TIMEOUT$=TIME$:TIME2=VAL(LEFT$(TIMEOUT$,2))*120+VAL(MID$(TIMEOUT$,4,2))*60+VAL(RIGHT$(TIMEOUT$,2)) 59960 TIMEOUT$=TIME$:TIME3=VAL(LEFT$(TIMEOUT$,2))*120+VAL(MID$(TIMEOUT$,4,2))*60+VAL(RIGHT$(TIMEOUT$,2)) 59970 IF TIMEOUT > TIME3 - TIME2 THEN 59960 ELSE RETURN 59990 IKEY$=INKEY$:IF IKEY$="" THEN 59990 ELSE RETURN