MODE (Set Device Code Pages) Prepares, selects, refreshes, or displays the numbers of the character sets (code pages) for parallel printers or the keyboard and monitor. For an introduction to using character sets, see "Customizing for International Use" in the MS-DOS User's Guide. Syntax MODE device CODEPAGE PREPARE=((yyy [...]) [drive:][path]filename) MODE device CODEPAGE SELECT=yyy MODE device CODEPAGE REFRESH MODE device CODEPAGE [/STATUS] Parameters device Specifies the device for which you want to prepare or select a character set. Valid names for device are CON, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, and PRN. CODEPAGE PREPARE Prepares character sets for the specified device. You must prepare a character set for a device before you can use the character set with that device. After you use the CODEPAGE PREPARE form of the MODE command, use the CODEPAGE SELECT form of MODE to specify the character set you want to use. You can abbreviate CODEPAGE as CP and PREPARE as PREP. yyy Specifies the number of the character set to prepare or select. The following list shows each character set supported by the EGA.CPI file and its country or language: 437 United States 850 Multilingual (Latin I) 852 Slavic (Latin II) 860 Portuguese 863 Canadian-French 865 Nordic Additional character sets are supported by the EGA2.CPI and EGA3.CPI files. For more information, see the COUNTRY.TXT file. [drive:][path]filename Specifies the location and name of the code-page-information (.CPI) file that MS-DOS uses to prepare a character set for the specified device. CODEPAGE SELECT Specifies (selects) which character set to use with the specified device. Before selecting a character set, you must use the CODEPAGE PREPARE form of the MODE command to prepare a character set. You can abbreviate CODEPAGE as CP and SELECT as SEL. CODEPAGE REFRESH Reinstates the prepared character sets if they are lost as the result of a hardware problem or other error. You can abbreviate CODEPAGE as CP and REFRESH as REF. CODEPAGE Displays the numbers of the character sets, if any, that are prepared or selected for the specified device. Switch /STATUS Displays the numbers of the current character sets prepared or selected for the specified device. You can abbreviate this switch as /STA. Whether or not you specify the /STATUS switch, typing the MODE command with a device name and the CODEPAGE parameter displays the numbers of the character sets that are prepared or selected for the specified device. Related Commands For information about other character-set commands, see the and commands.