CINT Function ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action Converts a numeric expression to an integer by rounding the fractional part of the expression. Syntax CINT( numeric-expression) Remarks If numeric-expression is not between -32,768 and 32,767, inclusive, BASIC generates the run-time error message Overflow. CINT differs from the FIX and INT functions, which truncate, rather than round, the fractional part. See the example for the INT function for an illustration of the differences among these functions. See Also CCUR, CDBL, CLNG, CSNG, FIX, INT Example The following example converts an angle in radians to an angle in degrees and minutes. ' Set up constants for converting radians to degrees. CONST PI=3.141593, RADTODEG=180.-PI INPUT "Angle in radians = ",Angle' Get the angle in radians. Angle = Angle * RADTODEG' Convert radian input to degrees. Min = Angle - INT(Angle)' Get the fractional part. ' Convert fraction to value between 0 and 60. Min = CINT(Min * 60) Angle = INT(Angle)' Get whole number part. IF Min = 60 THEN' 60 minutes = 1 degree. Angle = Angle + 1 Min = 0 END IF PRINT "Angle equals"; Angle; "degrees"; Min; "minutes" Output Angle in radians = 1.5708 Angle equals 90 degrees 0 minutes