10 ' qprint.bas 20 ' The program demonstrates the use of the QPRINT.BIN direct screen writing 30 ' routine described in Byte, July 1983, pg 408. 40 DIM BB$(255) 50 DEF SEG=&H1700:QPRINT.ADDR=0 60 BLOAD "qprint.bin",QPRINT.ADDR 70 CLS:KEY OFF:WIDTH 80 80 '---Print a border with PRINT 90 LOCATE 1,10:PRINT"?"STRING$(60,205)"?":FOR K=1 TO 10:PRINT TAB(10)"?"TAB(71)"?":NEXT:PRINT TAB(10)"?"STRING$(60,205)"?" 100 LOCATE 2,12:PRINT"This area was printed using a normal print statement." 110 FOR K%=1 TO 8:LOCATE ,12:PRINT STRING$(58,"*"):NEXT 120 LOCATE ,12:PRINT"You probable noted that it was not particularily rapid." 130 '---Now print a border with QPRINT 140 ROW%=13:CLM%=10:P$="?"+STRING$(60,205)+"?":GOSUB 210 'print top line 150 P$="?"+SPACE$ (60) +"?":FOR ROW%=14 TO 23:GOSUB 210:NEXT 160 P$="?"+STRING$(60,205)+"?":GOSUB 210 170 ROW%=14:CLM%=12:P$="-----------This area was printed using QPRINT ---------" 180 GOSUB 210 : P$=STRING$(58,1) : FOR ROW%=15 TO 22:GOSUB 210:NEXT 190 P$="------------ A performance worthy of a smile! ------------":GOSUB 210 200 END 210 CALL QPRINT (P$,ROW%,CLM%): RETURN