10 'SAVE "B:Sec&Byte.BAS" 20 REM Program to print table of sectors and bytes 30 REM David Reussow - 3/8/83 40 KEY OFF : CLS 50 Y$ = " ### ###,### ### ###,### ### ###,### ### ###,### " 60 LPRINT CHR$(27);CHR$(71); 70 PRINT " Sec Bytes Sec Bytes Sec Bytes Sec Bytes " : PRINT 80 LPRINT " Sec Bytes Sec Bytes Sec Bytes Sec Bytes " : LPRINT 90 FOR X = 1 TO 55 100 PRINT USING Y$;X,(X*512),X+55,((X+55)*512),X+110,((X+110)*512),X+165,((X+165)*512) 110 LPRINT USING Y$;X,(X*512),X+55,((X+55)*512),X+110,((X+110)*512),X+165,((X+165)*512) 120 NEXT X 130 LPRINT CHR$(27);CHR$(64);