5 CLS:KEY OFF:SCREEN 0,0,0:WIDTH 80:CLEAR:FOR I=1 TO 10:KEY I,"":NEXT:KEY 2,"GOTO 60"+CHR$(13):KEY 10,"RUN"+CHR$(34)+"BLUEMENU"+CHR$(34)+CHR$(13):LIST 10-57 10 '***************** ELAPSED TIME DISPLAY ROUTINE ************************** 16 '?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 18 '? ELAPSED TIME DISPLAY SUBROUTINE FOR MERGE ? 20 '? ? 22 '? Frequently, we wish to know how long we have been working on a par- ? 24 '? ticular operation in a program (Data entry, etc). This is calculated ? 26 '? and displayed with the following subroutine. You can "GOTO 10000" at ? 28 '? any functional break (enter data , etc) in your program and the total ? 30 '? elapsed time since program start will display in line 25. Make certain ? 31 '? you put the BB$=TIME$ (line 130) in the beginning of your program so ? 32 '? that the start time is recorded. You may decrease or eliminate the ? 33 '? delay loop in line 10090 as desired. This program may be used without ? 34 '? license or attribution (c) G I N A C O -- 1983 Ver 5.2/160/320 ? 38 '?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 55 ' ***** < F2 > to RUN ******* < F10 > For BLUEMENU ***** 57 ' ====== To avoid DOCUMENTATION BOX each time, REM or DELETE line 5 ====== 60 CLS:SCREEN 0,0,0:WIDTH 80:CLEAR:FOR I=1 TO 10:KEY I,"":NEXT 100 KEY OFF:COLOR 7,0 130 BB$=TIME$ 140 GOSUB 10000 145 LOCATE 15,20: PRINT"PRESS ANY KEY TO SEE AGAIN == PLUS INCREASED TIME" 150 A$ = INKEY$: IF A$ = "" THEN 150 ELSE 160 160 LOCATE 15,1:PRINT SPC(70):GOTO 140 10000 REM ********* ELAPSED TIME PRINTOUT SUBROUTINE ***************** 10010 N$=TIME$ 10020 DEF FNH(H$)=VAL(LEFT$(H$,2)) 10030 DEF FNM(M$)=VAL(MID$(M$,4,2)) 10040 DEF FNS(S$)=VAL(RIGHT$(S$,2)) 10050 TMH=(FNH(N$))-FNH(BB$):TMM=(FNM(N$)-FNM(BB$)):TMS=(FNS(N$)-FNS(BB$)) 10060 KEY ON:KEY OFF: LOCATE 25,3:PRINT "START TIME ";BB$; 10070 LOCATE 25,30:PRINT"END TIME ";N$; 10080 LOCATE 25,55:PRINT "ELAPSED TIME ";TMH;":";ABS(TMM);":";ABS(TMS); 10090 FOR I= 1 TO 5000:NEXT 10100 LOCATE 25,50:PRINT SPC(30); 10110 LOCATE 25,52:PRINT TMH;":";ABS(TMM);":";ABS(TMS);:COLOR 3,0:PRINT " (AT LAST CHECK)";:COLOR 7,0 10120 RETURN 10130 REM **** REMOVE LINES 140-150 TO INSTALL IN YOUR PROGRAM *************** 65000 REM ****************** SAVE ROUTINE ************************************ 65100 SAVE"B:TIMESHOW.BAS"