CSRLIN Function ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action Returns the current line (row) position of the cursor. Syntax CSRLIN Remarks To return the current column position, use the POS function. See Also LOCATE, POS Example The following example uses a SUB procedure that prints a message on the screen without disturbing the current cursor position. ' Move cursor to center of screen, then print message. ' Cursor returned to center of screen. LOCATE 12,40 CALL MsgNoMove("A message not to be missed.",9,35) INPUT "Enter anything to end. ",A$ ' Print a message without disturbing current cursor position. SUB MsgNoMove (Msg$,Row%,Col%) STATIC CurRow%=CSRLIN ' Save the current line. CurCol%=POS(0) ' Save the current column. ' Print the message at the given position. LOCATE Row%,Col% . PRINT Msg$; ' Move the cursor back to original position. LOCATE CurRow%, CurCol% END SUB