DRVSPACE /COMPRESS Compresses the files on an existing hard disk drive, floppy disk, or other removable media. Compressing an existing drive makes more space available on that drive. Note: DriveSpace cannot compress a drive that's completely full. To compress your startup hard disk drive, the drive must contain at least 1.2 MB of free space. Other hard disk drives and floppy disks must contain at least 1.1 MB of free space. (DriveSpace cannot compress 360K floppy disks.) Syntax DRVSPACE /COMPRESS drive1: [/NEWDRIVE=drive2:] [/RESERVE=size] [/F] Parameter drive1: Specifies the existing drive you want to compress. Switches /COMPRESS Compresses the hard disk drive or floppy disk specified by the drive parameter. This switch can be abbreviated to /COM. /NEWDRIVE=drive2: Specifies the drive letter for the uncompressed (host) drive. After DriveSpace compresses an existing drive, your system will include both the existing drive (now compressed) and a new uncompressed drive. The /NEWDRIVE switch is optional; if you omit it, DriveSpace assigns the next available drive letter to the new drive. This switch can be abbreviated to /NEW. /RESERVE=size Specifies how many megabytes of space to leave uncompressed. Because some files, such as the Windows swap file, do not work properly when stored on a compressed drive, it's a good idea to reserve some uncompressed space. The uncompressed space will be located on the new uncompressed drive. (If the drive you are compressing contains a Windows permanent swap file, DriveSpace moves the file to the new uncompressed drive.) This switch can be abbreviated to /RES. /F Prevents DriveSpace from displaying the final screen when compression is complete. This screen includes compression statistics. If you specify the /F switch, DriveSpace returns to the command prompt when compression is complete.