10 'This program converts a Wordstar file to a standard text file 20 'that can be transmitted using 7 data bits. Wordstar uses 8-bit 30 'characters to produce soft spaces and soft hyphens. 40 'Modified from Personal Computer Age program by Larry Jordan 50 ' 100 DEFINT A:CLS:KEY OFF 110 LOCATE 13,25:INPUT "Wordstar file to convert - ";IFN$ 120 LOCATE 15,25:INPUT "Converted file name - ";OFN$ 130 OPEN IFN$ FOR INPUT AS #1 140 OPEN OFN$ FOR OUTPUT AS #2 150 CLS:LOCATE 13,25:PRINT "Working on character - "; 160 WHILE NOT EOF(1) 170 A1=ASC(INPUT$(1,1)) 180 IF A1<127 THEN 210 190 LOCATE 13,48:PRINT CHR$(A1) 200 A1=A1-128 210 A$=CHR$(A1):PRINT #2,A$; 220 IF A1=26 THEN 999 230 WEND 999 CLOSE:CLS:KEY ON:LOCATE 13,30:PRINT "Done....":BEEP