IF--Examples The following example tests for the existence of a directory. The IF command cannot be used to test directly for a directory, but the null (NUL) device does exist in every directory on the hard drive. Therefore, you can test for the null device to determine whether a directory exists on the hard drive. if exist c:\mydir\nul goto process The following example displays the message "Can't find data file" if MS-DOS cannot find the file PRODUCT.DAT: if not exist product.dat echo Can't find data file When a program stops, it returns an exit code to MS-DOS. For example, a value of 0 is typically used to indicate that a program was successfully executed. The ERRORLEVEL parameter lets you use exit codes as conditions. The following example displays an error message if an error occurs during formatting of the disk in drive A. If no error occurs, the error message is skipped. :begin echo off format a: /s if not errorlevel 1 goto end echo An error occurred during formatting. :end echo End of batch program. For another example of how the ERRORLEVEL parameter is used, see the command.