1 CLS 10 REM operation "OS" 20 REM Ryan Curtis 30 REM OS for basic progs. 40 PRINT "Welcome" 50 INPUT "What is your name"; NAM$ 60 PRINT "Welcome "; NAM$" 70 INPUT "Enter the access code"; COD 80 IF COD=1234 GOTO 100 90 PRINT "Access code denied" 95 GOTO 880 100 PRINT "Acess code accepted" 105 CLS 110 PRINT"Where would you like to go" 120 PRINT"# 1 for conversation" 130 PRINT"# 2 for fortune" 140 PRINT"# 3 for vote" 150 PRINT"# 4 for re-enter access code" 160 PRINT"# 5 for log off" 170 INPUT"What #"; NUM 180 IF NUM=1 GOTO 225 190 IF NUM=2 GOTO 450 200 IF NUM=3 GOTO 690 210 IF NUM=4 GOTO 70 220 IF NUM=5 GOTO 880 225 CLS 230 REM prog. 240 REM Ryan Curtis 250 REM conversation with the computer 260 INPUT "What is you name"; NAM$ 270 PRINT "Hello "; NAM$ " nice to meet you!" 280 INPUT "How old are you"; A 290 IF A >= 20 GOTO 110 300 PRINT "You look very mature for your age" 310 GOTO 330 320 PRINT"You look younger than your age" 330 INPUT"What city do you live in"; CIT$ 340 PRINT"I think ";CIT$" is a nice place" 350 INPUT"Do you have any friends #1=yes #2=no"; FED 360 IF FED = 1 GOTO 370 :ELSE 400 370 PRINT"That's good but I'll be your friend too!" 380 GOTO 420 390 IF FED$ = 2 GOTO 400 400 PRINT"That's too bad-hey I'll be your friend!" 410 GOTO 420 420 PRINT"Well see ya later!" 430 PRINT "your computer" 435 INPUT"Press enter to continue."; NUDERED 440 GOTO 105 445 CLS 450 REM Prog. 460 REM Ryan Curtis 470 REM Fortune Teller 475 CLS 480 INPUT "What is your name"; NAM$ 490 PRINT "Hello "; NAM$ 500 PRINT "Welcome to your fake fortune teller." 510 INPUT "What is your favorite number"; NU$ 520 INPUT "What is the first girl you think of (press enter if you girl)"; GIR$ 530 INPUT "What is the first boy you think of (press enter if you boy)"; BO$ 540 INPUT"What is your favorite subject"; SUB$ 550 INPUT"What is your favorite state"; STAT$ 560 INPUT"What is your favorite color"; CO$ 570 INPUT"What is your favorite resonable priced car"; CA$ 575 CLS 580 PRINT"OK "; NAM$ 590 PRINT"Lets get on with your fake fortune." 600 PRINT"You like "; GIR$; BO$ 610 PRINT"You will talk to them within "; NU$ " days." 620 PRINT"You will have a job that has to do with "; SUB$ 630 PRINT"You will live in "; STAT$ 640 PRINT"You will have a "; CO$ " vehicle" 650 PRINT"Your vehicle will be a "; CA$ 660 PRINT"Thank you for using this fake fortune teller" 670 PRINT"Play again!" 675 INPUT"press enter to continue"; NUD 680 GOTO 105 690 CLS 700 PRINT "HELLO!" 710 PRINT 720 PRINT "PLEASE TYPE YOUR NAME AND PRESS THE" 730 PRINT "RETURN KEY." 740 PRINT 750 PRINT "WHAT IS YOUR NAME" 760 INPUT N$ 770 PRINT 780 PRINT "HI ";N$;", IT'S GOOD TO SEE YOU!" 790 PRINT 800 PRINT "HOW MANY YEARS OLD ARE YOU ";N$; 810 INPUT NUMD 820 IF NUMD >= 18 THEN 850 830 PRINT "YOU CAN'T VOTE" 840 GOTO 870 850 PRINT "YOU CAN VOTE" 860 IF NUMD >= 65 THEN PRINT "YOU CAN DRAW SOCIAL SECURITY TOO." 865 INPUT"Press enter to continue." NUDER 870 GOTO 105 880 END