DRVSPACE.SYS -- Examples To move a portion of DRVSPACE.BIN to the HMA and move the rest to the bottom of conventional memory, you must have an 80286 or higher computer, and your CONFIG.SYS file must contain a DOS=HIGH command and a DEVICE command for HIMEM or another extended-memory manager. Load DRVSPACE.SYS by using the following command: device=drvspace.sys /move To move a portion of DRVSPACE.BIN to the HMA and the rest to the upper memory area (if available), you must have an 80386 or higher computer with extended memory. Ensure that your CONFIG.SYS file contains a DEVICE command for DRVSPACE.SYS, and then run MemMaker. To move all of DRVSPACE.BIN to the bottom of conventional memory, and to prevent DRVSPACE.BIN from using the HMA or upper memory, load DRVSPACE.SYS by using the following command: device=drvspace.sys /move /nohma To move all of DRVSPACE.BIN to upper memory (if available), and to prevent DRVSPACE.BIN from using the HMA, load DRVSPACE.SYS by using the following command: devicehigh=drvspace.sys /move /nohma