SCANDISK Starts Microsoft ScanDisk, a disk analysis and repair tool that checks a drive for errors and corrects any problems that it finds. For an introduction to using ScanDisk, see . Syntax To check the current drive for disk errors, use the following syntax: SCANDISK To check one or more drives for disk errors, use the following syntax: SCANDISK [drive: [drive: ...]|/ALL] [/CHECKONLY | /AUTOFIX [/NOSAVE] | /CUSTOM] [/SURFACE] [/MONO] [/NOSUMMARY] To check an unmounted compressed volume file for errors, use the following syntax: SCANDISK volume-name [/CHECKONLY | /AUTOFIX [/NOSAVE] | /CUSTOM] [/MONO] [/NOSUMMARY] To check a file or files for fragmentation, use the following syntax: SCANDISK /FRAGMENT [drive:][path]filename To undo repairs you made previously, use the following syntax: SCANDISK /UNDO [undo-drive:] [/MONO] Parameters drive: Specifies the drive or drives you want to check and repair. volume-name Specifies the name of the unmounted compressed volume file you want to check and repair. The volume-name parameter should take the form [drive:\]DRVSPACE.nnn, in which drive specifies the drive that contains the volume file and nnn specifies the extension of the volume file. For example, H:\DRVSPACE.000. [drive:][path]filename Specifies the file(s) you want to examine for fragmentation. You can also specify wildcards for the filename. undo-drive: Specifies the drive containing the Undo disk. Switches /ALL Checks and repairs all local drives. /AUTOFIX Fixes damage without prompting you first. By default, if you start ScanDisk with the /AUTOFIX switch and ScanDisk finds lost clusters on your drive, it saves the lost clusters as files in the drive's root directory. To have ScanDisk delete lost clusters rather than saving them, include the /NOSAVE switch. (If you use the /AUTOFIX switch and ScanDisk finds errors, it still prompts you for an Undo disk; to prevent this, include the /NOSUMMARY switch.) You cannot use the /AUTOFIX switch in conjunction with the /CHECKONLY or /CUSTOM switches. /CHECKONLY Checks a drive for errors, but does not repair any damage. You cannot use this switch with the /AUTOFIX or /CUSTOM switches. /CUSTOM Runs ScanDisk using the configuration settings in the [Custom] section of the SCANDISK.INI file. This switch is especially useful for running ScanDisk from a batch program. You cannot use this switch in conjunction with the /AUTOFIX or /CHECKONLY switches. /MONO Configures ScanDisk to use a monochrome display. Instead of specifying this switch every time you run ScanDisk, you can include the DISPLAY=MONO line in your SCANDISK.INI file. /NOSAVE Directs ScanDisk to delete any lost clusters it finds. Can be used only in conjunction with the /AUTOFIX switch. (If you start ScanDisk with the /AUTOFIX switch and omit the /NOSAVE switch, ScanDisk saves the contents of any lost clusters as files in the root directory of the drive.) /NOSUMMARY Prevents ScanDisk from displaying a full-screen summary after checking each drive. (This switch also prevents ScanDisk from prompting you for an Undo disk if it finds errors.) /SURFACE Automatically performs a surface scan after checking other areas of a drive. During a surface scan of an uncompressed drive, ScanDisk confirms that data can be reliably written and read from the drive being scanned. During a surface scan of a compressed drive, ScanDisk confirms that data can be decompressed. You should periodically do surface scans of all drives. By default, when it has finished checking a drive's file system, ScanDisk asks whether or not you want to perform a surface scan. However, if you specify the /SURFACE switch, ScanDisk proceeds with the surface scan without prompting you first. When /SURFACE is used in conjunction with the /CUSTOM switch, it overrides the Surface setting in the [Custom] section of the SCANDISK.INI file.