This article contains information about the documentation errors in the
book "Microsoft MS-DOS 6.2 Upgrade for Dummies."
The following topics are covered:
• Page 18: This Number Tells You How Much Room Is Left...
• Page 23: That's EDIT, a Space, C, Colon, Backslash, and then...
• Page 37: Make Sure That the Drive Light Is Not on...
• Page 177: Edit Works Like a Word Processor, but It Lacks...
• Page 252: To Obtain This New Information, You Can...
• Page 309: All About the Double Buffering Nonsense
Page 18: This Number Tells You How Much Room Is Left...
"Microsoft MS-DOS 6.2 Upgrade for Dummies" contains the following text
under the first bulleted point on page 18:
An important value to note on Figure 1-3 is the "Space available on
drive C:" number. This number tells you how much room is left on
your hard drive after you upgrade to MS-DOS 6.2, given the
MS-DOS/Windows programs you select.
This value actually represents the space available on your hard disk
before you upgrade to MS-DOS 6.2.
Page 23: That's EDIT, a Space, C, Colon, Backslash, and then...
"Microsoft MS-DOS 6.2 Upgrade for Dummies" contains the following text
on page 18:
That's EDIT, a space, C, colon, backslash, and then README.TXT.
Press Enter and you'll see the readme file in the Editor.
The above command results in MS-DOS Editor creating a new file called
README.TXT, which is saved in the root directory by default (that is,
The correct text should be:
That's EDIT, a space, C, colon, backslash, DOS, backslash, and then
README.TXT. Press Enter and you'll see the readme file in the
Page 37: Make Sure That the Drive Light Is Not on...
Page 37 incorrectly state the following:
Make sure that the drive light is not on. You should never remove a
disk from the drive when the light is on.
NOTE: Similar text is included in the list of "Ten Things You Should
Never Do" on page 284.
While this is true under most circumstances, it is not true when you
are running advanced backup programs such as Microsoft Backup and
Microsoft Backup for Windows. During a backup or restore with
Microsoft Backup, the floppy drive light never turns off. When you are
prompted to change floppy disks, you can safely do so even though the
drive light is on.
WARNING: If you wait for the drive light to go out before swapping
floppy disks in Microsoft Backup or Microsoft Backup for Windows,
Backup generates a time-out, resulting in the second and subsequent
backup disks being blank. For more information on this problem, query
on the following words in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
backup and subsequent and 6.20
Page 177: Edit Works Like a Word Processor, but It Lacks
The first sentence in the last paragraph on page 177 states the following:
Edit works like a word processor, but it lacks many of the fancier
features -- like the capability to print, apply fancy formatting,
spellcheck, create graphics, and so on.
MS-DOS Editor (Edit) does have the ability to print text files.
Page 252: To Obtain This New Information, You Can...
The last sentence of page 252 states the following:
To obtain this new information, you can fill out and return the
Anti-Virus update coupon in the back of this book.
The initial copies of "Microsoft MS-DOS 6.2 Upgrade for Dummies" do not
include an Anti-Virus update coupon in the back of the book. If your book
does not contain the Anti-Virus update coupon, contact Microsoft Sales
Information Center at (800) 426-9400; ask for the MS DOS 6.2 Anti-Virus
Coupon from DOS for Dummies: part number 098-54321.
Page 309: All About the Double Buffering Nonsense
The example for the SMARTDRV DOUBLE_BUFFERING command contains an
incorrect backslash (\) reference.
The following command
should be: