Novell NET5.COM Installation and Command Line Help Information (77003)

The information in this article applies to:
    Microsoft MS-DOS operating system 5.0
    Microsoft MS-DOS operating system 5.0a

This article was previously published under Q77003


To obtain information about NET5.COM command line switches, enter the following command at the MS-DOS prompt (if NET5.COM is installed):

NET5 /?

The /? switch normally invokes the MS-DOS Help facility. However, NET5.COM is a product of Novell NetWare, and the MS-DOS Help facility contains no information about NET5. For example, typing HELP NET5 will display the message "Help not available for this command." In this example, the /? switch on NET5 is from the Novell Help facility.

To install NET5.COM, the EXPAND utility must be used to transfer the file from the MS-DOS 5 Upgrade disks.


To install NET5.COM from the MS-DOS 5.0 Upgrade disks, place disk 6 (5.25-inch) or disk 3 (3.5-inch) into a floppy drive and enter the following command at the appropriate drive prompt:

expand net5.co_ [drive]:\[dir]\

(Where [drive] is the target drive and [dir] is the target directory for NET5.COM).

When you enter NET5 /?, the following information will be displayed:
     NetWare V3.10 - Workstation Shell for PC DOS V5.x  (910307) (C)
   Copyright 1990 Novell,
   Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
   Usage : NET5 [<option>]
   Valid <options> :
   /?      Display shell usage
   /I      Display shell version & type
   /U      Unload the NetWare workstation shell from memory
   /PS=<server>  Specify a preferred server /C=[path\]<filename.ext>
                 Name your NetWare shell configuration file
The product included here is manufactured by vendors independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding this product's performance or reliability.


Microsoft MS-DOS 5.0 README.TXT file

"Microsoft MS-DOS 5.0 User's Guide and Reference," version 5.0, pages 24-25.

Modification Type: Major Last Reviewed: 9/30/2003
Keywords: KB77003