DRVSPACE /SWITCHES Modifes the SWITCHES setting in the file. The SWITCHES setting controls the way the CTRL+F5 and CTRL+F8 keys work. (Normally, you can press CTRL+F5 or CTRL+F8 to bypass DriveSpace when your computer starts.) If your DRVSPACE.INI file does not contain a /SWITCHES setting, you can use CTRL+F5 or CTRL+F8 to keep from loading DriveSpace when your computer starts. For more information, see . Note: For this switch to take effect, you must restart your computer. Syntax DRVSPACE /SWITCHES=F|N Parameters The values for /SWITCHES are as follows: N Prevents you from using CTRL+F8 or CTRL+F5 to bypass DriveSpace when your computer starts. If you choose this setting and press CTRL+F8, MS-DOS will still allow you to selectively choose commands in your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files. If you choose this setting and press CTRL+F5, MS-DOS will still bypass your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files. (Although you do not use the "/" character when specifying the N parameter , the setting in the DRVSPACE.INI file is SWITCHES=/N.) F Reduces the amount of time you have to press CTRL+F8 or CTRL+F5 when your computer starts. Use this setting to speed up processing of your startup files. (Although you do not use the "/" character when specifying the F parameter , the setting in the DRVSPACE.INI file is SWITCHES=/F.)