90 WIDTH "scrn:", 80
95 SCREEN 0,1,0,0
100 TITLE$ = "Print the Persons and Ordinances File Program"
110 VERSION$ = "Version 2.0"
115 COPY1$ = "Copyright (c) 1983, 1984, by:"
120 COPY2$ = "Melvin O. Duke"
125 PRICE$ = "$35"
130 ADDR1$ = "Melvin O. Duke"
135 ADDR2$ = "P. O. Box 20836"
140 ADDR3$ = "San Jose, CA  95160"
145 REM Dimension Statements go here
170 REM Produce the first screen
180 REM Draw the outer double box
185 R1 = 1 : C1 = 1 : R2 = 24 : C2 = 79 : GOSUB 400
190 REM Find the title location
195 TITLE.POS = 40 - INT(LEN(TITLE$)/2)
200 REM Draw the title box
210 REM Print the title
225 REM Draw the Contribution box
230 R1 = 8 : C1 = 19 : R2 = 17 : C2 = 62 : GOSUB 400
235 REM Request the Contribution
240 LOCATE 9,23 : PRINT "If you are using these programs, and"
245 LOCATE 10,21 : PRINT "finding them of value, your contribution"
250 LOCATE 11,23 : PRINT "("+PRICE$+" suggested) will be anticipated."
255 REM Draw the Mailing Label
260 R1 = 12 : C1 = 28 : R2 = 16 : C2 = 52 : GOSUB 600
265 REM Print the Name and Address
270 LOCATE 13,40-INT(LEN(ADDR1$)/2) :  PRINT ADDR1$;
275 LOCATE 14,40-INT(LEN(ADDR2$)/2) :  PRINT ADDR2$;
280 LOCATE 15,40-INT(LEN(ADDR3$)/2) :  PRINT ADDR3$;
285 REM Draw the Copyright box
290 R1 = 19 : C1 = 24 : R2 = 22 : C2 = 56 : GOSUB 400
295 REM Print the Copyright
300 LOCATE 20,40-INT(LEN(COPY1$)/2) :  PRINT COPY1$;
305 LOCATE 21,40-INT(LEN(COPY2$)/2) :  PRINT COPY2$;
310 GOTO 740
400 REM subroutine to print a double box
410 FOR I = R1 + 1 TO R2 - 1
420  LOCATE I, C1 : PRINT CHR$(186);
430  LOCATE I, C2 : PRINT CHR$(186);
440 NEXT I
450 FOR J = C1 + 1 TO C2 - 1
460  LOCATE R1, J : PRINT CHR$(205);
470  LOCATE R2, J : PRINT CHR$(205);
480 NEXT J
490  LOCATE R1, C1 : PRINT CHR$(201);
500  LOCATE R1, C2 : PRINT CHR$(187);
510  LOCATE R2, C1 : PRINT CHR$(200);
520  LOCATE R2, C2 : PRINT CHR$(188);
600 REM subroutine to print a single box
610 FOR I = R1 + 1 TO R2 - 1
620  LOCATE I, C1 : PRINT CHR$(179);
630  LOCATE I, C2 : PRINT CHR$(179);
640 NEXT I
650 FOR J = C1 + 1 TO C2 - 1
660  LOCATE R1, J : PRINT CHR$(196);
670  LOCATE R2, J : PRINT CHR$(196);
680 NEXT J
690  LOCATE R1, C1 : PRINT CHR$(218);
700  LOCATE R1, C2 : PRINT CHR$(191);
710  LOCATE R2, C1 : PRINT CHR$(192);
720  LOCATE R2, C2 : PRINT CHR$(217);
740 REM ask user to press a key to continue
750 LOCATE 25,1
760 PRINT "Have Data Diskette(s) in Place, then Press any key to continue.";
770 K$ = INKEY$ : IF K$ = "" THEN 770
780 CLS
1000 REM Print the Persons and Ordinances File Program.
1010 REM By:  Melvin O. Duke.  Last Updated:  02 December 1983.
1020 OPEN "a:ordfile" AS #2 LEN = 256
1030 FIELD 2,5ASO1$,11ASO2$,11ASO3$,11ASO4$,5ASO5$,5ASO6$,11ASO7$,11ASO8$,11ASO9$,11ASO10$,11ASO11$,5ASO12$,11ASO13$,11ASO14$,11ASO15$,11ASO16$,11ASO17$,11ASO18$,11ASO19$,11ASO20$,11ASO21$,11ASO22$,11ASO23$,26ASO24$
1040 REM
1050 OPEN "a:persfile" AS #1 LEN = 256
1060 FIELD 1, 5 AS F1$, 20 AS F2$, 30 AS F3$, 2 AS F4$, 5 AS F5$, 5 AS F6$, 5 AS F7$, 11 AS F8$, 18 AS F9$, 16 AS F10$, 16 AS F11$, 11 AS F12$, 18 AS F13$, 16 AS F14$, 16 AS F15$, 11 AS F16$, 18 AS F17$, 16 AS F18$, 16 AS F19$
1070 REM Read all records, and print the actual ones
1080 CLS
1090 LOCATE 23,1
1100 INPUT "Enter the Record Number to be Printed (0 to quit) or 'all'";REPLY$
1110 IF REPLY$ = "all" THEN 1160
1120 I = VAL(REPLY$)
1130 IF I = 0 THEN 2360
1140 GOSUB 1190  'to print
1150 GOTO 1080
1160 FOR I = 1 TO 500
1170 GOSUB 1190
1180 GOTO 2350
1190 GET #1, I
1200 CLS
1210 LOCATE 23,1 : PRINT "Processing Record #";I
1260 REM Extract information from the file for use
1270 T1 = CVS(F1$)
1280 IF T1 < 1 THEN 2340  'return
1281 REM Print a Title on Each Page
1282 LPRINT ,"Content of the Persons and Ordinances Files"
1290 T2$ = F2$
1300 T3$ = F3$
1310 FOR J = 1 TO LEN(F3$)-1
1320  IF RIGHT$(T3$,1)=" "THEN T3$ = LEFT$(T3$,LEN(T3$)-1) ELSE J = LEN(F3$)-1
1330 NEXT J
1340 T4$ = F4$
1350 IF LEFT$(T4$,1) = "M" THEN T4$ = "Male"
1360 IF LEFT$(T4$,1) = "F" THEN T4$ = "Female"
1370 T5 = CVS(F5$)
1380 T6 = CVS(F6$)
1390 T7 = CVS(F7$)
1400 T8$ = F8$
1410 T9$ = F9$
1420 T10$ = F10$
1430 T11$ = F11$
1440 T12$ = F12$
1450 T13$ = F13$
1460 T14$ = F14$
1470 T15$ = F15$
1480 T16$ = F16$
1490 T17$ = F17$
1500 T18$ = F18$
1510 T19$ = F19$
1520 REM Extract Ordinance Information
1530 GET #2, I
1540 U1 = CVS(O1$)
1550 U2$ = O2$
1560 U3$ = O3$
1570 U4$ = O4$
1580 U5 = CVS(O5$)
1590 U6 = CVS(O6$)
1600 U7$ = O7$
1610 U8$ = O8$
1620 U9$ = O9$
1630 U10$ = O10$
1640 U11$ = O11$
1650 U12 = CVS(O12$)
1660 U13$ = O13$
1670 U14$ = O14$
1680 U15$ = O15$
1690 U16$ = O16$
1700 U17$ = O17$
1710 U18$ = O18$
1720 U19$ = O19$
1730 U20$ = O20$
1740 U21$ = O21$
1750 U22$ = O22$
1760 U23$ = O23$
1770 U24$ = O24$
1780 REM Print out of Personal Information
1790 LPRINT CHR$(27);"E";
1800 LPRINT ,"Personal Information"
1810 LPRINT CHR$(27);"F";
1830 LPRINT ,"Record-Number:",T1
1840 LPRINT ,"Surname:",,T2$
1850 LPRINT ,"Given-names:",,T3$
1860 LPRINT ,"Sex:",,T4$
1870 LPRINT ,"Code:",,T5
1880 LPRINT ,"Father's Record-number:",T6
1881 LPRINT ,"Father's Name: ",
1882 IF T6 = 0 THEN LPRINT : GOTO 1890
1883 GET #1, T6
1884 TMP$ = F2$ : GOSUB 2420 : TT2$ = TMP$
1885 TMP$ = F3$ : GOSUB 2420 : TT3$ = TMP$
1886 LPRINT TT3$ + " " + TT2$
1890 LPRINT ,"Mother's Record-number:",T7
1891 LPRINT ,"Mother's Name: ",
1892 IF T7 = 0 THEN LPRINT : GOTO 1900
1893 GET #1, T7
1894 TMP$ = F2$ : GOSUB 2420 : TT2$ = TMP$
1895 TMP$ = F3$ : GOSUB 2420 : TT3$ = TMP$
1896 LPRINT TT3$ + " " + TT2$
1900 LPRINT ,"Birth-date:",,T8$
1910 LPRINT ,"Birth-city:",,T9$
1920 LPRINT ,"Birth-county:",,T10$
1930 LPRINT ,"Birth-state:",,T11$
1940 LPRINT ,"Death-date:",,T12$
1950 LPRINT ,"Death-city:",,T13$
1960 LPRINT ,"Death-county:",,T14$
1970 LPRINT ,"Death-state:",,T15$
1980 LPRINT ,"Burial-date:",,T16$
1990 LPRINT ,"Burial-city:",,T17$
2000 LPRINT ,"Burial-county:",T18$
2010 LPRINT ,"Burial-state:",,T19$
2030 LPRINT CHR$(27);"E";
2040 LPRINT ,"Ordinance Information"
2050 LPRINT CHR$(27);"F";
2070 REM Print the Ordinance Information
2080 LPRINT ,"Christening Date:",U2$
2090 LPRINT ,"Blessing Date:",U3$
2100 LPRINT ,"Sealed to Parents:",U4$
2110 LPRINT ,"Father's Record-Number:",U5
2111 LPRINT ,"Father's Name: ",
2112 IF U5 = 0 THEN LPRINT : GOTO 2120
2113 GET #1, U5
2114 TMP$ = F2$ : GOSUB 2420 : TT2$ = TMP$
2115 TMP$ = F3$ : GOSUB 2420 : TT3$ = TMP$
2116 LPRINT TT3$ + " " + TT2$
2120 LPRINT ,"Mother's Record-Number:",U6
2121 LPRINT ,"Mother's Name: ",
2122 IF U6 = 0 THEN LPRINT : GOTO 2130
2123 GET #1, U6
2124 TMP$ = F2$ : GOSUB 2420 : TT2$ = TMP$
2125 TMP$ = F3$ : GOSUB 2420 : TT3$ = TMP$
2126 LPRINT TT3$ + " " + TT2$
2130 LPRINT ,"Baptism Date:",,U7$
2140 LPRINT ,"Confirmation Date:",U8$
2150 LPRINT ,"Patriarchical Blessing:",U9$
2160 LPRINT ,"Endowment Date:",U10$
2170 IF LEFT$(T4$,1) = "M" THEN 2200
2180 LPRINT ,"Sealed to Husband Date:",U11$
2190 LPRINT ,"Husband's Record-Number:",U12
2191 LPRINT ,"Husband's Name: ",
2192 IF U12 = 0 THEN LPRINT : GOTO 2200
2193 GET #1, U12
2194 TMP$ = F2$ : GOSUB 2420 : TT2$ = TMP$
2195 TMP$ = F3$ : GOSUB 2420 : TT3$ = TMP$
2196 LPRINT TT3$ + " " + TT2$
2200 IF LEFT$(T4$,1) <> "M" THEN 2320
2210 LPRINT ,"Aaronic Priesthood Date:",U13$
2220 LPRINT ,"Deacon Date:",,U14$
2230 LPRINT ,"Teacher Date:",,U15$
2240 LPRINT ,"Priest Date:",,U16$
2250 LPRINT ,"Melchizedek Priesthood:",U17$
2260 LPRINT ,"Elder Date:",,U18$
2270 LPRINT ,"Seventy Date:",,U19$
2280 LPRINT ,"High Priest Date:",U20$
2290 LPRINT ,"Bishop Date:",,U21$
2300 LPRINT ,"Patriarch Date:",U22$
2310 LPRINT ,"Apostle Date:",,U23$
2320 LPRINT ,"Occupation:",,U24$
2330 LPRINT CHR$(12);
2350 NEXT I
2360 CLOSE #1
2370 CLOSE #2
2380 CLS : LOCATE 21,1
2390 PRINT "End of Program"
2400 LPRINT CHR$(12);
2410 RUN "a:menu"
2420 REM Right-trim routine
2425 TMP2$ = TMP$
2430 FOR TRM = 1 TO LEN(TMP$)-1
2440  IF RIGHT$(TMP$,1) = " " THEN TMP$ = LEFT$(TMP$,LEN(TMP$)-1) ELSE TRM = LEN(TMP2$)-1