EditFieldOpen SUB Action Opens an edit field and places it in the current window at the window coordinates specified. Syntax EditFieldOpen handle%, text$, row%, col%, fore%, back%, visLength%, maxLength% Remarks Use the EditFieldOpen procedure anytime you want to open an edit field in the current window. The EditFieldOpen procedure uses the following arguments. handle% ------- An integer that indicates the number of the edit field that is being opened. This can be any number between 1 and the value declared in the constant MAXEDITFIELD, inclusive. text$ ----- A string that contains the text that is to be initially placed in the edit field for editing. row%, col% ---------- An integer pair that describes the upper-left corner of an area, relative to the upper-left corner of the current window, not the screen. fore% ----- An integer that defines the edit field foreground color (0 - 15) back% ----- An integer that defines the edit field background color (0 - 7) visLength% ---------- An integer that indicates the length of the edit field that is visible on the screen. maxLength% ---------- An integer that indicates the maximum length of the edit field, up to a maximum of 255 characters. Note that the positioning coordinates are relative to the current window, not absolute from the top left of the screen. The edit field foreground and background colors may be different from the rest of the window. If the maximum length of the edit field is greater than the visible length of the edit field, the field will scroll left and right, as needed, during editing. See Also. EditFieldClose Example See the DemoDialog procedure in the code example UIDEMO.BAS for specific usage.