Navigating Through MS-DOS Help To scroll the information in the MS-DOS Help window, click the arrows in the scroll bar, or press PAGE DOWN or PAGE UP. Choosing Jumps You move from topic to topic in MS-DOS Help by choosing jumps. Jumps are links between topics and are enclosed by angle brackets (< >). To move the cursor forward to a jump - Press TAB until you select the jump you want. Or, press the first letter in the jump. To move the cursor backwards to a jump - Press SHIFT+TAB until you select the jump you want. Or, press SHIFT and the first letter in the jump. To display a topic - Click the jump. Or, move the cursor to the jump, and then press ENTER. To display the MS-DOS Help Contents - Click the Contents button at the bottom of the screen, or press ALT+C. To display the next topic in MS-DOS Help - Click the Next button at the bottom of the screen, or press ALT+N. To display topics you have previously chosen - Click the Back button at the bottom of the screen, or press ALT+B.